Author Topic: Somebody is runing a delegate ,but always spread unfavourable news  (Read 41852 times)

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Toast , form my understanding is someone with big say in chinese community is trying to stop "sfinder" form  tracking down how bm's  400BTC  fund were spend in chinese community. it just like a maze . nobody knows. only 2500cny were report in Chinese community. 

as "sfinder" told me his is forum id is banned due to his investigation is touching chinese board moderator's  team/friends

Everything he said sounds reasonable
« Last Edit: November 02, 2014, 07:43:15 pm by coins »
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Offline neosp

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Thanks for the translation neosp!

Everyone has different point of view and he is free to express it.
If someone dislikes sfinder's behavior - that is what the voting is for.

You cant say he is lying though. There is some truth in his words.
However if he uses this solely to influence the price then it is an issue.

Here are some info for you guys to consider from friends in china:

Sfinder announced at a QQ group yesterday that he would start a post to indicate a scandal regarding the I3 China in order to drive the price of BTSX down to 0.06 CNY (Now it's 0.1 CNY) . Many people from the Chinese community witnessed that comment and his intentions . He has a long rap sheet in the Chinese community , everybody knows that , including some well respected members .

believe it or not,  let the time speak the truth.

Offline ripplexiaoshan

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Just Chat to sfinder over skype . he told me "ripplexiaoshan" just banned him form posting to this forum since his investigation need "ripplexiaoshan"   's  chinese team to report all the fund that received from I3 chinese marketing team.

too bad so sad

 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

I never banned him, nor did I have the permission to do that, as a local subforum moderator.

Actually I indeed received a lot of accusations about Sfinder from many active members from Chinese community, most of them are continuously contributing to the community.  Probably other global moderators banned him. Obviously, I am not the only one who received these accusations about Sfinder. 

I am still investigating this event, will disclose more info when necessary. What I can say now is that the accusations in this post is just a very small part of the total proofs I received.

Keep tuned, not turned  :D
BTS committee member:jademont

Offline neosp

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Just Chat to sfinder over skype . he told me "ripplexiaoshan" just banned him form posting to this forum since his investigation need "ripplexiaoshan"   's  chinese team to report all the fund that received from I3 chinese marketing team.

too bad so sad

 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

Yeah,  everyone against you is corrupted.  What a coincidence?
Are you the knight templar while others in chinese community are diablos?

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Just Chat to sfinder over skype . he told me "ripplexiaoshan" just banned him form posting to this forum since his investigation need "ripplexiaoshan"   's  chinese team to report all the fund that received from I3 chinese marketing team.

too bad so sad

 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
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COIN team has 3 members and  I joined this team after 2 members left (not 3).  2 members left since both of them have other goals. I  am not able to make any comments on it . 3 of us are managing this team. Sfinder is one of our team member.
Based on my knowledge ,sfinder is a long term contributor to this community including donate his own server to setup a demo wallet for the community. as i know sfinder is trying to following the spending of BM's 400btc  funding that issued to chinese community in this April currently only around 2500cny being received by chinese community

We will check into sfinder's post in this forum as well  and see if he over-saying

Before making any judgement, I just want to kindly ask, are you sfinder himself?  is you too?  Why you use this ID (coins) to defend? Most of the Chinese community members know that you are in control of coin delegate team(3 delegates currently), which include 5 members originally, but now 3 of them quit because they don't like you.

Please correct me if I am wrong. The community need to get full information from both sides before making any decision. :)
can not prove the guy in btc38 is "sfinder".  as i know you can name youself anyname in btc38.

sfinder is "sfinder" in this forum in this community .

sfinder is a long term contributor to this community including donate his own server to setup a demo wallet for the community.
as i know sfinder is trying to following the spending of BM's 400btc  funding that issued to chinese community in this April

currently only around 2500cny being received by chinese community
see his post  as following

Shame on you sfinder ..

Seriously: no one can forbid him to do so, but the "collective" can thankfully honor is service and vote him out having lost all his trust!
IIRC it was stated from the beginning that delegates should stay as neutral as possible! And what he is doing is pure greed (I recall from another message that he is still buying) .. that is misuse of delegate position ..

Disclaimer: all of the above is my personal opinion and I will act accordingly. You please make up your own mind and act accordingly!




