I think the BSIP is functionally complete but the code is not (yet), if I recall correctly, there was something missing in regards to monitoring bandwidth and adjusting available bandwidth per share.
Also, I remember that Dan mentioned he invented that feature specifically for STEEM and opened a public discussion in BitShares to have it migrated over to BitShares eventually.
If you ask me, we should wait a little until that technology matures in STEEM and then pay CNX to migrated it over to BTS. Most bugs and calculations should be fixed and it is way easier to hardfork steem than BitShares (due to the still smaller ecosystem). What I would love to know is how much of @abit's work has ended up in STEEM.
IMHO, my code is functionally completed (according to the brief feature description I wrote in github), but the BSIP is not there. Whether we need to modify the code, depends on the final BSIP, aka what the stake holders want exactly.
In STEEM there is another implementation done by CNX, which is independent of my work, and is a totally zero-fee feature. Whether BitShares will migrate to zero-fee, depends on stake holders (read: voting). Personally I wouldn't recommend that since it's a too big change which will probably kill the referral program.
Blockers of this feature:
* BSIP & voting on BSIP: what the stake holders want exactly
* Community take over the github repository: some people/group who can release a new hard fork and the stake holders/witnesses/exchanges/business partners will follow
* code review: for better quality
* testing: for better quality
* fund (not to me)
If you want something be done, just do it.
If you want to be paid, just ask.
If you don't have time or required skills, look for someone who has.
If you're willing to fund, great!
If I understood correctly, the Rate Limited Fees feature is super high priority? Would you like to write a feature definition document in the formal BSIP format for us? I'm a bit sick of requesting for deployment/hard fork without a detailed feature definition document.
Sure, I'll pony up 10k BTS for the bounty. Let me know who to pay when it's finished.
I'll add another 10k