And tonyk , please mind your language ......
Playshares to AGS and PTS are kind of responsibility from the old consensus , so it's not much room to talk about , 10% 10% each , plain and simple .
The Playshare to BTS , however , is a gift not a responsibility . The only reason a 3rd party DAC want to give BTS any shares at all is for their promotion . If they want to single my account out , it's their right . (by doing that , they might lose more attention from me) . However , they don't owe me anything , because that didn't belong to me at all , no matter it's in collateral or not .
You don't have to like their plan for BTS . But the 1 million hackerfisher gave fuzzy is a irrelevant matter , that 1 million is not steal from you because no BTS user is suppose to own any Playshares at all , the 1 million is just a number that hackerfisher created in the program , you have to own the 1 million first in order to let somebody stole it from you .
I see hackerfisher changed his idea for not giving playshares to the collateral , but everything I said before is still true . He changed his idea only because of he wants to satisfy your request , not because he owes you or BTS anything , not because anyone thinks that the 1 million PLS gave to fuzzy is stealing from you . I hope you can see that clearly now once you let go of your bias and anger .