** “BTS中文区发言人” 中的翻译成员也有收到沈波先生的资助,望你们也协助沈波先生的工作,将收到的明细报给社区**


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862 4/25/2014 Bitshares-Eastern-Operation Storage (China) 100.00 BTC Invictus 1NFbNPYhQHeDGLXboXX9VTCHnPe6N9p71E ff02d912608860c157a64feb6f309a15dd1e1922b7710c6fe1de10787e44847e
962 4/25/2014 Bitshares-Eastern-Operation Storage (China) 100.00 BTC Invictus 13nf5jATZ5ucdZPzDpwJwA1MELvQ7LKdU1 f153deeb39fc49107f9e91b7486742e8ea90782907d89417aa78531eb83130ad
1,062 4/25/2014 Bitshares-Eastern-Operation Storage (China) 100.00 BTC Invictus 17VaGyg29yxz2zX824ospGasjAQBHdq1do f8b5a21181f140b3dd383af44c07c970b8fc4b738e2fa3b019e507dde8b61dcf
1,162 4/25/2014 Bitshares-Eastern-Operation Storage (China) 100.00 BTC Invictus 1BAygNmQGYdhi5hfCijUSHQh91Et3tvj4M 0e7f95f760c60854b9ac1eae4746e28808272c0c44b1a83b36d3ca82efb3ebeb
« Last Edit: November 02, 2014, 06:47:54 pm by coins »
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Offline ripplexiaoshan

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Before making any judgement, I just want to kindly ask, are you sfinder himself?  is you too?  Why you use this ID (coins) to defend? Most of the Chinese community members know that you are in control of coin delegate team(3 delegates currently), which include 5 members originally, but now 3 of them quit because they don't like you.

Please correct me if I am wrong. The community need to get full information from both sides before making any decision. :)
can not prove the guy in btc38 is "sfinder".  as i know you can name youself anyname in btc38.

sfinder is "sfinder" in this forum in this community .

sfinder is a long term contributor to this community including donate his own server to setup a demo wallet for the community.
as i know sfinder is trying to following the spending of BM's 400btc  funding that issued to chinese community in this April

currently only around 2500cny being received by chinese community
see his post  as following

Shame on you sfinder ..

Seriously: no one can forbid him to do so, but the "collective" can thankfully honor is service and vote him out having lost all his trust!
IIRC it was stated from the beginning that delegates should stay as neutral as possible! And what he is doing is pure greed (I recall from another message that he is still buying) .. that is misuse of delegate position ..

Disclaimer: all of the above is my personal opinion and I will act accordingly. You please make up your own mind and act accordingly!




** “BTS中文区发言人” 中的翻译成员也有收到沈波先生的资助,望你们也协助沈波先生的工作,将收到的明细报给社区**


Code: [Select]

862 4/25/2014 Bitshares-Eastern-Operation Storage (China) 100.00 BTC Invictus 1NFbNPYhQHeDGLXboXX9VTCHnPe6N9p71E ff02d912608860c157a64feb6f309a15dd1e1922b7710c6fe1de10787e44847e
962 4/25/2014 Bitshares-Eastern-Operation Storage (China) 100.00 BTC Invictus 13nf5jATZ5ucdZPzDpwJwA1MELvQ7LKdU1 f153deeb39fc49107f9e91b7486742e8ea90782907d89417aa78531eb83130ad
1,062 4/25/2014 Bitshares-Eastern-Operation Storage (China) 100.00 BTC Invictus 17VaGyg29yxz2zX824ospGasjAQBHdq1do f8b5a21181f140b3dd383af44c07c970b8fc4b738e2fa3b019e507dde8b61dcf
1,162 4/25/2014 Bitshares-Eastern-Operation Storage (China) 100.00 BTC Invictus 1BAygNmQGYdhi5hfCijUSHQh91Et3tvj4M 0e7f95f760c60854b9ac1eae4746e28808272c0c44b1a83b36d3ca82efb3ebeb
BTS committee member:jademont

Offline neosp

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Don't use same spelling mistakes as proof of identity - It is not.
You should use your head. These accounts might not be linked to sfinder at all.

It's not just a spelling mistake, is a pattern of behavior.
Since that sfinder is a chinese member, if you want further proof, you can ask members of the chinese community.

At least one thing you can consider, what is the motivation of a guy to register ''? Is it for good purpose?
« Last Edit: November 02, 2014, 06:28:01 pm by neosp »

Offline emski

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Don't use same spelling mistakes as proof of identity - It is not.
You should use your head. These accounts might not be linked to sfinder at all.

Offline neosp

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can not prove the guy in btc38 is "sfinder".  as i know you can name youself anyname in btc38.

sfinder is "sfinder" in this forum in this community .

sfinder is a long term contributor to this community including donate his own server to setup a demo wallet for the community.
as i know sfinder is trying to following the spending of BM's 400btc  funding that issued to chinese community in this April

see his post  as following

Shame on you sfinder ..

Seriously: no one can forbid him to do so, but the "collective" can thankfully honor is service and vote him out having lost all his trust!
IIRC it was stated from the beginning that delegates should stay as neutral as possible! And what he is doing is pure greed (I recall from another message that he is still buying) .. that is misuse of delegate position ..

