Author Topic: Direct mail- old-school marketing  (Read 3762 times)

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Offline mf-tzo

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I like the logo and the description very much. +5%

You forget the cost of free bitusd...

The way I was thinking this is:

1. Marketing decides on which Unis or also maybe trading firms to be targeted and creates a list.

2. Marketing distributes 1-2 Unis and firms to each member of the community (100-300 email potential addresses to be pooled from the net without the need to do any detective work)

3. Each member can pool the mailing list from the unis and send same back to marketing in a google doc template.

4. Marketing just sends to all the pooled addresses the below logo with a short description as per the logo and redirect people to the free registration forum.

No need to print anything. No need to give away $5 for free. Just need to let people know outside crypto about BTS. If someone is interested he will come and register. If not, he won't bother to claim $5 anyway...

+3,000 members x 300 emails each in one go... c1 mil potential users. I ll be very happy if 10,000 come and register. If each of us spends 2 hours max per day I am pretty sure that within 2 weeks each of us will have gathered 300 addresses. And to be fair, with all the money that was raised for marketing purposes, this should have already happened from Marketing without the need to involve anyone from the community. Just pay a couple of people to pool addresses from the net within a couple of weeks..

P.S: It must have been a year since I proposed same and nothing happened... I thought that time that our marketing team aimed very high profile investors and no one could bother about simple marketing like that.. I haven't seen yet any significant marketing push skyrocketing the price where it should be now, so maybe our marketing should go back and revisit the basics... ::)...

Offline mint chocolate chip

I was thinking something like this for a direct mailer:

That looks very sleek and sexy +5%

I don't know how direct mail would work but it looks great.

students could be a great target market for this though.
Quick Googled this to see how much it approximately costs, first deal I found:
"5,000 Postcards: Designed, Printed & Mailed for only $1,629"

5,000 students at 100 schools x $1,629 = $162,900 to reach 500,000 potential users (bulk pricing would probably cost less)

Offline xh3

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Thanks!   :D

I think with something like this, we'd have a chance at bringing in non-Bitcoin people.  It would have to be timed in such a way that people could use Bitshares as a bank.  so.... onramps/offramps would have to be in place, preferably by card. 
The united front of the Bitshares business should be simple, elegant, and talk only of what it can do for you.  All the blockchain/delegate stuff should be available, but not out front.  To the public, Bitshares is a bank.  It functions just like you are used to, except with privacy, and without the corruption. 

Similar campaigns could be launched for the other functions of bitshares when they become viable.

Any thoughts on this idea?

Offline Gentso1

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I was thinking something like this for a direct mailer:

That looks very sleek and sexy +5%

I don't know how direct mail would work but it looks great.

students could be a great target market for this though.

Offline xh3

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I was thinking something like this for a direct mailer:

Offline xh3

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what about pooling email lists of universities and students from uni websites and send emails with a 5 line presentation of BTS. The community can do this as long as the marketing guys write down 5 sentences and send us unis lists..

+5%   Street teams pounding the pavement at such places could help win supporters. These campaigns could be highly targeted.  We need grass-roots support from up and coming genius and influential individuals.

Offline mf-tzo

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what about pooling email lists of universities and students from uni websites and send emails with a 5 line presentation of BTS. The community can do this as long as the marketing guys write down 5 sentences and send us unis lists..

Offline donkeypong

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Wasn't Silicon Valley Coin going to air-drop using direct mail? Wonder how that worked out or if they ever got that far. The only thing I know is that it's considered very expensive. Direct mail still represents a good hunk of the money spent on state and local political campaigns, and it must be successful for them or they wouldn't still be doing it. But I wouldn't be able to guess at a response rate for something like this, which is digital, whereas most of the other ads coming in are coupons for local stores, etc.

Offline xh3

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Idea:  Use a direct-mail campaign to bring in new users to bitshares.

Start with a small budget to test the response.

Use a sleek, simple, post-card-like mailer that makes it easy to redeem $1-5 dollars in bitUSD.  Clear, attractive branding.  Straightforward mission statement.  Offer should expire and be redeemed by bitshares after a time to avoid wasting capital.

Operation could target several segments, perhaps:  27-35 year old democrats, people who lost money in the housing bubble, ambitious college students, foreigners in bleak economic climates, digital subscription users, etc.

Should target potential savers or people who might spread the word.

What do you think?