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Messages - tshen

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The workers have collected BTS previously that can still be used to pay the bills. For example, the bitshares-core and marketing worker has proactively asked to be voted out in the past since enough BTS has been collected.

Maybe it's possible that you open dialogue with the BBF to discuss if and how the payment process can be refined to minimize impact on the market?

P.S. I would like to kindly ask for a translation of this message to anyone that is willing to, maybe Tong? Obviously I can put a google translated version here, but I have been told that they lack quality


此前已经收集了 BTS 的工作提案,还是可以被用于支付账单的。例如,「bitshares-core」和「营销」工作提案之前主动要求人们取消投票,因为他们已经收集到了足够的 BTS。
或许你可以去和 BBF 展开对话,讨论一下 是否应该 以及 应该如何 优化付款流程,从而最小化对市场的影响?

中文 (Chinese) / Re: Calling all BitShares-based businesses.
« on: September 03, 2019, 02:50:29 pm »
@twitter is NOT authorized spokesperson of cn-vote.

I've talked with the cn-vote team and they will be giving an official response soon.


首先感谢你重新削减了会议开支。不出我所料,bts的价格已经从上次我给你回信的4美分跌到接近3美分。 我相信即使按照你新预算16万美元的开支,在当前的市场情况下,也足以将bts价格推向2美分。


2)个人垫付的部分由社区发行UIA资产(marketing fund)相应予以补偿,这些资产可以流通,社区在适当的时候予以回购并赋予该资产持有者相应的荣誉。


Thanks to lin5464 for the translation.


In light of recent discussions about worker funding and the voting shift with refund 400k worker, and considering a down payment and commitment has been made for the sponsorship I want to make the following update and amendments to the worker budget to ensure continued funding so that the sponsorship fee will not be money down the drain.

鉴于最近对工人提案注资的讨论以及投票转移到refund 400k提案,考虑到对去中心化峰会已作出的承诺和已支付的订金,为了确保本提案能持续获得注资以及赞助费不被白白浪费掉,我想对此提案预算作出以下更新和修订。

For tax purposes, payment of the sponsorship costs was handed over to the BBF. This saves us the VAT calculated in the original worker while incurring a 5% escrow cost, bringing the total sponsorship cost to  116.5k instead of 135.5 for a saving of 19k USD.


Additionally at least 4 of the core team members who will be attending will have their travel/accommodation covered by the Core Team worker's existing conference budget for a minimum savings of another 8k USD.


Furthermore I will attempt to ensure that the average per person accommodation and travel cost for the remaining 20 slots does not exceed 1.5k  for a minimum savings of 10k USD.


Finally, I will negotiate the promotional material production (video, leaflets etc.) down to 5k USD for another 2k savings and cut the unexpected expenses buffer to just 500$ for another 1k USD saved.


This brings the total MAXIMUM cost of the worker down to 160k USD which is a 20% decrease from the original plan.


I hope this will be better suited to the community and people will reevaluate their voting slates.


Thank you,




P.S. I should point out that this (like last year's) worker has NO management fee and I get NO reimbursement of any kind for planning/organising it apart from entry to the event. I'm working on it simply because I truly believe it will be beneficial to the platform.

附注:我要指出的是, (和去年一样)此提案没有管理费,除了参加活动外,我没有获得任何形式的计划/组织回扣。我之所以致力于此只是因为我真心相信这将有益于平台。

Is this @cn-vote's "official" response?

General Discussion / Re: Assistance for English/Chinese Translation
« on: August 30, 2019, 05:45:05 pm »
Thanks tong...that's awesome

I do my best using Google translate but it's hard

Google translate is not very effective especially for English/Chinese translation. The translation output is often poor in readability and unaware of context.

General Discussion / Assistance for English/Chinese Translation
« on: August 30, 2019, 04:48:37 pm »
Dear Community Members,

I always believe that there is a huge gap of miscommunications between the Chinese and English communities. There are misunderstandings and culture conflicts but those are fixable.

If you have any message or document that you want to translate between English and Chinese (Mandarin), please go to this thread and I will help you find someone to translate.

Tong Shen


Dear Community Members,

If you have any message or document that you want to translate between English and Chinese (Mandarin), please reply to this thread and I will try to match some Chinese community members to help you with the translation work. Please remember to include 1) the content you want to translate; 2) the compensation/rate you would like to pay, or note that you need someone to help you for free. The Chinese community member interested will reply to your post here. If you need any help, please feel free to DM me or contact Telegram/WeChat @cnjsstong.  Thanks!

