I like the logo and the description very much.
You forget the cost of free bitusd...
The way I was thinking this is:
1. Marketing decides on which Unis or also maybe trading firms to be targeted and creates a list.
2. Marketing distributes 1-2 Unis and firms to each member of the community (100-300 email potential addresses to be pooled from the net without the need to do any detective work)
3. Each member can pool the mailing list from the unis and send same back to marketing in a google doc template.
4. Marketing just sends to all the pooled addresses the below logo with a short description as per the logo and redirect people to the free registration forum.
No need to print anything. No need to give away $5 for free. Just need to let people know outside crypto about BTS. If someone is interested he will come and register. If not, he won't bother to claim $5 anyway...
+3,000 members x 300 emails each in one go... c1 mil potential users. I ll be very happy if 10,000 come and register. If each of us spends 2 hours max per day I am pretty sure that within 2 weeks each of us will have gathered 300 addresses. And to be fair, with all the money that was raised for marketing purposes, this should have already happened from Marketing without the need to involve anyone from the community. Just pay a couple of people to pool addresses from the net within a couple of weeks..
P.S: It must have been a year since I proposed same and nothing happened... I thought that time that our marketing team aimed very high profile investors and no one could bother about simple marketing like that.. I haven't seen yet any significant marketing push skyrocketing the price where it should be now, so maybe our marketing should go back and revisit the basics...