Author Topic: Suggestion to Investors  (Read 1439 times)

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Offline jae208

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My suggestion is to not keep or invest in PTS prior to the snapshot. Move it over to BTS. You will have your funds locked up during the whole vesting period. (has this changed?) At the end of the day the interest you may gain at the end of the vesting period may not be worth the wait. Take into account the dilution that will happen during the vesting period. I say this because something similar has happened before. Those that invested in AGS prior to the February 28th deadline could have bought BTS during the summer for the same price as AGS pre Feb. 28. Of course I am also aware that AGS earned me vote and dns.

This is just my opinion based upon the information I have or think I have available. You make your own decisions.

The merger makes sense for the long term but given the recent downfall, people are either making the statement that they don't agree with the direction things are heading or they have simply lost trust.

As long as your funds remain liquid you will have greater freedom to vote with your money. A work in progress
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