bitshares is not an "altcoin". that's offensive... so lets not join. but cool project maybe.
i think superNet (the originator of the idea) has a far better shot at delivering.
jfadsfasdfj777 is apparently behind blocknet too. What I hear from my contacts is that 777 believes NxT has taken a path that he feels is dangerous because they have apparently become too greedy (at least from what I have heard of his opinions from inside those circles). So he looked for and NXT clone that would give a better shot at spread out distribution...and fell onto NHZ.
If there is a tech that I like outside of bitshares it would be NHZ---though they take a very far seat with their second place in my eyes.
how do you know/believe that jl777 is "apparently" behind blocknet too? that would make no sense at all. or are you just repeating what some "contact" said.
Dearest bitdraw, my contacts work with jl777 on a close level as I worked with seraphim who was Intimately involved with NHZ. It is good to be skeptical, but not necessary in this case

If you do a little research, NHZ was a fork of NXT and offered bitshares based chains as assets on their decentralized exchange. This was actually my idea as it placed both technologies together in a position of potential friendship and cooperation we would have never received from NXT.
Why not just observe the blocknet coins to see what features work, and then fund developer delegates to copy them? Blockchains don't compete, they swallow each other whole.
I agree with Rune.
On a different note good reconnaissance Fuzzy.
Thanks. I actually personally really like the folks working with NHZ. In my opinion it is good to have a few different techs that support each other and work to diversify risk. That is actually how I see separate DPOS based chains, too (only there an element there that seems hidden from most). We dont need to kill or attack anything...altcoins are countries in depressions--bitshares is the shining city on the hill that can show them all the way to freeing themselves from the despotism of an ecosystem that only allows the biggest to survive.
One of bitshares greatest powers will be in watching the innovations in each country and adopting those it thinks are best. But first the community needs to realize this power and get over wanting to hide its light from everyone for fear of them blowing it out...a great idea only dies when its hidden from others.