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Messages - Agent86

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A86, this does not explain how Alice gets $0.90, 10 seconds after she purchased the dollar.
Well, I think it shows that the token she holds will fetch the holder $1 given some time.  If she offers it at a discount ($0.90) I believe there will be other people willing to scoop it up knowing that they will eventually get $1 for it, assuming Bob doesn't take the opportunity.

Maybe Alice shouldn't be buying things that she doesn't want.  All in all, I think with enough people participating my belief is that this problem does not exist and is purely academic.

This idea has been discussed in other threads, but the more I think about it the more critical I think it will be.  To describe what I am talking about lets start out with a simple example.

Alice and Bob decide to take opposite bets and one ends up with BitUSD the other is Short BitUSD. 
Immediately after this trade occurs Alice decides she wants out of her position, but Bob doesn't.
Alice has to shop around looking for someone else to take her BitUSD position... no takers.
Alice drops the price to 95%, 90%, 50% of the dollar .... still no takers. 

The value of the dollar hasn't changed during this time, there is just no BitUSD liquidity.  Bob hasn't actually made any money, he is just refusing to give up his position. 

So we have a situation where people are looking to exit their BitUSD position and they are willing to pay a fee to do so.   If the network knows the price then it is easy to implement this.  We simply change the terms of the short "contract".

Bob agrees that Alice has the option to exit her position at  $.90 per BitUSD at any time.  Bob makes money even though the dollar did not fall against BTSX and Alice is assured some liquidity should she need it.   

If we are going to rely on a price feed we can force covering any time the highest offer to buy BitUSD is less than 90% of the feed price.

Does this punish shorts?  I don't think it does.  I think it supports the peg by adding liquidity without adding any risk to the shorts. 

I think this added liquidity should come form which ever shorts are least collateralized.  This way the shorts which don't want to be forced into providing liquidity pre-maturely can avoid it by having a large surplus of collateral and thus making the entire network more secure. 

Under this system BitUSD is always worth at least $0.90 and the market makers / market will likely drive that to near $0.99- $1.01.

To expand on your simplified negotiation...  In addition to selling Alice the one bitUSD that Bob wanted to short, Bob must also place additional short/sell orders at slightly above the price feed (proposed rule is can't be below feed).  This is to stop Alice from just posting it for sale at a real high price and triggering Bob's margin call.  Alice then posts the dollar for sale just below the price feed.

Now all Alice has to do is wait and Bob will buy it back for $1...  This is because due to price movement one of two things will happen:

1) bitUSD rises and bob gets a margin call giving alice $1 worth of BTSX...
2) BTSX rises to the point that Alice's measly dollar is tying up a huge amount of valuable BTSX that Bob now can't use until he closes the position and he isn't getting enough leverage to be worth not closing.  So he will buy it back for $1.

-notice how the rule "no short selling below feed" immediately makes the market center around feed price.

My first impression is this is totally unnecessary.  Bob knows he has to buy back that dollar sometime, and there will be a lot of Bobs.  Alice knows if bob runs out of collateral he is forced to buy it back at fair price.

It also gives too much power to the price feed.  I wouldn't use the price feed for anything other than eliminating new shorts below the feed price.

I do not totally get what they think the price feeds will get them (positive thing that is) and personally prefer the average.
Average is the only way to go, price feed continuously is complicated, messy and will fail eventually
2) I also don't like the market relying on people to feed data into it all the time, I'd like a more natural price discovery.

I think you guys are thinking the price feed is a critical point of weakness when it isn't.  Everyone is responsible for placing their own orders at the price they want.  As long as everyone expects the feed to tend toward tracking the dollar in the long run, that's all that really matters.  If you had a market maker, than control over the feed could be a more critical problem but I oppose a market maker.

You can't use an average in place of the price feed because it just won't work and wishing it doesn't make it so.  The moving average basically just slows down market movement; it's a totally different thing.

There's nothing wrong with large demand for short-selling per se. That just reflects optimism about the near-term value of BTSX. (I don't believe that the demand is in any way due to the belief that BitUSD could be going to zero, not with I3's open commitment to helping the peg to hold.) In a liquid market, huge short selling should simply translate into faster price appreciation--just like large options or futures trades lead to price discovery in equities. So why did the price of BTSX go down despite large short sales? I think there were confounding events--wallet bugs, natural correction after the run-up to launch--that made some people believe that short-selling would not lead to BTSX price appreciation. Also, up to now the market rules may have been a bit too favorable and not punitive enough to short-selling. Why not make a conservative change, like increasing collateral requirements or increasing the margin call penalty, and see then if the market can achieve a good peg on its own?

