Author Topic: Banx, future plans and BTS  (Read 9259 times)

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Offline MarkLyford

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Last nights webinar replay is now available here >>

Many thanks

« Last Edit: October 23, 2015, 01:35:11 pm by MarkLyford »
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Offline MarkLyford

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I am doing a Q&A about Banx tomorrow. you are all welcome to attend :

Webinar cancelled 12 minutes after it was supposed to start.

Appolgies. It wasn't cancelled I just had to log in again (tech issues) The replay is here >


« Last Edit: October 23, 2015, 01:35:26 pm by MarkLyford »
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As I see it, the problem with Banx is that it's faced with two forces tearing it apart.

It has chosen to operate within the blockchain industry which is built around the new paradigm of minimizing the need for trust and maximizing transparency/accountability whereas its business model belongs to the old paradigm where financial services are based on promise & trust, transparency is non-existent and accountability is obscured.

Hopefully migrating to BTS will help Banx to alleviate this discrepancy.

Offline phillyguy

I am doing a Q&A about Banx tomorrow. you are all welcome to attend :

Webinar cancelled 12 minutes after it was supposed to start. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline ByronP

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Look Mark is a marketing guy and a human being so put yourself in his shoes for a minute. He is doing the best he can to please everyone but we all know that it is impossible to do. Banx is a legit company despite what anyone thinks. Yes he wants and needs to sell BANX because that helps fund all of the projects the company is working on (including mine). This is nothing to be ashamed of or knock someone for it is how businesses grow. Yes the company has income coming in, which mark happily has shown everyone (he didn't have to) and it is not just "20 entries of an excel file". With BANX (the blockchain) being moved to BTS (FACT: because I am the one doing it) is it really fair to give him a hard time 24/7? I don't think so!

He has already managed to create quite a few great resources for the community which you would see if you took off the hate blinders for a second. You don't have to like Mark or anyone else, you don't have to like Banx as a company, however it is disrespectful to not give credit to the things that are clearly being done.

So stop the hate and wait!

Anyway I am just here to give a heads up that i have completed the BTS 2.0 integration for and should be finished testing it shortly so BTS should be live on by the weekend.

Thank You

Offline MarkLyford

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Yes, I looked at the screenshots. What a joke. No trading record here, just screenshots of 20 entries of an excel file. How does that answer any of the very specific questions that were addressed to you by HeySteve or phillyguy? It doesn't.

The only thing that seems quite clear is that you need to sell Banx to make "profits".

OK well I'm sorry you feel the way you do. I have demonstrated income and thats all I can do.

I wish you well
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Offline inarizushi

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Yes, I looked at the screenshots. What a joke. No trading record here, just screenshots of 20 entries of an excel file. How does that answer any of the very specific questions that were addressed to you by HeySteve or phillyguy? It doesn't.

The only thing that seems quite clear is that you need to sell Banx to make "profits". | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline MarkLyford

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I would urge anyone interested in what we are doing and our plans going into 2016 to join me on this webinar later today . You can register here >>


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Offline MarkLyford

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As i say this is nothing to do with Banx but this is our software business ran on the JVZoo affiliate platform.

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Offline MarkLyford

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... I'm saying this because I really believe - letting transparency issues aside - that this is one of the main reasons why people fud all over your project: the moment I open the pages they immediately strike me as scam/ad like pages. Poor design, big letters, random pictures that seem to be taken from a google image search, the "do now", "buy now", "it's the only way"  sort of things.


If you believe in your project keep it up, don't let the fud and trolls affect your motivation or make you start doubting yourself. Keep focused, ignore. Most are children. If not, they have petty lifes. On btc i can only imagine kids and 40's crying and trolling over everything which makes me think their life is pathetic so don't even waste time on that. Keep it up and good luck  :)

The cognitive dissonance is strong here.

Feel free to call me a child or having a petty life, but you know, if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck. You agree that it looks like a duck and swims like a duck, but you still believe in Mark's integrity. I would love to believe in Mark's integrity, but when he "answers to everything" and when you look at the answers they are empty shells, that is a clear alarm call. Please try to do the critical thinking necessary here and evaluate what he says.

