Author Topic: Question about payment to shareholders in the case of a DAC.  (Read 1094 times)

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the example you gave probably wouldn't be applicable, because would purpose would a blockchain serve in running a bar?

there have been posts about how you could use a blockchain to facilitate a person to person delivery service similar to uber though.

but... regardless of what you use the blockchain for, if the blockchain needs to pay employees to do work for it, then that payment would come from the delegates set up to pay the employees, and would come out of transaction fees the delegates get paid for securing the network.

in a decentralized delivery system with parallels to uber, the person the customer would be paying would be the delivery guy who agreed to bring it (the delivery guy would have paid the centralized store the product came from, and added his fee for the service). that money would go to the delivery guy and not back into the system.

transaction fees and dilution are where delegates get the funds to hire people. the only time the shareholders would get paid dividends would be when delegates choose (likely in response to shareholder wishes) to burn their share of fees/dilution. that's not likely to happen for a while though, because I took a poll and most people are okay with delegates not burning income until the value from increased BTS demand (which also profits shareholders just like bitcoin does) has been maxed out.

grain of salt on this, lots of changes have happened recently and I might not be 100% on everything i'm talking about.

Offline RenSylvain

Hi there, I am new to the scene.

Say a DAC using bitshare technology is running a chain of bars. Each employee is getting paid in shares of the DAC as per the Bitshares concept. If a customer comes in and pays them bitcoin for their service, does that bitcoin automatically get sent back to the share holders?

Also, where can I read about the "share supply algorithm" of bitshares. Does the supply of shares just keep increasing, because that's how you have to pay employees?(delegates).

Thanks, and I like what I am reading so far :)