Tong Shen




本人受 cn-vote 工会成员委托,发布以下 cn-vote 工会声明。建议有条件的朋友在英文版帖子下发表评论,以帮助中文社区和英文社区更好地沟通看法。谢谢!


cn-vote 工会声明

由于市场行情低迷,BTS 价值长期在低位徘徊,本着开源节流的原则,cn-vote 工会成员达成一致,决定:

  • bitshares-mobile-app
  • wirex-integration
  • uccs-research-project
  • DEXBot WP3

我们期待各提案项目方及时主动向社区,尤其是包括 cn-vote 在内的中文社区沟通其工作进展、资金使用情况等,提供足够多的信息供工会成员重新判断其是否对 DAC 有持久价值。
注:bitshares-mobile-app 团队已经与 cn-vote 对接人进行了充分的沟通,并在公开渠道有充分的信息披露。经讨论认为:其工作成效明显,开发手机软件实用性较强,带来明显流量,并将正在推进的社区官方版本设置为官方水龙头,为系统带来更多收益。工会达成共识予以支持。

cn-vote 社区工会

Dear Workers,

There have been a lot of discussions about cn-vote's action to vote for refund400k recently. Several community members reached out to me. I had thorough conversations with the cn-vote members and was authorized to help the cn-vote Union post this announcement.

Because of the language barrier, the disagreement between the Chinese and English communities and the lack of communication has been there for a long time. I want to help with this problem by facilitating better communication. If you find it hard to understand or express to the other side, I'm happy to help you.

Let's work together for a more connected community.

Tong Shen

Telegram: @cnjsstong
WeChat / 微信: cnjsstong


Announcement of cn-vote Union

In the current bearish market, the BTS price has been low for a long time. We believe it is the time for the DAC to cut the expense and reduce inflation. Therefore, the cn-vote Union members have concluded an agreement to:

Re-evaluate and Review our support of the following Worker Proposals:
  • bitshares-mobile-app
  • wirex-integration
  • uccs-research-project
  • DEXBot WP3

We call on all the workers to timely publish updates of their progress and accounting information on a regular basis to the DAC, especially the Chinese community (including the cn-vote union). We the cn-vote Union will evaluate each worker by lasting value to the DAC upon receipt of updates.

P.S. The bitshares-mobile-app worker has contacted cn-vote representative and they are doing good with public disclosure of project updates. We believe that their work is productive and the mobile app is very useful. It brings significant new users and will soon use the DAC faucet resulting in more income for the DAC. The cn-vote Union members have concluded an agreement to support the bitshares-mobile-app worker.

cn-vote Union


cn-vote 工会声明

由于市场行情低迷,BTS 价值长期在低位徘徊,本着开源节流的原则,cn-vote 工会成员达成一致,决定:

  • bitshares-mobile-app
  • wirex-integration
  • uccs-research-project
  • DEXBot WP3

我们期待各提案项目方及时主动向社区,尤其是包括 cn-vote 在内的中文社区沟通其工作进展、资金使用情况等,提供足够多的信息供工会成员重新判断其是否对 DAC 有持久价值。
注:bitshares-mobile-app 团队已经与 cn-vote 对接人进行了充分的沟通,并在公开渠道有充分的信息披露。经讨论认为:其工作成效明显,开发手机软件实用性较强,带来明显流量,并将正在推进的社区官方版本设置为官方水龙头,为系统带来更多收益。工会达成共识予以支持。

cn-vote 社区工会




这研究报告主要是研究MCR 和 MSSR 跟黑天鹅的关系,可惜的是完全没有依据的,只是自己弄几个方程式,自说自话,然后伸手跟社区要百多万。






A 大说得好。

首先想澄清一下,按照工作提案,Core 团队设定的工作内容没有包括营销和宣传。Core 团队的工作内容是推动区块链的底层技术开发,这是社区通过工作提案达成的共识。而众所周知地,这部分工作完成得应该说很不错。

虽然 Core 团队设定的工作内容没有包括营销和宣传,但是我们 Core 团队成员依然在自发为 BitShares 做一部分宣传工作,包括利用自己的各种渠道和资源宣传 BitShares,而这其中很多花费的时间是没有报酬的。希望你有时间可以多了解一下,避免误导其他社区成员。

中文 (Chinese) / 比特股周报 06/12/2019
« on: June 17, 2019, 02:35:29 pm »
比特股周报 - #001  06/12/2019

