Author Topic: Angel Shares Sent Time Or Confirm Time?  (Read 4171 times)

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Offline bytemaster

I'm assuming that the time stamp of when the BTC is sent to the angel address is the day that it is counted... and not the time it gets confirmed.

Am I correct?

+1 for that question.

I also want to know that. Which matters for the angelshares distribution:
- the time of the transaction to be transmitted to the network ?
- the time of the first block which includes the transaction ?

Blockchain header is the only time that we know for sure.
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I'm assuming that the time stamp of when the BTC is sent to the angel address is the day that it is counted... and not the time it gets confirmed.

Am I correct?

+1 for that question.

I also want to know that. Which matters for the angelshares distribution:
- the time of the transaction to be transmitted to the network ?
- the time of the first block which includes the transaction ?

Offline toast

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Timestamp of first confirming block
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Offline Sage

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I'm assuming that the time stamp of when the BTC is sent to the angel address is the day that it is counted... and not the time it gets confirmed.

Am I correct?