What we ask for is hints for sound business behind banx' claimed profits. The answer Mark gives us is essentially mining and trading. Do you really believe that? If there are no actual profits, then the situation is clear: banx is a ponzi. "BitShares associated with a ponzi scheme". Come on, our credibility is on the line here, we're shooting our own foot even though we have probably the best technology out there.

Im not sure what else I can do to show you what we are doing , what our income is etc. Did you check the zip files with screen caps of income? I didnt even include income from our software business (which is not part of Banx) but shows we have real businesses going on

I guess it is what it is.
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if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.

it's sad there are people out-there that can realize it's a duck only after eating it!  >:(

PS  bon appetit...

Offline inarizushi

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... I'm saying this because I really believe - letting transparency issues aside - that this is one of the main reasons why people fud all over your project: the moment I open the pages they immediately strike me as scam/ad like pages. Poor design, big letters, random pictures that seem to be taken from a google image search, the "do now", "buy now", "it's the only way"  sort of things.


If you believe in your project keep it up, don't let the fud and trolls affect your motivation or make you start doubting yourself. Keep focused, ignore. Most are children. If not, they have petty lifes. On btc i can only imagine kids and 40's crying and trolling over everything which makes me think their life is pathetic so don't even waste time on that. Keep it up and good luck  :)

The cognitive dissonance is strong here.

Feel free to call me a child or having a petty life, but you know, if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck. You agree that it looks like a duck and swims like a duck, but you still believe in Mark's integrity. I would love to believe in Mark's integrity, but when he "answers to everything" and when you look at the answers they are empty shells, that is a clear alarm call. Please try to do the critical thinking necessary here and evaluate what he says.

What we ask for is hints for sound business behind banx' claimed profits. The answer Mark gives us is essentially mining and trading. Do you really believe that? If there are no actual profits, then the situation is clear: banx is a ponzi. "BitShares associated with a ponzi scheme". Come on, our credibility is on the line here, we're shooting our own foot even though we have probably the best technology out there. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline Akado

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You want to achieve 50k users. Do you have a time frame for that? How much time do you think will take you to achieve 10% of that? Even if that number will be far off in reality which probably will, but I'm interested to know.

Time frame for 5k users

It's kinda pointless but I'm interested to know the timeframe. And also how you plan on achieving it.

I'll be honest, even 5k users would be a real, awesome achievement, let alone 10x that.

Examples of how we are going to do this are here:



I would like to suggest you re-design your pages. Since you seem to have a lot of them, you could choose something more static which needs less maintenance and work, similar to page. Other thing is those big red letters should be a no-no. red colour is associated with danger, something bad, you should choose a colour scheme and stick with it, it would also give you more brand recognition (i.e bitshares is blue, nxt seems to be yellow? Qora is purple, etc). I'm saying this because I really believe - letting transparency issues aside - that this is one of the main reasons why people fud all over your project: the moment I open the pages they immediately strike me as scam/ad like pages. Poor design, big letters, random pictures that seem to be taken from a google image search, the "do now", "buy now", "it's the only way"  sort of things. Just just typical from ad and phishing sites.
Some examples:
- Click One of the Buttons Below To Secure Your Copy of The Digital Money Revolution Before the Price Goes Up
- 30 Days Money Back Guarantee
- Right Now the Government Is Conspiring To Steal Your Money
- The only Way to Survive the Financial Crisis

That's the kind of statements that if someone sees will be instantly turned off. Like I said, that type of pages is exactly the same used by scammers - and I mean poor ones who could actually do way better - and on a tv show showing the adds of 20 or 30 years ago. It's the typical car salesmen speech, lots of guarantees, pressuring the client, creating the scenario where the client needs this now, these are actually techniques proven to used by scammers and not only from the ones over the internet, even mechanics and people in real life. Also, once again, you use too much red and that definitely has to go along with the big bold images, etc. Gives it a chaotic appearance.

One more thing that I thought you or someone who runs online businesses should know:
Please visit Now visit  Now visit google again. You have there the answer why so much people use google and ignore yahoo. Simple is better. Yahoo's page is a mess I dont even know how a multi million company has a page like that. The interface is terrible, there's just so much going on, too much confusion. How does this apply to your pages? Too much information. Too much text. text is boring, no one will read it. Too many random images, red letters, bold letters, etc, like I said, gives it a chaotic experience.

