Author Topic: The Intrinsic Value of BitShares PTS (Update from Bytemaster)  (Read 48084 times)

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Offline Yui Xie

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Re: The Intrinsic Value of Protoshares (Update from Bytemaster)
« Reply #37 on: January 14, 2014, 10:07:29 pm »
This thread should be updated or un-stickied.


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Re: The Intrinsic Value of Protoshares (Update from Bytemaster)
« Reply #36 on: January 05, 2014, 11:24:08 pm »
Thx for the explanation

Pinov -- This thread is outdated.  Now 50%of the BTS supply comes from PTS, as well as 50% from AGS, which is not mined, but given in reward for donations.

Offline pinov

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Re: The Intrinsic Value of Protoshares (Update from Bytemaster)
« Reply #35 on: January 05, 2014, 11:13:16 pm »
Thx for the explanation
Approve pinov and pinof & earn BTSX on every transaction you make
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Offline bytemaster

Re: The Intrinsic Value of Protoshares (Update from Bytemaster)
« Reply #34 on: December 05, 2013, 04:24:28 pm »

4) There will be many BitShares based chains, not one, and all of them will be 1:1 with ProtoShares

What is meant by 4) above. Are we talking about the different alt currencies that will be pegged to various fiat currencies or commodities (like BitUSD or BitGold)?

No, they're saying that in the future the ratio might be different than 1:1 - So there might be examples where for every 10 PTS you have you get 1 of the new chain (1:10), or for every 1 PTS you have you get 100 of the new chain (100:1).

Things could change with unannounced chains, they're leaving their options open to experiment.

I believe it is actually the opposite. They are saying PTS will always be a 1:1 ratio.

What we have said is that PTS will represent 10% of the money supply of new coins in the genesis block.

Will the other 90% come from mining?

100% of the BTS supply will be derived from mining if you count mining PTS.
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Offline phoenix

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Re: The Intrinsic Value of Protoshares (Update from Bytemaster)
« Reply #33 on: December 05, 2013, 03:48:26 pm »

4) There will be many BitShares based chains, not one, and all of them will be 1:1 with ProtoShares

What is meant by 4) above. Are we talking about the different alt currencies that will be pegged to various fiat currencies or commodities (like BitUSD or BitGold)?

No, they're saying that in the future the ratio might be different than 1:1 - So there might be examples where for every 10 PTS you have you get 1 of the new chain (1:10), or for every 1 PTS you have you get 100 of the new chain (100:1).

Things could change with unannounced chains, they're leaving their options open to experiment.

I believe it is actually the opposite. They are saying PTS will always be a 1:1 ratio.

What we have said is that PTS will represent 10% of the money supply of new coins in the genesis block.

Will the other 90% come from mining?
Protoshares: Pg5EhSZEXHFjdFUzpxJbm91UtA54iUuDvt
Bitmessage: BM-NBrGi2V3BZ8REnJM7FPxUjjkQp7V5D28

Offline bytemaster

Re: The Intrinsic Value of Protoshares (Update from Bytemaster)
« Reply #32 on: December 05, 2013, 07:27:30 am »

4) There will be many BitShares based chains, not one, and all of them will be 1:1 with ProtoShares

What is meant by 4) above. Are we talking about the different alt currencies that will be pegged to various fiat currencies or commodities (like BitUSD or BitGold)?

No, they're saying that in the future the ratio might be different than 1:1 - So there might be examples where for every 10 PTS you have you get 1 of the new chain (1:10), or for every 1 PTS you have you get 100 of the new chain (100:1).

Things could change with unannounced chains, they're leaving their options open to experiment.

I believe it is actually the opposite. They are saying PTS will always be a 1:1 ratio.