Disclaimer: all of the above is my personal opinion and I will act accordingly. You please make up your own mind and act accordingly!

check this out:

firstly here is a post of '':

chinese community is checking how their market  leader spend around 400BTC BM's funding..
only around 2500cny fund were recorded ....

it may turn into a scandal.... stay turmed..... +5% +5% +5% +5% +5%

the second one is a post of sfinder:

Placeholder..... I have something to say regarding the attitude to this accident. stay turned..........

can you see it? They all mis-spell it in the same way

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can not prove the guy in btc38 is "sfinder".  as i know you can name youself anyname in btc38.

sfinder is "sfinder" in this forum in this community .

sfinder is a long term contributor to this community including donate his own server to setup a demo wallet for the community.
as i know sfinder is trying to following the spending of BM's 400btc  funding that issued to chinese community in this April

currently only around 2500cny being received by chinese community
see his post  as following

Shame on you sfinder ..

Seriously: no one can forbid him to do so, but the "collective" can thankfully honor is service and vote him out having lost all his trust!
IIRC it was stated from the beginning that delegates should stay as neutral as possible! And what he is doing is pure greed (I recall from another message that he is still buying) .. that is misuse of delegate position ..

Disclaimer: all of the above is my personal opinion and I will act accordingly. You please make up your own mind and act accordingly!




** “BTS中文区发言人” 中的翻译成员也有收到沈波先生的资助,望你们也协助沈波先生的工作,将收到的明细报给社区**


Code: [Select]

862 4/25/2014 Bitshares-Eastern-Operation Storage (China) 100.00 BTC Invictus 1NFbNPYhQHeDGLXboXX9VTCHnPe6N9p71E ff02d912608860c157a64feb6f309a15dd1e1922b7710c6fe1de10787e44847e
962 4/25/2014 Bitshares-Eastern-Operation Storage (China) 100.00 BTC Invictus 13nf5jATZ5ucdZPzDpwJwA1MELvQ7LKdU1 f153deeb39fc49107f9e91b7486742e8ea90782907d89417aa78531eb83130ad
1,062 4/25/2014 Bitshares-Eastern-Operation Storage (China) 100.00 BTC Invictus 17VaGyg29yxz2zX824ospGasjAQBHdq1do f8b5a21181f140b3dd383af44c07c970b8fc4b738e2fa3b019e507dde8b61dcf
1,162 4/25/2014 Bitshares-Eastern-Operation Storage (China) 100.00 BTC Invictus 1BAygNmQGYdhi5hfCijUSHQh91Et3tvj4M 0e7f95f760c60854b9ac1eae4746e28808272c0c44b1a83b36d3ca82efb3ebeb
« Last Edit: November 02, 2014, 06:03:27 pm by coins »
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that chinese guy is not " sfinder " since there is no link from sfinder to the guy in you can named you as any name in btc38.

the follow is a public comments area in for many investor.
星在飘我在找 is ID of sfinder 
becasue it is picture of information ,so I type the Chinese word below it ,each Chinese can check it .

sfinder :"第12轮测试刚刚开始就挂了,要硬分叉,看看能否成功救活。根据我对3I的了解,市场功能至少要测试20-30次以上。也就说要半年左右的时间,这种速度是很快的了。但做开发的朋友都清楚。当然半年也很难熬。对3i没有信心的一定会先抛币把资金抽出来做其它事"

sfinder :"其实你和某些人一样,都是技术盲,BM将没有测试过的程序推向市场,把我们当小白鼠,你清楚内情吗?由于我们这些bts的玩家没有对BM的市场功能进行攻击 ,都第一时间把问题回报给I3才没有造成大家的投资归零。你知道上个月btsx做了几次硬分叉吗?好几次硬分叉都是有致命的问题。你知道为什么i3的员工对ALT都顶礼膜拜吗?就因为ALT每次都能发现市场的致命问题。大家不能只看表象,要看实际情况。了解技术内情的人每次都感觉在过山车。5个BTSx受委托人,如果我真有那么多,你要感谢我每月都想btsx输血,有那个受委托人是盈利的,我的确帮助不下10个人设立委托人,但他们是自己运行的,关于法律问题,如果AGS的捐款被没收,那么谁来推动btsx的后续开发维护工作。有时需要多想想"

ps : all the up in formations are public . there is no contradiction between  any delegate and me ,no benefit relationship.I just show the true and my view.
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Do not use this post as information for making any important decisions. The only agreements I ever make are informal and non-binding. Take the same precautions as when dealing with a compromised account, scammer, sockpuppet, etc.

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Thanks for the translation neosp!

Everyone has different point of view and he is free to express it.
If someone dislikes sfinder's behavior - that is what the voting is for.

You cant say he is lying though. There is some truth in his words.
However if he uses this solely to influence the price then it is an issue.

you can see this,  another guy with name extremely similar to dacsunlimited is quoting what sfinder said and spreading FUD.  Actually I think this guy is just sfinder himself.  Only he will quote what he said.

Yea this guy seems like really bad news.