Author Topic: IT Delegate Proposal - backbone.riverhead  (Read 10798 times)

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Offline liondani

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+5% voted

Thanks! I have just budgeted some of backbone.riverhead's income to a bronze github plan that will be used by toast and other interested parties to maintain freetrade_bots.


Offline Riverhead

+5% voted

Thanks! I have just budgeted some of backbone.riverhead's income to a bronze github plan that will be used by toast and other interested parties to maintain freetrade_bots.

Offline jamesc

Offline Riverhead

Good suggestions, thank you.

Yes, to run a delegate currently takes a lot less resources than it does to compile. All that is needed on the VPS is the binary and a few dependencies.

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Offline ripplexiaoshan

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Good to see the up of IT delegate, so all delegates now have a teacher +5%

May I ask you one question? or maybe it's a suggestion.

Can you update all the necessary techniques about how to run a delegate on some website, like wiki?

For example, I heard that you are able to compile BTS wallet from your own computer, and then mirror it to VPS node, then the VPS can run the wallet without compiling first. In this manner, you can use a VPS with lower capacity to save cost. Many tips like this will be very valuable. +5% +5% +5%
BTS committee member:jademont

Offline Riverhead

Offline hpenvy

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btsx address: hpenvy
Tips appreciated for good work

Offline bytemaster

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Offline matt608

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Voted for you, what you are offering is important.  +5%

Offline Method-X

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 +5% Nice to see this is live now! I voted for Riverhead because providing the blockchain with security is an extremely important service. At 10% pay, this is a steal.

Offline svk

I'm not too concerned about legal issues running a delegate. I'll report my income when I need to cash it out to fiat. This came up briefly on last week's mumble session and the common answer was you'd just be a freelancer.

As far as giving grants to fund projects perhaps BM and/or Stan can speak to that as they have done this already and they are on top of their legal game.

That said I would be willing to pool a legal defense fun with some delegates. Sounds like a perfect use for the new escrow functionality.

You will/might run in  trouble if you do that. You are supposed to report it at the time you received it (read daily). At least that's how I was told to read the current regulations ...
Hmm. Maybe it's when you do a withdraw pay delegate operation. Until then it's not really spendable. Sort of like hourly pay building up but you save off deductions on payday. Anyway, I'm happy to pay my taxes until I can move elsewhere.

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Yea, I think a lot of people don't realize how delegate pay works. It's not like in Bitcoin where the person who finds a block immediately gets the block reward sent to his account, in Bitshares it's stored by the blockchain until you actually withdraw it manually, and you can choose the account to withdraw to. Whether that makes any difference taxwise I don't know, but either way I'm with River on this, meaning I don't intend to declare anything that I haven't converted to fiat and I'm not doing that anytime soon..
Worker: dev.bitsharesblocks

Offline Riverhead

I'm not too concerned about legal issues running a delegate. I'll report my income when I need to cash it out to fiat. This came up briefly on last week's mumble session and the common answer was you'd just be a freelancer.

As far as giving grants to fund projects perhaps BM and/or Stan can speak to that as they have done this already and they are on top of their legal game.

That said I would be willing to pool a legal defense fun with some delegates. Sounds like a perfect use for the new escrow functionality.

You will/might run in  trouble if you do that. You are supposed to report it at the time you received it (read daily). At least that's how I was told to read the current regulations ...
Hmm. Maybe it's when you do a withdraw pay delegate operation. Until then it's not really spendable. Sort of like hourly pay building up but you save off deductions on payday. Anyway, I'm happy to pay my taxes until I can move elsewhere.

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I'm not too concerned about legal issues running a delegate. I'll report my income when I need to cash it out to fiat. This came up briefly on last week's mumble session and the common answer was you'd just be a freelancer.

As far as giving grants to fund projects perhaps BM and/or Stan can speak to that as they have done this already and they are on top of their legal game.

That said I would be willing to pool a legal defense fun with some delegates. Sounds like a perfect use for the new escrow functionality.

You will/might run in  trouble if you do that. You are supposed to report it at the time you received it (read daily, I would not go to any wider interpretation than 'at the moment you withdrew the funds with wallet_delegate_withdraw_pay). At least that's how I was told to read the current regulations ...
« Last Edit: November 21, 2014, 02:15:35 am by tonyk2 »

Offline Riverhead

I'm not too concerned about legal issues running a delegate. I'll report my income when I need to cash it out to fiat. This came up briefly on last week's mumble session and the common answer was you'd just be a freelancer.

As far as giving grants to fund projects perhaps BM and/or Stan can speak to that as they have done this already and they are on top of their legal game.

That said I would be willing to pool a legal defense fun with some delegates. Sounds like a perfect use for the new escrow functionality.

You need at least 50% pay rate for all you are wanting to do crazy guy. Choose 50%+
I'm willing to operate at a loss until the 10% is real money. Crazy guy is generous :P. Hopefully not delusional haha.

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