Author Topic: Improving voting detail  (Read 1546 times)

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Offline davidpbrown

Also, I notice I'm getting the warning on the account summary, suggesting I'm not using all my vote, where I clearly am.. the vote detail sums to exactly the balance.

Offline davidpbrown

"Vote for my preferred delegates." instead of the confusing "Vote as my delegates recommended"

Change the empty thumbs up to a neutral symbol '--' or something that cannot be confused with the coloured thumbs up vote.

The "My Votes" list in Delegates detail contains delegates that had been voted on previously but it's not clear, given those thumbs up, that a vote isn't still in place.

Votes that have not been confirmed, perhaps should be highlighted in some way.. a different colour thumb.. Amber goes to green when vote is actioned.

If each delegates still publishing old versions will continue to be an issue, could the qt display also the version numbers in the way that BitSharesBlocks does?

Since it costs money albeit 0.5BTS.. perhaps put a message somewhere "Your Vote is Important" to prompt action.