Author Topic: Sparkle - Because real money sparkles!  (Read 40416 times)

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Offline fuzzy

Awesome thinking fuzzy  +5%

Not being a developer I don't really know what I can do to help sparkles be dropped on BTS.  Other than throwing some sparkly pixie dust in the air and putting on my fairy dress up suit (which I already do everyday anyway), what else can I do? :P.
+5% fuzzy.. go sparkles go...

Seriously, lets start recruiting Solid POW coins Devs.  Let's tell them that if they implement this, we will give them a Delegate in BTS (which will ensure they sharedrop on BTS'ers, btw) to implement it on their chain.

I see, so the plan would be clone sparkle, sharedrop e.g. doge 80%, split the 20% between BTS/AGS/PTS or just BTS and then just that repeat for bitcoin, litecoin, every major alt coin.  Each coin this was done with would then get the features of BTS, and the support of the entire BTS community, it's win win.  Good for the POW coin and good for BTS holders.  I'd definitely vote for a delegate who wanted (and was capable) of carrying out that plan (if that's what you meant)

Don't forget new Sparkle Holders...We should be willing to share the pie for them too--Well the ones who believe in Sparkle.  They ARE us after it isn't like it hurts anyone but those who don't believe in it and sell off thinking it is a piece of shit. 

Reward the risk takers right?
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Offline matt608

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Awesome thinking fuzzy  +5%

Not being a developer I don't really know what I can do to help sparkles be dropped on BTS.  Other than throwing some sparkly pixie dust in the air and putting on my fairy dress up suit (which I already do everyday anyway), what else can I do? :P.
+5% fuzzy.. go sparkles go...

Seriously, lets start recruiting Solid POW coins Devs.  Let's tell them that if they implement this, we will give them a Delegate in BTS (which will ensure they sharedrop on BTS'ers, btw) to implement it on their chain.

I see, so the plan would be clone sparkle, sharedrop e.g. doge 80%, split the 20% between BTS/AGS/PTS or just BTS and then just that repeat for bitcoin, litecoin, every major alt coin.  Each coin this was done with would then get the features of BTS, and the support of the entire BTS community, it's win win.  Good for the POW coin and good for BTS holders.  I'd definitely vote for a delegate who wanted (and was capable) of carrying out that plan (if that's what you meant)

Offline fuzzy

Awesome thinking fuzzy  +5%

Not being a developer I don't really know what I can do to help sparkles be dropped on BTS.  Other than throwing some sparkly pixie dust in the air and putting on my fairy dress up suit (which I already do everyday anyway), what else can I do? :P.
+5% fuzzy.. go sparkles go...

Seriously, lets start recruiting Solid POW coins Devs.  Let's tell them that if they implement this, we will give them a Delegate in BTS (which will ensure they sharedrop on BTS'ers, btw) to implement it on their chain. 
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Offline matt608

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Awesome thinking fuzzy  +5%

Not being a developer I don't really know what I can do to help sparkles be dropped on BTS.  Other than throwing some sparkly pixie dust in the air and putting on my fairy dress up suit (which I already do everyday anyway), what else can I do? :P

Offline mf-tzo

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 +5% fuzzy.. go sparkles go...

Offline fuzzy

If anyone is paying attention outside this little community, they will see that counterparty is now a protocol layered over 3 coins (at least...) and growing.  BTC, DOGE and now Vericoin are using CounterParty protocol for their --Party coins. 

They are essentially giving it away to people who mine and they have a means by which they can have people burn their tokens to buy into it, thus getting a stake.  However, Counterparty is severely limited in what it can do--limited by the constraints of the chains on which it resides. 

Sparkle could be used for us to clone to hundreds of POW coins, and the original communities could have 80% stake while the rest is sharedropped equally on PTS/AGS/BTS/Sparkle holders.  This could be a very good strategy to prepare other communities for a later switch to full DPOS.  Try not to get caught up in the numbers sharedropped...

Let's just consider the simple fact that if we do not let our protocol spread far and wide, we are far less likely to see mass adoption that we want to see.  Not only that...but I can assure you counterparty will continue spreading, which is fine...if you want to watch their devs getting rich from the sidelines.  I for one am all for giving the technology to other communities and sincerely hope we see some forks coming out of this and honoring other coins.  If people open their eyes and see the writing on the wall, it is worth receiving a smaller cut of many other chains with something like Sparkle Clones than to just do nothing.  This is another tool in our toolbox and I hope we use it to full effect.

Does anyone know of a Dev we could pay with a 100% delegate to clone "Sparkles" to every POW chain out there?
« Last Edit: November 24, 2014, 09:53:39 pm by fuzzy »
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Offline Ander

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Indeed Vizzini, that was my first thought based on the name.

See if it can go viral among the MLP fans, similar to Dogecoin going viral. :P | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

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Sparkle is fully honoring AGS/PTS in recognition of their support and belief in many 3rd party DACs.   BitShares will not be honored because of their view of everything else as competition.   

I really take offense at the fact that you went beyond simply not honoring BTS, but actively gave us a big 'f*ck you', in your initial announcement post.

It almost looks like you are going out of your way to create a coin specifically so that you can say how bitter you are about the merger.

This does not foster community unity, and I am not sure why you would specifically try to create more enemies by singling out BTS holders and telling them that you hate them.

