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General Discussion / Re: Bit20 / Twentix ownership transition
« Last post by R on May 13, 2024, 12:17:35 pm »
Cool, good to know, looking forwards to what's coming next from the BTWTY crew! :)
Awesome work guys!

What are your plans moving forwards for additional ARTCASA NFT releases? :)
Announcements / Re: Bitshares Beet multi-crypto wallet
« Last post by R on May 12, 2024, 12:36:43 pm »
A new BeetEOS client release is out!

version 1.1.3 fixes several production packaging issues which were preventing prompts from rendering

I'm now pleased to confirm that this release fully works as expected for the Bitshares blockchain!
General Discussion / Re: Bitshares AI music contest
« Last post by R on May 12, 2024, 11:31:43 am »
The song contest ended with a single user winning the top 3 spots!

Shout out to everyone who entered!
General Discussion / Re: Binance alarm to delist BTS
« Last post by R on May 12, 2024, 11:30:53 am »
Well, at least CZ is in prison where he belongs now 👍

Binance now owns around 350M BTS which people were too lazy/apathetic to withdraw.

Curious to ask, bitcrab, did you just post only once then gave up? lol..

There's plenty improving Bitshares lately, you've just got to look:
General Discussion / Re: Options market?
« Last post by R on May 12, 2024, 10:52:15 am »
I suppose you could possibly create a prediction market asset which replicates an options contract..

But then you'd need a trusted evaluator to carry out the PMA function once the date passes, rather than just the individual interested in the PMA to begin with..

If you've got a non-PMA options market idea in mind, create a bsip for it:
Announcements / Bitshares Astro NFT Tool
« Last post by R on May 11, 2024, 10:45:18 pm »
I've been working on a new version of the Bitshares NFT issuance tool!

It's primarily using Astro + React + ShadCN UI, and can easily be hosted on edge hosting platforms such as Vercel like so:

With this tool you can create, edit and issue NFTs on the Bitshares & Bitshares testnet blockchains!

This tool directly integrates with the Beet & BeetEOS multiwallets, so make sure you've installed one of the two in order to use this new tool to its full potential!

Check out the MIT licensed code! Enjoy!

Don't forget to "Star" the github repo!

Run into any issues with this repo? Leave an issue in its github repository!
General Discussion / Re: 🌏XBTS Dex & DeFi
« Last post by EuropaSH on May 01, 2024, 12:02:37 pm »

SMARTHOLDER STAKING Regular Blockchain Payouts Report for the period from April 15 to May 1, 2024
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💎Multiply your cryptocurrencies, no matter what the crypto market does!

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