Author Topic: IBM Whitepaper: Device democracy : Saving the future of the Internet of Things  (Read 4309 times)

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Offline jckj

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More challenge come what will i3 and btser do will be an important decion things for bts sucsses (or failer), in my opoin


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You know they forked the ethereum blockchain for this project. I recall someone saying ethereum was a computer science project with limited real life application that bitshares could easily replicate :)

Offline matt608

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Winners will:
1   Enable decentralized peer-to-peer systems that allow for very low cost, privacy and long term sustainability in exchange for less direct control of data
2   Prepare for highly efficient, real-time digital marketplaces built on physical assets and services with new measures of credit and risk
3   Design for meaningful user experiences, rather than try to build large ecosystems or complex network solutions.

These conclusions are for the IoT but still apply to us.  I'd say we are doing pretty well but not perfect.  Point 1 we've nailed completely apart from (at least some) delegates needing to be public.  Point 2, we are good on the 'front end' with the bitassets but less efficient in back end with delegate voting + hiring - it could be improved.  Point 3 I think we are good here but there is a risk of feature creep resulting in endless buggyness for a huge array of features.  Overall pretty good but improvements still to be made.

Losers will:
1   Continue to invest in and support high-cost infrastructure, and be unmindful of security and privacy that can lead to decades of balance sheet overhead
2   Fight for control of ecosystems and data, even when they have no measure of what its value will be
3   Attempt to build ecosystems but lose sight of the value created, probably slowing adoption and limiting the usage of their solutions.

Again good but room for improvement here too I'd say.  Cutting away from POW is a victory over high cost infrastructure in point 1 but the DPOS method is not yet proven either.  There could be ways to improve it.  Think we're ok for point 2 apart from the sharedrop squabbling.  There was no squabble over PLS so maybe their distribution is the magic formula to dispel disagreements.  Point 3 again to me hints at feature creep rather than consolidating on bitasset use.  I don't really think we're in danger of this yet but its something to keep an eye on.

Offline Rune

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The much hyped "IoT" will probably primarily become just another layer of survelliance. Your computer will know what kind of food is left in your fridge, and so will the NSA.

Offline CLains

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the fact that my refrigerator, thermostat, car, etc. could autonomously manage and spend their own funds blows my mind

Offline cass

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“A Next-Generation Smart Contract and Decentralized
Application Platform.” GitHub: ethereum/wiki.
. Accessed on August 29, 201

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