本周比特股社区内发生了什么?这份 BitShares 比特股周报收集了社区内的各项目进展、技术升级和活动信息。如果你有任何想要和社区分享的新闻,非常欢迎向 @tshen 投稿。

1. BitShares(BTS)现已上架 Cryptomate,用户可以通过英国银行转账的方式直接使用法币购买 BTS。

2. BitShares 区块链基金会(BBF)已经与信用卡处理商 Wirex 达成协议,即将上架 BTS。Wirex 工作提案也已经得到比特股社区通过。BTS 持币人将能够通过 Wirex 应用和 Wirex 发行的 Visa 卡使用 BTS 直接刷卡消费。Wirex 是持有 FCA 牌照的全球数字资产支付巨头,服务于个人和企业用户。Wirex 投资方包括软银 SBI 投资。

3. 比特股社区资助的 2019 第二届全球石墨烯区块链开发者大会将于 7 月 6-7 日在上海外滩凯宾斯基酒店举行。届时比特股理事会、比特股基金会代表、Core Team 代表、UI Team代表将出席大会发表主题演讲及圆桌讨论。目前大会已进入最后的筹备阶段,报名火热进行中。

4. 比特股社区成员国安发起的“比特股百城百店”在微博进行首次直播,介绍了百城百店特点及解决的问题、百城百店如何为 BTS 持有者工作、cn-vote 工会等三方面内容。百城百店项目帮助实体业主用去中心化方式实现电子商务,避免大平台的高昂成本。拥有实体店的店主欢迎加入该计划,联系国安(微信 lovecz09)。

5. 为提升 BitShares 比特股区块链技术的大众使用率,吸引更多人才基于比特股平台做开发,比特股和 Algorand、Tezos、GXChain 合作,赞助了 BUIDLBoston 波士顿区块链周黑客马拉松活动。在波士顿区块链周期间,BUIDLBoston 黑客马拉松活动线下部分于 5 月 1 11 日 至 12 日在美国波士顿举行;线上部分持续到 5 月 25 日。在黑客马拉松活动上,两支优秀的团队基于 BitShares 区块链开发了项目。

6. 新的去中心化交易所网关 XBTS(加入比特股。目前基于比特股区块链的去中心化交易所已经有 OpenLedger、Rudex、GDEX、Sparkdex、CryptoBridge、EasyDex、DEEX、Escodex、XBTS、eub 等。

7. 比特股核心(BitShares Core)v3.1.0 现已发布。该版本给 v3.0 引入的哈希时间锁合约(HTLC)和市场费用共享功能带来了新的改进。

8. 比特股钱包(BitShares UI)v3.1.190618-rc1 候选版现已发布。该版本新增 9 个功能模块,修复和改善 36 个问题。主要新功能包括:
突出 HTLC 显示:用户可以直接在 UI 中使用哈希时间锁定合约(HTLC)来执行完全无信任的跨链原子交换(ACCS)。
支持市场费用共享:资产所有者(特别是网关运营商)可以通过推荐奖励计划定义资产的所有市场费用的百分比,这为运营者吸引新用户加入 BitShares 创造了另一个重要的激励。

9. PalmPay v1.5.6 版本更新现已发布。该版本增加了 104 种语言(包括中文)的改进版翻译(均经过人工优化),增加了通过 Telegram、Whatsapp、电子邮件“轻触支付”账单的支持,增加了对跨链原子交换的支持,以及更多改进功能。PalmPay 是建立在比特股区块链上的链不可知的电子销售终端系统,它使得商家可以零成本接受各种加密货币支付。

General Discussion / BitShares Weekly Newsletter 6/12/2019
« on: June 17, 2019, 02:12:06 pm »
BitShares Newsletter — Issue #001 06/12/2019

What is happening in the BitShares Community this week? This BitShares weekly newsletter collects progresses of projects, technical updates and events. If you have any news to share with the community, you are more than welcome to submit to @tshen .

1. BitShares (BTS) is now listed on Cryptomate, allowing direct fiat purchase of BTS in the UK through bank transfer.

Learn More:

2. BitShares Blockchain Foundation has confirmed a verbal agreement from credit card processor Wirex to list BTS. The Wirex worker proposal has been approved. The “Application Contract” has been signed by BBF and submitted to Wirex. BTS holders will be able to spend their BTS with the Wirex App and Wirex Visa cards if everything goes according to plan. Wirex is an FCA Licensed global leader in digital money solutions for both personal and commercial use. Wirex was invested by SBI Holdings.