Do not take it too seriously Ander. The sparkly thing is either insider joke/count the idiots project (those that are exited about it in both this and the POW crowds). Or an attempt by the competition to get exactly the response you are showing now. At any rate this this project will not make money for the AGS/PTS holder and would have not made you money even if they were dropping on BTS.
Just get yourself a pop-corn and enjoy the show.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2014, 07:14:22 pm by tonyk2 »

Offline Ander

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Sparkle is fully honoring AGS/PTS in recognition of their support and belief in many 3rd party DACs.   BitShares will not be honored because of their view of everything else as competition.   

I really take offense at the fact that you went beyond simply not honoring BTS, but actively gave us a big 'f*ck you', in your initial announcement post.

It almost looks like you are going out of your way to create a coin specifically so that you can say how bitter you are about the merger.

This does not foster community unity, and I am not sure why you would specifically try to create more enemies by singling out BTS holders and telling them that you hate them. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline Empirical1.1

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Regards the name, Sparkle sounds quite feminine. Have you considered just 'Spark'. That sounds more masculine and impactful. Spark a fire/revolution/idea etc.

 'All you need is a Spark'


Or think of your own signature with Sparkles...

Paper money is for cleaning oneself. Real Men use BitUSD.
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Paper money is for cleaning oneself. Real Men use SparkleUSD.
Ain't no BS in Sparkle. Get yo'self a sparkly wallet and start saving'

« Last Edit: November 24, 2014, 08:30:14 pm by Empirical1.1 »

Offline donkeypong

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Regards the name, Sparkle sounds quite feminine. Have you considered just 'Spark'. That sounds more masculine and impactful. Spark a fire/revolution/idea etc.

 'All you need is a Spark'


Offline Gentso1

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Firstly congrats on a new and interesting product I wish you much success.

I am not going to post my thoughts  on pow/pos/dpos because I think its best just to let the market to decide and I honestly dont know how they will fee about this. You make a very good point on this being a possible bridge between pow and dpos so I think it stands at least a better then 50% chance of some success.

I do find your argument of competition being bad, well not great. I grew up playing sports all my life and I have seen both the good and bad sides of competition. Competition in it's purest form can not only be healthy but can push both sides to new heights and expand a community as a whole. Competition and its sometimes misunderstood friend pressure, in moderate doses will not only bring out the best of group of people,idea,product but can lead to a inner fulfillment that is better then the highest of highs.Its sometimes a hard fought victory that will make the finish all that much sweeter.

Don't take this as a insult but using competition as a argument for not having a different allocation just makes you sound sore or resentful of perhaps a past allocation. Oh and I am a bts/ags holder so take it for what its worth. No matter the allocation I sincerely hope your project is able to serve as a bridge between 2 beliefs.     

Offline Empirical1.1

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Sparkle is fully honoring AGS/PTS in recognition of their support and belief in many 3rd party DACs.   BitShares will not be honored because of their view of everything else as competition.   

This makes a lot of sense to me. I think this will be positively received in the Chinese community too.
You obviously understand the market and marketing. 30/30/30 as you mentioned later should work too.

Regards the name, Sparkle sounds quite feminine. Have you considered just 'Spark'. That sounds more masculine and impactful. Spark a fire/revolution/idea etc.

I am a big fan of PTS/AGS as I was one of the first to be entranced by them...but I will gladly do anything I do to help get BTS shareholders a slice of the pie.  It doesn't really do too much difference to me either way as I am pretty much diversified across all of them...but I do believe that as long as BTS community helps support it that they deserve a bit of the stake. 

Plus...this is a good opportunity to teach new BTS holders the value of working to show we deserve to be sharedropped on.  I believe if we all took this vantage point and really asked ourselves what we each have done to deserve to be honored...and honestly answer these quesions, we would likely surpass our competitors within a year in terms of network effect.

 +5% Yeah that's why I think 1/3 each could work too. But OP is correct, AGS & PTS are specifically and carefully marketed and funnelled to be DAC savvy supporters. I'm also of the opinion, BTS is still currently valued at less than the sum of its parts were, which suggests that you may want to sharedrop pre-merger to maximise value. I also think it will appeal to the Chinese community more.

[hint hint]
Sounds like you have missed how sprakly is handling your favorite issue. biggie from 20% to 60% inflation in less than 24h...but still reasonable  :), but who knows after 36h or god forbid 1 week  ;)
Just saying it might get very masculine and impactful
[/hint hint]

Yes the inflation model for Sparkle is quite high for me and I also think POW is probably doomed medium term+.

But as long as the inflation is defined and set in, I prefer it to dilution which can be changed. (Once BitShares has a mainstream BitAsset market, that doesn't care about BitShares on the back end, there's a risk large stakeholders can dilute you a lot more than Sparkle unless BitShares markets itself as having a fixed future supply.)

I love 50/50 allocation. So happy :D
I also like this
what a specific function this DAC support ,or just a copy?

I guess Sparkle is a kind of experiment that examines whether PoW can survive  in the future. ;)

Yip, I see it as an experiment about whether POW is better at driving network effect. It will be interesting. Personally the one thing I'm a 100% convinced on is that BitAssets will change the world. The only question is which model will bootstrap them first. Most of my money is still on BitShares but I'm hedging in competitors too.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2014, 01:00:40 pm by Empirical1.1 »

Offline clayop

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I love 50/50 allocation. So happy :D
I also like this
what a specific function this DAC support ,or just a copy?

I guess Sparkle is a kind of experiment that examines whether PoW can survive  in the future. ;)
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