What we have said is that PTS will represent 10% of the money supply of new coins in the genesis block.
For the latest updates checkout my blog:
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Offline smiley35

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Re: The Intrinsic Value of Protoshares (Update from Bytemaster)
« Reply #31 on: December 05, 2013, 07:21:33 am »

4) There will be many BitShares based chains, not one, and all of them will be 1:1 with ProtoShares

What is meant by 4) above. Are we talking about the different alt currencies that will be pegged to various fiat currencies or commodities (like BitUSD or BitGold)?

No, they're saying that in the future the ratio might be different than 1:1 - So there might be examples where for every 10 PTS you have you get 1 of the new chain (1:10), or for every 1 PTS you have you get 100 of the new chain (100:1).

Things could change with unannounced chains, they're leaving their options open to experiment.

I believe it is actually the opposite. They are saying PTS will always be a 1:1 ratio.

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Re: The Intrinsic Value of Protoshares (Update from Bytemaster)
« Reply #30 on: December 03, 2013, 05:23:51 pm »

4) There will be many BitShares based chains, not one, and all of them will be 1:1 with ProtoShares

What is meant by 4) above. Are we talking about the different alt currencies that will be pegged to various fiat currencies or commodities (like BitUSD or BitGold)?

No, they're saying that in the future the ratio might be different than 1:1 - So there might be examples where for every 10 PTS you have you get 1 of the new chain (1:10), or for every 1 PTS you have you get 100 of the new chain (100:1).

Things could change with unannounced chains, they're leaving their options open to experiment.
Before you say the price of PTS is too high, take a look at theThe Reason.  Protoshares are an entirely new type of Cryptocurrency, one that pays to hold.

Offline MrJeans

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Re: The Intrinsic Value of Protoshares (Update from Bytemaster)
« Reply #29 on: December 03, 2013, 05:15:49 pm »

4) There will be many BitShares based chains, not one, and all of them will be 1:1 with ProtoShares

What is meant by 4) above. Are we talking about the different alt currencies that will be pegged to various fiat currencies or commodities (like BitUSD or BitGold)?

Offline Gekko

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Re: The Intrinsic Value of Protoshares (Update from Bytemaster)
« Reply #28 on: November 29, 2013, 01:22:26 pm »
Can anyone say something about the timeline of protoshares, 1 week, a month or a year from now. What is expected to happen. and what would people want to see happen? says:
"BitShares should be fully developed and deployed within 6 months to 1 year."

Offline voldemort628

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Re: The Intrinsic Value of Protoshares (Update from Bytemaster)
« Reply #27 on: November 28, 2013, 09:54:29 am »
I'm quite new to PTS, Mining, Bitcoins and bitshares and all that. But i'm very intrigued, when i started reading about it last night.

Can anyone say something about the timeline of protoshares, 1 week, a month or a year from now. What is expected to happen. and what would people want to see happen?

if anyone actually does know the answers for your questions with 100% accuracy, they wont tell you haha.
but one thing u can be pretty sure of is that pts and bitshares have a bright future ahead ;)
how about that ?


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Re: The Intrinsic Value of Protoshares (Update from Bytemaster)
« Reply #26 on: November 26, 2013, 03:49:30 pm »
I'm quite new to PTS, Mining, Bitcoins and bitshares and all that. But i'm very intrigued, when i started reading about it last night.

Can anyone say something about the timeline of protoshares, 1 week, a month or a year from now. What is expected to happen. and what would people want to see happen?

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Re: The Intrinsic Value of Protoshares (Update from Bytemaster)
« Reply #25 on: November 19, 2013, 01:33:00 pm »
Here is how I came up with a speculative value. Protoshares receive 50% of dividends from mining right? That is the formula? Asicminer never achieved 50% of the mining profitability of the network and how much was a share of Asicminer worth at it's peak? Around 5 BTC per share?

Now there were only 400,000 Asicminer shares if my memory serves me correctly and there are 2 million Protoshares. 1 BTC per protoshare seems reasonable if the dividends are good enough and it could go up to 2 or 3 BTC.

But don't anyone hold me to it because I don't know anything about the plans and could be wrong.

