I am trying to register a delegate. I registered the account but now when I do this.
mywallet (unlocked) >>> wallet_account_register del1 del1 null 99
10 assert_exception: Assert Exception
!registered_account.valid(): the account has already been registered
Can I not switch it over to a delegate ?
>> help wallet_account_update_registration
wallet_account_update_registration <account_name> <pay_from_account> [public_data] [delegate_pay_rate] Updates the data published about a given account
Updates the data published about a given account
account_name (account_name, required): the account that will be updated
pay_from_account (account_name, required): the account from which fees will be paid
public_data (json_variant, optional, defaults to null): public data about the account
delegate_pay_rate (uint8_t, optional, defaults to 255): delegate pay rate: 0 to 100 if updating or upgrading to a delegate, and 255 for a normal account
aliases: update_registration