Learn More:

3. The 2nd Global Graphene Blockchain DevCon 2019, supported by the BitShares community, will be held in Kempinski Hotel, Shanghai, China, July 6th-7th. Representatives from BitShares Committee, BitShares Blockchain Foundation (BBF), BitShares Core Team and BitShares UI Team will deliver keynote speeches and join the panel discussions. The DevCon is in the final stages of preparation. Please grab your ticket ASAP!

Learn More:

4. The “BitShares Baicheng Baidian” (means “BitShares 100-Cities-100-Shops”) Program initiated by GuoAn, a senior BitShares community member, had a live streaming on Weibo. GuoAn introduced the features of the program and the problem it solved, how the program worked for BTS holders, and the new progress of the cn-vote Union. The program helps local businesses to bypass giant platforms and achieve e-commerce in a decentralized way. If you own a local business, you are more than welcome to contact GuoAn to join (WeChat: lovecz09).

Learn More:

5. To enhance the public utilization of blockchain technology and attract more talent to the platform, BitShares sponsored the BUIDLBoston Hackathon, along with Algorand, Tezos, and GXChain. During the official Boston Blockchain Week, the BUIDLBoston Hackathon was held on May 11th and 12th in Boston, United States and its online session was continued until May 25th. Two talented teams built their projects on BitShares blockchain during the Hackathon.

Learn More:

6. XBTS ( has joined the BitShares family as a new DEX and gateway. The DEXs built on BitShares include OpenLedger, Rudex, GDEX, Sparkdex, CryptoBridge, EasyDex, DEEX, Escodex, XBTS, eub, etc. now.

Learn More:

7. BitShares Core v3.1.0 has been released. This upgrade brings enhancement to the HTLC and Market Fee Sharing features introduced in v3.0.

Learn More:

8. BitShares UI v3.1.190618-rc1 has been released. This version includes 9 feature updates and 36 bug fixes or improvements. Major updates include: Add basic HTLC support; Add support for market fee sharing.

Learn More:

9. PalmPay has released v1.5.6 update. This version brings updated (human-corrected) translations in 104 languages, added more support for “tap-to-pay” invoices via telegram, whatsapp, email, etc., and adding support for atomic swaps, and many more enhancements. PalmPay is a chain-agnostic point of sale system built on the BitShares blockchain. It enables any business to accept one or more cryptos at zero cost.

Learn More:

中文 (Chinese) / [工作提案] BTS 接入 Wirex 平台
« on: May 03, 2019, 01:40:46 am »


近年来,关于如何推动 Bitshares 区块链的实际应用,以及如何让其核心代币 BTS 被更广泛地接受、获得更高的交易量、流动性和外延拓展,一直是 BitShares 社区热烈讨论的话题。在这个主题中,市场营销推广与平台本身的易用性同样重要。我们 Blockchain Projects B.V. 想要更进一步实现这些目标。

我们认为,关键点之一在于在更广大的人群中增加 BTS 的应用场景,以及增进人们在任何情况下转账时对 BTS 的使用。

理想的情况是,我们通过一种与法币紧密结合的方式(互相转换),让 BTS 可以在一种信用卡或借记卡中被使用。通过这样的方式,我们将把处理各种监管限制的工作交给加密货币交易所解决,从而为成千上万的 ATM 和商户提供服务。

一旦我们拥有一张接受 BTS 的信用卡或借记卡,我们下一步的目标则是 BitAsset 的整合。从技术层面的角度来讲,这些并不困难;但是绝大多数的工作量将会是为了遵循监管要求而需要的后台工作。


经过数月的准备、密集的电话交流和商务拓展工作,我们与信用卡处理商 Wirex 达成口头协议,将接入 BTS。我们认为 Wirex 拥有合理的成本效益比,以及在行业内非常好的名声。目前,Wirex 拥有 220 万注册用户,他们的 WirexApp 提供欧元、英镑和美金的服务,并支持Bitcoin、Litecoin、Ethereum、Ripple、WAVES、NANO、DAI 和 XLM。

值得注意的是,Wirex 的借记卡服务基于 VISA 运行。

Wirex 是一家成熟且规范的企业,并在 KYC 和合规性方面做得不错。所有关于其服务的信息,以及服务条款,都可在 上找到。它的服务还包括了合作伙伴计划和使用奖励计划。我们诚邀各位阅读详细信息。

