Author Topic: Approving Proposed Transactions Via CLI Wallet  (Read 3637 times)

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Hi AK,
It' a bit strange you ask this question, since from the updates BM has given us, one could conclude that you are surrounded by CNX core developers, working on integrating FMV into BitShares.

But since you ask, here is the answer:
I assume here that you have the CLI installed, and your private key(s) imported there (if not, let me know and I'll guide you through that as well).
I also assume that you know the ID of the proposed transaction (if not, let me know).

To approve a transaction in the CLI, all you need is use this command:
Code: [Select]
approve_proposal <fee-paying-account> <proposed-transaction-id> {"active_approvals_to_add" : ["<approving-account>"]} true
<fee-paying-account> is the name of the account that will pay the fee for the act of approving a proposed transaction. It can be any account that has some BTS funds in it and whose private keys you have imported into the CLI. It can be the same as the <approving-account> described below.
<proposed-transaction-id> is the ID of the proposed transaction, e.g. 1.10.14.
<approving-account> is the name of the account whose approval is needed for the proposed transaction. Please note that you need to enclose the name in inverted commas in this case.

An example looks like this:
Code: [Select]
approve_proposal follow-my-vote 1.10.15 {"active_approvals_to_add" : ["follow-my-vote"]} true

If the command runs without errors, as a confirmation you should receive a response that is similar to this:
Code: [Select]
  "ref_block_num": 23911,
  "ref_block_prefix": 151269124,
  "expiration": "2016-02-01T10:51:45",
  "operations": [[
        "fee": {
          "amount": 2000000,
          "asset_id": "1.3.0"
        "fee_paying_account": "1.2.41",
        "proposal": "1.10.15",
        "active_approvals_to_add": [
        "active_approvals_to_remove": [],
        "owner_approvals_to_add": [],
        "owner_approvals_to_remove": [],
        "key_approvals_to_add": [],
        "key_approvals_to_remove": [],
        "extensions": []
  "extensions": [],
  "signatures": [

If you need a more general guide, please refer to this page of the documentation:
« Last Edit: February 01, 2016, 11:01:05 am by jakub »

Offline tonyk

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Hi Guys! I know it's been awhile since I last posted. Things are going really well for us, and I want to reassure you that we are doing all that we can to promote the benefits of building your business on BitShares. We actually had world famous blogger Robert Scoble visit our offices earlier this week and do a livestream video with Nathan and I. We deservedly pushed BitShares pretty heavily during the livestream. It's received 5k+ views in the past couple days and has created a wave of contact requests via our website from companies interested in partnering with us and reporters wanting to interview us to more about our project.

Check out our recent blog post to learn more about the event and watch the livestream video!

At this point, we are actually having some challenges in working with BitShares that I'm hoping you guys can help me with. My goal is to be able to approve a proposed transaction from another BTS user that has shared account permissions over one of our accounts. I've talked to some of the core devs and they stated that this isn't something that is supported in the GUI yet, and that someone was considering submitting a worker proposal to get this feature added in. If that does happen, I would really appreciate it if you would all vote to approve that proposal. And, in the meantime, I was hoping that someone could point me to some documentation that covers how to get the CLI wallet up and running, export the necessary private keys from my BitShares 2.0.160106 light wallet, import the keys into my CLI wallet, and then approve the proposed transaction. I have access to a Mac, PC, and Linux (Ubuntu) workstations if that helps at all.

Could/would someone please help a brother out?

Are you the same AK that works in BM's office, the same ak that got 30 mil BTS so BM does not go to your 'chain'???

So you need help with "how to get the CLI wallet up and running"???

I do hope this "laughing on the floor" (and banging my head against the floor) do not end my life or greatly shortens my life expectancy... to like 1-1.5 mo.s
« Last Edit: January 29, 2016, 09:08:53 pm by tonyk »
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline ak

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Hi Guys! I know it's been awhile since I last posted. Things are going really well for us, and I want to reassure you that we are doing all that we can to promote the benefits of building your business on BitShares. We actually had world famous blogger Robert Scoble visit our offices earlier this week and do a livestream video with Nathan and I. We deservedly pushed BitShares pretty heavily during the livestream. It's received 5k+ views in the past couple days and has created a wave of contact requests via our website from companies interested in partnering with us and reporters wanting to interview us to more about our project.

Check out our recent blog post to learn more about the event and watch the livestream video!

At this point, we are actually having some challenges in working with BitShares that I'm hoping you guys can help me with. My goal is to be able to approve a proposed transaction from another BTS user that has shared account permissions over one of our accounts. I've talked to some of the core devs and they stated that this isn't something that is supported in the GUI yet, and that someone was considering submitting a worker proposal to get this feature added in. If that does happen, I would really appreciate it if you would all vote to approve that proposal. And, in the meantime, I was hoping that someone could point me to some documentation that covers how to get the CLI wallet up and running, export the necessary private keys from my BitShares 2.0.160106 light wallet, import the keys into my CLI wallet, and then approve the proposed transaction. I have access to a Mac, PC, and Linux (Ubuntu) workstations if that helps at all.

Could/would someone please help a brother out?