I'll tell you what I thought of banx the first time I checked it out.
Main page, yeah, looks interesting, a few projects, looks nice.
But when I looked at those pages you mentioned I had to check back twice to see if it were part of the same business! I thought that was something really fishy! That's really alarming. Someone who cares about its business should care about appearance because that's how people will take their first impressions. And once a potential costumer checks your website and doesnt like it or worse, associates it with ads/scam pages, thats even worse, they wont ever check it again, and that I can tell you it's guaranteed!

Another thing is, you currently have lots of businesses on banx. That's good if you could execute them now, atm. But as I see it, it's too much for now or a cryptocurrency as a moment. Imagine a company opening and has lots of ideas. Efforts, money and worse, concentration and focus get scattered around! I'm not one to tell you how to run a business, let alone yours as I never owned one, but that's my opinion from an "investors" point of view. First I think, wow nice projects! Then I think, Huum, they seem like too many promises. How can he focus on all of this? And then I start to doubt the project because it seems to "promise" too much (I have nothing against being ambitious, that's good but that's a different matter). Since I dont know how to run a business, I would just like to point that out, I dont really have an opinion on it. It seems too much but.. that's it.

So to sumaryze:
- web pages need a better look
- no red colours or random pictures
- too much text and stuff going around, keep it simple
- correct the wording, (ie. those sentences i mentioned above, but obviosuly there are lots more)

I think when things calm down you should ask cass to help with the design. I'm almost sure he will say the exact same things as I.

If you believe in your project keep it up, don't let the fud and trolls affect your motivation or make you start doubting yourself. Keep focused, ignore. Most are children. If not, they have petty lifes. On btc i can only imagine kids and 40's crying and trolling over everything which makes me think their life is pathetic so don't even waste time on that. Keep it up and good luck  :)
« Last Edit: October 21, 2015, 11:52:23 pm by Akado » | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline MarkLyford

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I think I should clarify some more things for people here.

Banx was never meant to be a fully functioning crypto currency with features etc, it was and is designed to be a placeholder toke to denotes ownership of profit for share purposes. There for the issue re the initial wallet design is a null point really.

Also the issue re Banx being removed from CMC was not for the reasons DeMartino indicated.

The info product about bitcoin fall under Banx, so its revenue, that has always been the plan, part of the plan to get 50,000 new users into crypto.


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Offline MarkLyford

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Mark, like inarizushi said, you're not giving straight answers to the important questions. I see much the same pattern in response to Ian's questions. Have you considered a career in politics?

Your entire business strategy appears to be pocketing the difference between huge promises and minor results. Your claim of 16% per month, with zero supporting evidence (yes, I searched the zip files) is simply outrageous. The lack of a satisfactory explanation as to why you're sharing your gold mine at all, never mind with small-fry investors instead of well-heeled professionals, is telling.

To address some of your points:

1) I'm not going to buy your book but nice try. I don't think any less of you for growing plants but there's clearly more to the story.
2) In that case, how about waiting until after the audit to migrate to BitShares?
3) If that dev got paid in BanxShares, I expect he got exactly what he deserved.
4) Don't count on getting $2 (or whatever the fixed price is now) per BanxShare in a free market.
9) The Banx Group (HK)... You mean your virtual office in Hong Kong? Who has access to those shares?

I don''t even know what to say about the option deal. But if your marketing plan is to produce an attention-grabbing trainwreck, it's working.

1) I didn't ask you to buy the book I offered you a link to download it (
2) Why would I have to wait for accounts to be filed to do that? As i have said to Demartino and the trolls I will migrate Banx to BTS when I think it best for the company.
3) Really?
4) I have never counted on anything in this world.
9) Yes my virtual HK office with a real company. I have access to those shares as I am the director of the company in charge.

You are obviously not a fan, thats fine.

What needs to be remembered is this is a private company running as a business not anything else. People who have purchased Banx tokens from me direct are happy with my plans and happy that we are open enough to have to change those plans as I and the people I work with see fit.

I decide, with help from input from banx holders what it best for the company and to facilitate the growth of said company.
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