Hey there,
i recently started a small project to secure some of my coins in offline paper wallets.
I'd appreciate any comments.
Requirements:- LaTeX distribution such as TexLive or MikTex
- LaTeX Packages
- tikz
- pst-barcode
- auto-pst-pdf
- csvtools
- coolstr
- 1_createEmptyPaperWallets:
- 1_createNewWalletsAndMoveCoins **and** 1_importExistingWallets:
- Python libraries:
- bitcoinrpc
- json
- subprocess
- pprint
Code:https://github.com/xeroc/LaTeX-PaperWalletResulting PDFs:https://github.com/xeroc/LaTeX-PaperWallet/tree/master/examples Thanksto the great guys from openpaperwallet (
https://github.com/openpaperwallet/openpaperwallet) who designed the notes under CC
This tool lets your generate PDF paperwallet for arbitrary altcoins
using QR-Codes for fast access to the address and the private key.
Howto Create PaperWallet- Store address and privkey in csv file
You may select one of three options to generate you wallet.csv file with
private keys in it. Read the header of the files to adjust the settings to
your needs.- 1_createEmptyPaperWallets**:
to create new empty wallets using vanitygen
press ***Ctrl+C*** when You have enough - 1_createNewWalletsAndMoveCoins**:
to create new wallets using the bitcoin daemons and move coins accoring to the settings in that file
- 1_importExistingWallets**:
load existing wallets from deamons using 'listaddressgroupings'
- Uncomment _ONE_ note layout input line in 'paperWallet.tex' (line 41-48)
[li]Generate the PDF
$ ./2_generatePDF.sh
- Donate to xeroc, vanitygen, charity ...
Donations are welcomeThank you for every donation.
BTC: 1XeRocJ6PRUX419QQo9crW5nbsjetJLUn
XPM: AXeRocF9m3VX3P5TAfGiDq6hSSqWG5r6nd
LTC: LXeRoc6FVG3eswpuA4CJxjqMWc7Aq5sNnp
PPC: PXeRocjAG8W2bBPxZPRPBn5yErg3mRx8Gx
PTS: PkXeRocDnRSkHzuTbQdqYWRQ8QqmjwrdyY
Example python-config for Protosharesaltcoins = [
'name' : 'Protoshares', # Name of the coin
'unit' : 'PTS' # Unit name of that coin
'rpcuser' : 'protosharesrpc', # connections settings -- daemon must be running
'rpcpassword' : 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxg',
'rpchost' : 'localhost', # local daemon running
'rpcport' : 3838, # local port
'daemonName' : 'protoshared', # daemon name to dump privkeys
'passphrase' : '', # optional passphrase
'numberAddresses' : 1, # number of adresses to generate (are stored in deamon)
'coinsPerAddress' : 1, # coins to transfer to each new address
'fromWallet' : '', # send from wallet X
'walletName' : 'PaperWallet', # create new addreses in a new wallet
Example wallet.dat for ProtosharesCoin;Unit;Address;PrivKey;Balance;