我们认为这是一个我们迫切需要的功能。由于 BTS 是为人所熟知的技术架构,Wirex 提出了比平常更加优惠得多的价格。

根据 Wirex 的工作量负荷和时间计划,Wirex 技术团队预计能在 4 周内完成 BitShares 的整合工作。


我们可能需要根据 Wirex 的需求准备额外的法律意见书,但 BitShares Blockchain Foundation 已经有一份完整的由 PaulHastings 完成的适用于美国司法管辖区的法律意见书。同时,因为 Wirex 位于伦敦且其由 UK FCA 认证,将美国的法律意见书转换成适用于欧洲司法管辖区的法律意见书所需要的工作量在预算中已包含(此项预算是可选的,只有当必不可少的时候才会花费)。


向 Wirexapp 推广 BTS 的工作已经进行了数月并最终促成了 Wirexapp 的合作邀约。除了宣传 BitShares Blockchain 作为最早期且最稳定的区块链之一的广告效应外,BitShares 社区还将迎来大规模的拓展,有机会接触超过 200 万的用户。这些用户很可能是对 BitShares 和 BTS 不曾了解的人群。这将会为 BitShares 带来全球范围的宣传,让 BitShares 免费享有原本需要巨额营销预算才能获得的媒体曝光。当然还有我们区块链的交易量和利用率的增长潜力。


我们需要建立基金并留存经费。部分的经费将用于协议签署时支付费用(开户费)。同时,我们了解到,如果资金支持得到保障,Wirex 将着手启动 BTS 的整合。在开展下一步之前,我们需要得到 BitShares 社区对项目所需预算的批准。

- 工作提案被投票选为 活跃(Active) 提案:这给 Wirex 发出一个明确的信号,即 BitShares 社区非常渴望这次整合。我们可以开始准备法律要件。
- 工作提案的资金 完整 到位:支付开户费后,Wirex 的 BTS 整合开始启动。
- 工作提案的运营 维护:只要经费充足,经费将涵盖 12 个月以内不间断的 Wirex 每月费用。

假如工作提案的经费不充足,经费只能支付开销、项目管理和费用,则 BitShares 在 Wirex 平台上可用的时间可能会短于 12 个月。 假如存在无法满足的法律要求,所有剩余的经费将如数返还。

Wirex 的全球运营服务费用为每月 5,000 $ 美元 。与其他服务相比,这是一项相对合理的合同存续期内应尽义务。Wirex 的一次性费用包括了技术整合(包括上面提到的开户费)。如果有必要,将添加一项可选预算用于涵盖所有必要的法律费用。最后,预算还包括项目管理和托管开销。

根据律师的监管意见,Wirex 将决定项目最终是否被采纳。假如项目被拒绝,经费(减去已支出费用)将如数返还。

Wirex 一次性费用250,000 $ 美元
Wirex 每月费用(12 个月总计)60,000 $ 美元
托管费 BitShares Blockchain Foundation*15,500 $ 美元
项目管理25,000 $ 美元
预留潜在法律费用**25,000 $ 美元
总计375,500 $ 美元


荷兰公司 Blockchain Projects B.V. 将主导这个项目,负责管理整合过程和处理法律要件。我们需要强调的是,我们不会通过任何 Blockchain Projects 的回扣和附带协定获利。同时,Bitshares Blockchain Foundation 已经同意成为该工作提案的托管方,并负责法律合同事宜。


BitShares 社区一直以来渴望和信用卡网络的整合。在这块领域里,由于监管要求更加严格,许多新兴企业转瞬即逝。我们认为目前是 BTS 加入 Wirex 的好时机。

此外,如果 Wirex 需要,我们将为 BTS 社区着手准备专门适用于欧洲法规的 BTS 法律意见书。该法律意见书也将会呈给 BitShares Blockchain Foundation.

我们认为 BTS 与法币的整合是 BitShares 区块链社区发展的重大机遇。许多与市场营销、流动性、实用性相关的困扰都会因此迎刃而解。因此,我们敦促 BTS 的选民考虑并支持这份工作提案。

Technical Support / Re: Account Hijacked
« on: February 28, 2019, 05:11:35 pm »
I think the UX could be improved. Maybe the proposal dialog should not just pop up. It could go to a specialized menu item that the user must intentionally go to that page and Accept after double confirmations.  In that page we could put some warning text clearly indicating that Accept could cause you to lose fund.

论坛安装了新的插件,现在应该已经可以预防绝大多数的机器人注册了,所以目前关闭了注册审核,新用户只需要自行进行 Email 验证就可以激活账户了。

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