It's clear that achieving a stable peg would help immensely in increasing confidence and growing the network. We all agree that getting there sooner is better than getting there later. But, to really condition traders' expectations and build confidence for long-term success, we need to prove that the peg can work without a heavy-handed restriction based on price feeds. Market participants need a chance to condition their beliefs and learn. Disallowing short sales below the median feed price would not give them this opportunity. Furthermore, such a stop-gap measure is not really a long-term solution. Even if such a measure enforced the peg for now, it would really be a crutch that would become harder and harder to remove over time. If the crutch seemed to work for now, it would prevent true price discovery, much like the blunt short-sale prohibitions for traditional equities that proved to be ill-advised. When the network size is much bigger in the future, it could be very difficult to remove the crutch without causing widespread concern about the robustness of the peg, simply because the market would not have learned on its own to achieve a viable peg. What if the crutch were dispensed at some point and the peg began to fail again? Confidence could be shattered. I believe it would be a mistake to try to bypass the steady learning and conditioning process that needs to take place for long-term robustness of the peg.

So, I say let the market work mostly on its own for a little while longer, when the costs of failure are relatively low. See if things get better. Fix bugs in the client, make it easy for more people to get on the network and participate in the internal market. Make one or two simple, conservative changes to the market rules that don't rely on price feeds. E.g., just increasing collateral requirements from 2x to 3x, decreasing the margin call price, and/or increasing the margin call penalty to 10% may be enough to restore balance between shorts and longs. If the peg can start to hold better with minimal changes, that would be a home run and far superior than using a heavy-handed approach such as restricting short sales below a median price feed.
The price feed is not a "crutch."  It is not "training wheels."  It is an inherently required part of the system that should not ever be removed.  BUT THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH USING A PRICE FEED.  It doesn't diminish the accomplishment or usefulness of bitUSD.

There is no such thing as a decentralized feed... the data fed to the "decentralized" feeds are from centralized sources, and there is a smallish group of people that publish the said "decentralized" feeds. There are two weak links in that chain and it is not decentralized... call is pseudo-decentralized if you must, but it is not ideal and not decentralized in the sense of the true meaning of the word.

On top of there being not enough market depth and liquidity, bitUSD has another underlying factor that is stopping it from reaching parity, and changing the way the decentralized exchange functions will not fix it. That underlying issue is that there is simply not much demand for bitUSD. I would venture to say that a deflationary asset (gold/bitcoin?) with the exact same market system as bitUSD would be closer to its actual value, because then people have more of a reason to want to purchase it rather than hold onto their BTSX.

I think we as a community need to get together and organize projects that will increase the utility of bitUSD, because at the moment you can only buy or sell it and nothing else. I think most people in the Bitshares ecosystem are bullish on BitsharesX, so the demand is just not there. We need to get organized, brainstorm about the best use cases for bitUSD, and then raise funds and build those uses for it. I think things like gateways which would allow bitUSD to be spent anywhere Bitcoin is accepted is a good start, perhaps a multi-pool that pays out in bitUSD, things like this will increase the demand and thus keep bitUSD closer to its real life counterpart.

It is not the market system that is broken, the demand is just not there right now. We need to work on that as a community.
I respectfully disagree... maybe it doesn't feel ideal to you right now or doesn't seem "decentralized enough."  But at the end of the day I think it's the right way to do it and I think people will trust it.

I think it will make the peg really work and that is what makes bitAssets useful.  I also think the bond market I recently proposed could be a big deal for utility of bitAssets.

please just make the change that prevents any short that is below the median price feed from being matched...

Any reason not to make the change?

Because then the bitasset ecosystem is not truly decentralized. Isn't that what bitassets are all about in the first place? Accurately determining the price of an asset in a completely decentralized manner?

