As discussed on telegram - the same can be achieved by a trader going short and selling into a margin call.
Or at least that *would* be possible if the feed price wasn't manipulated in such a way that margin calls don't happen.
Actually, there is a difference.
Currently, anyone with BTS can put an order above margin calls to prevent sell from matching a margin call - it instead is matched against the order book.
Economically, for sellers of bitAssets, it doesn't make sense to eat margin calls when there are limit orders buying with better price. So essentially we need to find a way to always match margin calls before limit orders, which is against the purpose of MSSR parameter (at least need to find a balance).
On the other hand, OP essentially made it easier to create debt positions, which will encourage borrowing to an extent, which probably may (or may not) accumulate more risks. Currently, to eat a margin call, you need to put sufficient collateral in the first place, after eaten you can add the bought asset to collateral, which effectively increases final collateral ratio.
When debt position owners don't close their position even when the price is very low, they either have no money to pay the debt, or just don't care about the collateral anymore. From this perspective, applying more penalty makes little difference.