Author Topic: Building Boost on Windows  (Read 2421 times)

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Offline sschechter

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Ok I fixed all my previous linking errors.  It looks like I still need to do a static build of Qt to get Keyhotee compiled.  Every other project compiles except for bts_wallet, I get a few errors that look related to this one:

Error   4   error C2039: 'signal' : is not a member of 'fc'   C:\Users\Scott\Documents\GitHub\keyhotee\BitShares\bts_wallet\main.cpp   109   1   bts_wallet

Does anyone have any insight?
« Last Edit: February 28, 2014, 06:19:18 am by sschechter »
BTSX: sschechter
PTS: PvBUyPrDRkJLVXZfvWjdudRtQgv1Fcy5Qe

Offline sschechter

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I'm having trouble building and properly linking Boost 1.54 for my Win 7 64 Visual Studio Express 2012 environment.  Apparently there's a bug in the coroutine library.  Theres a patch but I'm not sure if I applied it correctly, or if its my environment that is incorrect.  I keep getting errors when trying to build the Keyhotee solution that look like the following and its been driving me crazy:

Error   464   error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: static unsigned __int64 __cdecl boost::coroutines::detail::standard_stack_allocator::default_stacksize(void)" (?default_stacksize@standard_stack_allocator@detail@coroutines@boost@@SA_KXZ) referenced in function "public: __cdecl fc::context::context(void (__cdecl*)(__int64),class boost::coroutines::detail::standard_stack_allocator &,class fc::thread *)" (??0context@fc@@QEAA@P6AX_J@ZAEAVstandard_stack_allocator@detail@coroutines@boost@@PEAVthread@1@@Z)   C:\Users\Scott\Documents\GitHub\Build\Keyhotee\BitShares\bts_wallet\fc_debug.lib(thread.obj)   bts_server
Error   465   error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: static unsigned __int64 __cdecl boost::coroutines::detail::standard_stack_allocator::default_stacksize(void)" (?default_stacksize@standard_stack_allocator@detail@coroutines@boost@@SA_KXZ)   C:\Users\Scott\Documents\GitHub\Build\Keyhotee\BitShares\bts_wallet\fc_debug.lib(mutex.obj)   bts_server
Error   466   error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __cdecl boost::coroutines::detail::standard_stack_allocator::allocate(struct boost::coroutines::stack_context &,unsigned __int64)" (?allocate@standard_stack_allocator@detail@coroutines@boost@@QEAAXAEAUstack_context@34@_K@Z) referenced in function "public: __cdecl fc::context::context(void (__cdecl*)(__int64),class boost::coroutines::detail::standard_stack_allocator &,class fc::thread *)" (??0context@fc@@QEAA@P6AX_J@ZAEAVstandard_stack_allocator@detail@coroutines@boost@@PEAVthread@1@@Z)   C:\Users\Scott\Documents\GitHub\Build\Keyhotee\BitShares\bts_wallet\fc_debug.lib(thread.obj)   bts_server

If anyone has seen this before and could help out, it would be much appreciated.  If you're specific instructions help me get this solution compiled, I will send you 1 PTS.   If I can get it working tonight, you'll have it before the snapshot.  Thanks. -Scott
BTSX: sschechter
PTS: PvBUyPrDRkJLVXZfvWjdudRtQgv1Fcy5Qe