Author Topic: Site Idea: Data collection on shareholder desired profile of delegate fund usage  (Read 7172 times)

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Offline amencon

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I would LOVE it if it was possible to register "proposals" or other statement, in the same way that we register IDs, and then everyone could vote up or down on it (weighted by stake with transactions).  Of course it is completely non-binding and is really just a pol of shareholder views.  I think BM may have implemented something like this that is only available to delegates?

Yes, only delegates can create / vote on proposals.  But shareholders vote on delegates so it is still representative of shareholder opinion without too much blockchain overhead.
Hmm I'm sure this will work out in the long run anyway, but this is a bit backwards to my proposal.  As a delegate it seems like it would be nice to have tools that gauge shareholder sentiment about what their ideal distribution of earnings would be and then construct a delegate campaign based on that.

I suppose that based on votes over time delegates will be able to get a sense of what spending profiles get elected and tweak theirs to match or at least closely resemble what is popular.  However then you have shareholders voting for best fit and reacting to the environment the delegates create rather than helping to shape it from the start.

Plus if shareholders are voting on anonymous spending profiles I'd think you'd get a better result set to make decisions on.  By determining this data from elected delegates the data will be skewed for these purposes as spending profile will not be the only factor that gets delegates elected.  I'd bet "celebrity" status among the community will weight voter decisions greatly among other things.

Extra tools and reports like this would be great if added to the toolkit, but I see it as very low priority when compared to other features and and components that still need to be built.

Offline bytemaster

I would LOVE it if it was possible to register "proposals" or other statement, in the same way that we register IDs, and then everyone could vote up or down on it (weighted by stake with transactions).  Of course it is completely non-binding and is really just a pol of shareholder views.  I think BM may have implemented something like this that is only available to delegates?

Yes, only delegates can create / vote on proposals.  But shareholders vote on delegates so it is still representative of shareholder opinion without too much blockchain overhead.

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Offline bitcoinerS

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I also think this type of functionality needs to be built into the Bitshares toolkit.
Maybe shareholders can create proposals on fund usage, vote on them, while delegates can pledge funds toward those proposals..
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Offline amencon

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This is a good idea but it is only meaningful if it can be properly weighted by stake. So you'd either need to have this site read the chain and require signatures from stake.. or we can just build it into the client =D

Wont we have voting ability in DPOS?

Building this type of tool in client would be best of course. 

Didn't even think of the stake angle, figured if it was something that would be used I'd work on protecting it from spam and being gamed due to multiple submissions from single parties, however now that I think about it it would be hard to do that without some kind of signature validation to tie "votes" to shares in the chain.

Not sure how to validate "stake signatures" but sounds like a fun project to learn some crypto-coding.

Are there any resources available out there for this other than combing the available githubs?  I know I saw some Bitcoin javascript tutorials at one point.

Offline Agent86

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This is a good idea but it is only meaningful if it can be properly weighted by stake. So you'd either need to have this site read the chain and require signatures from stake.. or we can just build it into the client =D
I think a way to do this would be very useful and fun.
I would LOVE it if it was possible to register "proposals" or other statement, in the same way that we register IDs, and then everyone could vote up or down on it (weighted by stake with transactions).  Of course it is completely non-binding and is really just a pol of shareholder views.  I think BM may have implemented something like this that is only available to delegates?

The thing holding me back from pushing it is that it seemed to be another example of being able to vote on something that is "unbounded" because there wouldn't necessarily be a limit to how many things you could vote on.  I don't see why this is impossible but it seemed unbounded voting was an initial objection to approval voting.  Also if your voting profile was tied to your stake it could create even more of the kind of privacy issues that bytemaster was trying to avoid.

Are there ways to do it that get around large data requirements/blockchain bloat or privacy issues?  Can you do it "off chain" but still have it verified and weighted by stake?  Maybe we need "anonymous" voting similar to the voting DAC with zerocoin tech that you guys discussed.

Offline xeroc

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Offline toast

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This is a good idea but it is only meaningful if it can be properly weighted by stake. So you'd either need to have this site read the chain and require signatures from stake.. or we can just build it into the client =D
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Offline xeroc

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+5% .. for the idea .. afair thehumblebundle also also for such choosing

« Last Edit: June 26, 2014, 01:48:41 pm by xeroc »

Offline amencon

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As someone who would like to contribute as a delegate for the upcoming Bitshares XT DAC and will be campaigning on spending funds in a manner that is mostly desired by the shareholders, I've thought about the best way to poll shareholders and collect data on their sentiments about dissemination of earned funds by delegates.

One way I can see doing this is by creating a site where shareholders can go to submit their desired delegate spending "profile".  There would be a number of way to spend funds with a slider indicating what % of earnings should be allocated to each.

Here is a quick and simple proof of concept for what the UI might look like:
Then of course after some data is collected there would be another page or section of that page that would contain reports on the data collected for delegate use.

First, I'd like any feedback from shareholders and potential future delegates about this idea.

Second, if it sounds like something that would be valuable to some, I'd like to brainstorm all the main ways to utilize earned delegate income (invest in development, keep as profit for delegate, marketing, "proof of burn" destruction of funds etc).

Thanks for any comments or criticisms.  If it's something that it seems would be used, I'll try to put up a rough draft of the site over the next week or so.