ProtoShares' current release does not pay dividends.  It is a path to owning shares of other DACs when they launch, many of which will pay dividends. BitShares, for example, will pay dividends as will most Invictus DACs.  Since each DAC is an independent unmanned business, other DACs from various developers may have different business models, including their own built-in transparent rules for if and how they pay dividends. This is a balance between rewarding owners (shareholders) and workers (miners), like any brick and mortar and flesh and blood business. Each developer is of course free to experiment with publishing rules that will make its DACs most attractive to investors and miners.

Interesting, so if you give to much to the investors, most people won't want to mine. But if you give to much to the miners, most people won't want to invest. Developers will need to find the right balance of rewards in order to maximize the growth of their DACs

I think there needs to be a DAC manual.

We are attempting to keep a link to every article and white paper we find on the DACs and links tabs at  If you see a good publication we're missing, let us now and we'll link to it there.
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Offline luckybit

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Re: The Intrinsic Value of Protoshares (Update from Bytemaster)
« Reply #24 on: November 19, 2013, 11:13:56 am »
Here is how I came up with a speculative value. Protoshares receive 50% of dividends from mining right? That is the formula? Asicminer never achieved 50% of the mining profitability of the network and how much was a share of Asicminer worth at it's peak? Around 5 BTC per share?

Now there were only 400,000 Asicminer shares if my memory serves me correctly and there are 2 million Protoshares. 1 BTC per protoshare seems reasonable if the dividends are good enough and it could go up to 2 or 3 BTC.

But don't anyone hold me to it because I don't know anything about the plans and could be wrong.

ProtoShares' current release does not pay dividends.  It is a path to owning shares of other DACs when they launch, many of which will pay dividends. BitShares, for example, will pay dividends as will most Invictus DACs.  Since each DAC is an independent unmanned business, other DACs from various developers may have different business models, including their own built-in transparent rules for if and how they pay dividends. This is a balance between rewarding owners (shareholders) and workers (miners), like any brick and mortar and flesh and blood business. Each developer is of course free to experiment with publishing rules that will make its DACs most attractive to investors and miners.

Interesting, so if you give to much to the investors, most people won't want to mine. But if you give to much to the miners, most people won't want to invest. Developers will need to find the right balance of rewards in order to maximize the growth of their DACs

I think there needs to be a DAC manual. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline phoenix

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Re: The Intrinsic Value of Protoshares (Update from Bytemaster)
« Reply #23 on: November 18, 2013, 06:45:48 pm »
Here is how I came up with a speculative value. Protoshares receive 50% of dividends from mining right? That is the formula? Asicminer never achieved 50% of the mining profitability of the network and how much was a share of Asicminer worth at it's peak? Around 5 BTC per share?

Now there were only 400,000 Asicminer shares if my memory serves me correctly and there are 2 million Protoshares. 1 BTC per protoshare seems reasonable if the dividends are good enough and it could go up to 2 or 3 BTC.

But don't anyone hold me to it because I don't know anything about the plans and could be wrong.

ProtoShares' current release does not pay dividends.  It is a path to owning shares of other DACs when they launch, many of which will pay dividends. BitShares, for example, will pay dividends as will most Invictus DACs.  Since each DAC is an independent unmanned business, other DACs from various developers may have different business models, including their own built-in transparent rules for if and how they pay dividends. This is a balance between rewarding owners (shareholders) and workers (miners), like any brick and mortar and flesh and blood business. Each developer is of course free to experiment with publishing rules that will make its DACs most attractive to investors and miners.

Interesting, so if you give to much to the investors, most people won't want to mine. But if you give to much to the miners, most people won't want to invest. Developers will need to find the right balance of rewards in order to maximize the growth of their DACs
Protoshares: Pg5EhSZEXHFjdFUzpxJbm91UtA54iUuDvt
Bitmessage: BM-NBrGi2V3BZ8REnJM7FPxUjjkQp7V5D28