Author Topic: Question about the workflow of Worker Proposal  (Read 1186 times)

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Offline gn1

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Hi All,
I am new to the worker proposal part of BitShares, and I am currently trying to understand the concept and the workflow of a worker proposal.
I am trying to create a "beginner's manual" on my blog page so that anybody can understand.
Can you kindly help advising on the parts I still don't understand?

The Main Concept of Worker Proposal:
Worker is a person or a company that can contribute services to BitShares, and a salary in return.
Worker makes proposal to provide services, such as implementing a new function to BitShares as hardfork.

Three Steps of Worker Proposal:
A. Proposer needs to first find out the consensus of the community, meaning one needs to find out if the community wants to implement such function or not in the first place
B. If enough people vote YES to the project, now you must get proper funding to initiate the project.
C. Worker receive salary while working on the project, until the project is fully completed.
My questions are below.
1. I understand that Step A currently requires voting through a CLI wallet. Would this be implemented on GUI in the near future?
2. If a person is configuring a proxy to vote on behalf of that person, where can that person check if the proxy voted yes or no?
3. I'm still unclear on step B. Once you earn enough "YES" votes on step A, you now know that the community wants to go ahead with your worker proposal. Now, how do you initiate the funding process, meaning how do you start receiving the crowdfunding for this worker proposal?
4. If you need $5000 to complete a project, but you received $15000 funding in total, how does the excess $10000 get returned to the patrons?
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