Give the system time to mature. Many people cannot even access their funds and thus the market because of software bugs. It is a broken experiment thus far that was setup for failure. Give time for the bugs to be fixed, market depth and liquidity to increase, THEN judge whether the experiment was successful or not.
The decentralized feed doesn't change the fact that bitUSD is still decentralized and useful and it doesn't defeat the purpose.  Giving it more time won't help and will decrease confidence.  I'm confident it won't work for reasons that go beyond looking at the price action.  I proposed the feeds because I thought we would need a backstop and I don't know why we switched to moving averages or why everyone hates the feed just on principle.  There's nothing wrong with using a feed and it doesn't violate any important principles.

Any changes made should be limited to ONE VARIABLE. Make one change that you expect will result in the biggest difference and then observe what happens.

please just make the change that prevents any short that is below the median price feed from being matched...

Any reason not to make the change?

Also, arb bots seem like they could open new attack vectors because they will predictably buy unlimited quantities without changing their price.  It gives a gigantic incentive to manipulate feed or take advantage of a bad feed that isn't otherwise there.

Regardless of this, I think arb bot is unnecessary and will waste time.

1) BitUSD vs USD will work with no market restrictions provided it is a mature market with a proven track record.
This is not true.

Given those facts here are some additional things I have realized:
1) There is never any reason for new BitUSD to be created below the market value
This we agree on.  So, please just make the change that prevents any short that is below the median price feed from being matched.

Everything else is over complication, wasted time, and opening new attack vectors.

Any reason not to make the change?

You can still short below the peg, it just costs a premium. You can match your own short and sell undervalued. I think all this is doing is forcing shorts to say "oh, I am effectively paying a 10% fee? I didn't want that!". I think BitUSD will still be undervalued.
You can't match your own short.  This is not allowed by the system.  The system matches every buy order with the lowest price sell order.

You can match your own short... you just have to buy up the order book first :)

FYI... I appreciate your feedback and challenges.  They help strengthen everyone here.

Here is what I have implemented as an intermediate step:

1) If delegates publish a feed, then the feed will be used rather than the average.  In this way if there is a service interruption on the feed, then the network can still function like it does today.

2) This puts the "shareholders" in control over whether to use feed or average.

3) I have restricted the creation/execution of new shorts to the median / average price.

Result... those who have USD have priority in selling over those who would like to short.   This adds liquidity for those with USD by removing competition from those looking to short. 

Next we are going to open up a second bitasset so that "short demand" can spread between two BitAssets and the bitassets can trade against one another. 

I believe this should implement your proposal without the arb. bot.   
+5%  If I'm understanding this right than this is good. 

I don't think we necessarily need to be in a rush to open up a new bitasset.

You can still short below the peg, it just costs a premium. You can match your own short and sell undervalued. I think all this is doing is forcing shorts to say "oh, I am effectively paying a 10% fee? I didn't want that!". I think BitUSD will still be undervalued.
You can't match your own short.  This is not allowed by the system.  The system matches every buy order with the lowest price sell order.

With the whole market price depending on a feed but not on depth this might allow a few delegates to slightly manipulate the price which will allow someone with large capital to abuse the market. I also think this is not a significant problem for now but it could be exploited.
Keep in mind that all trades are entered into voluntarily by two parties taking opposite sides.  If you didn't want to short at that price, you didn't have to.  If you didn't want to buy at that price, you didn't have to.  You can short below the feed price and it becomes immediately valid if the feed drops.  Any delegate providing an inaccurate feed is easy to spot.

BM do you have a particular reason to suspect my proposal wouldn't keep the peg?



And now the next issue:
Feeds. Can a few delegates manipulate it ?
It's quite difficult to manipulate a median.  Delegates are elected based on convincing everyone that they are trustworthy.  Everything is done in the open and very much subject to scrutiny and audit.  Virtually impossible to pull off profitable funny business without being caught and voted out.  I have no problem with the feed and I think it will get more accurate and reliable with time.

From libertarianism to democracy to oligarchy to tyranny, even faster than I expected.

:(  that is an interesting point of view... and I see your parallels.

I am for the feed and against the network owned arb bot. Its a free market and this would be a bad step. The whole, is it ok to do bad things for the greater good kind of thing, their has to be another way. Why not just use the feed and let the market decide the value of bitUSD
+5% no arb bot needed.
USE THE FEED TO LIMIT VALID SHORTS TO ONLY ABOVE THE FEED.  No 95-105% range and no arb bot is needed.
Sometimes I don't know how you guys come up with this stuff and start wasting time on it before thinking it through.  Sorry for being annoyed.

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