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Messages - pc

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General Discussion / Re: Shares of Nasdaq at Bitshares
« on: March 21, 2018, 05:35:51 pm »
While I find @nasdaq's initiative applaudable, I'd still like to point out that these assets are by no means trustless. They still belong to their original issuer, and they still have many permissions set that would allow the issuer to rip off holders of these assets.

In that light I expect witnesses and committee members to be extra careful and take appropriate measures before supporting them.

The actual witness nodes are not (or at least should not be) allow incoming connections from the general internet. They typically run in a very limited configuration, for performance and security reasons.

Many witnesses are running additional nodes as seeds, and sometimes as full (API) nodes as well. Witness pay is quite generous, I think we can reasonably expect witnesses to run a full node as well.

Technical Support / Re: Failed to broadcast the transaction:
« on: March 17, 2018, 08:42:30 pm »
It means BTWTY had a black swan, you can't currently borrow it.

General Discussion / Re: When stop loss
« on: March 17, 2018, 10:34:21 am »

Technical Support / Re: re lifetime membership
« on: March 17, 2018, 10:30:09 am »
The "registrar" and "affiliate referrer" settings on your account have no longer any meaning since it was upgraded to LTM. You have been set as your own Lifetime Referrer, which means you receive 80% of your own fees as cashback.

If you create accounts yourself, you set *their* registrar and/or referrer to your own account, to receive cashback from their fees.
If you use your account to refer users to another registrar (like OpenLedger), that registrar will set your account as "affiliate referrer" for accounts created through your referrals.

The committee-account is holding short positions. Why?

These are from bitAssets being auto-revived after a black swan. See BSIP-18.

Where can I see the accumulation of incoming market fees?

Market fees are not listed separately. The asset object holds them in "accumulated_fees", together with the tx fees that were paid in the asset in exchange for funds from the fee pool.
You can look at the trade volume of that asset, and calculate the resulting fees.

if someone snatches an order in an intermediate market .. you will end up with an asset that you might not have wanted.

However .. if there was a new feature (read: network upgrade, a.k.a. hardfork) .. that either executes ALL or NO operation in a transaction .. that could help .. but I don't really know if that can be easily intergrated given that you can also have partial fills etc .. @abit ??

A database needs to be ACID so no one should end with an unwanted asset. If the order is snatched in an intermediate market it can't be allowed be taken some time after by anyone else as that order doesn't exist anymore. It's a different order now. However that will only be updated on the next 3 seconds right (next block)?

Unless teh exchange is overloaded with people I dont think this could happen, otherwise that would have caused a problem already with people taking the same order at the same time.
The database is atomic out of the fact that it is single-threaded and uses the LMAX technology ..
But another trader's order in one of your intermediate markets could have been executed in the same block before your set of orders simply because it reached the current block producer first ..
then you might end up in an intermediate asset ..

This could probably be prevented as described above .. I'll add a github issue for it

Is this problem solved?

The problem has never existed, see my post above for a solution.

BitAssets (deren Name mit "bit" anfängt, wie bitUSD) sind eine Art Derivat. D. h. das Asset bildet den Preis von (in diesem Fall) US-$ nach, ohne dass man es direkt in US-$ umtauschen kann.

Bei anderen Assets ist es Sache des Herausgebers, ob und wie man das Asset gegen etwas anderes eintauschen kann. Im Falle der ist der Herausgeber die Firma "Openledger APS" in Dänemark. Sie betreibt Gateways, über die man bspw. OPEN.DASH an seine echte DASH-Adresse schicken kann, bzw. über die man echte DASH in OPEN.DASH umwandeln kann.

Technical Support / Re: Lost Password - Brute Force Legal?
« on: March 09, 2018, 11:39:23 am »
Support can't help you recover your password.

You don't have to "brute force the website". The website doesn't have nor validate your password. The password is used to decrypt the .bin file on your local computer. You can brute force that, without using the website at all, and it's perfectly legal too.

Interesting proposal. Thanks @bitcrab .

Might make sense to code such a mechanism into the blockchain. The committee are unpaid, Running such infrastructure could easily cost more than what we'd earn in fees.

Where exactly do you think our history is incomplete or inaccurate?

Erm... I "donated" several BTC IIRC, but I don't have any SOLCERT tokens in my wallet. How do I claim them?

FTR - the issue was resolved. All is well.

General Discussion / Re: Why there's no BITJPY?
« on: March 02, 2018, 08:09:47 pm »
JPY has been there right from the start:

General Discussion / Re: Look here,muse will fly
« on: February 28, 2018, 02:21:01 pm »
Pretty sure it's dead & has been for years.

I know it's not. :-)

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