Seasons Greetings to you all!
An official OpenLedger YouTube channel has been created to insure the flow of news in one place taking into consideration the videos we have in mind in near.
We will try to involve the community in rgards to which video is of highest piority to begin with to have released for a smooth connection an impression of the platform
Until then please do visit the new YouTube location for all future OpenLedger videos and subscribe for future news, supportig the channel in the same time, thanks. sincerely
Ronny Boesing
Latest NEWS:Trading fees of OPENPOS added to OBITS revenue stream.
OPENPOS is issued for crowdfuning purposes and the trading fees connected with the sales of this asset are owned by CCEDK and the account openledger. 100% of the fees generated from these transactions will ALL be used as profits to be added for future buyback of OBITS whenever available.