Author Topic: Howto publish a Slates for Delegates  (Read 2470 times)

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Offline wackou


I also just added a publish_slate command to my bts_tools that does the same as your script, hopefully more delegates are going to publish slates if we make it as easy as possible. I am currently curating my own slate of delegates and will publish it real soon now.
Please vote for witness wackou! More info at

Offline CLains

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Offline svk

Hey there,

I'd like to see many more (managed) slates among the elected delegates to build a web-of-trust using delegate slates such as delegate.xeroc.

The advantage of having several trusted sources of slates are:
 - users have no need to evaluate 101 delegates
 - if I trust delegate xyz .. and the delegates (how is supposedly connected to some of the other delegates) trust delegate abc, why shouldn't I?
 - assuming delegate uvy disappoints (fraud, misuse, reliability, ...) removing it from slates would directly affect all future transactions made via "as delegates recommend" - firing a delegate should be easier that way.

Helper script:
I published a script (originally wrote it for fuzz) which should be quite easy to use:

1) $ git clone
2) $ cp
3) modify accordingly
4) Run the script with $ python

Example configuration:
Code: [Select]
## URL to RPC API of client
url = ""
## User as defined with --rpcuser=test or BitShares config file
user = 'username'
## User as defined with --rpcpassword=test or BitShares config file
passwd = 'password'
## Wallet name ( default: default :) )
wallet = "default"
## Unlock passphrase for the wallet
unlock = ""
## Delegate for which to publish a slate
delegate = "delegate.xeroc"
## Delegate which pays for the slate broadcast transaction
payee = "payouts.xeroc"
## NOTE: the private keys for both, "delegate" and "payee", must be in
## available in the wallet!
## List of trusted delegates
trusted = [

Example output:
Code: [Select]
Opening connection to client
Opening wallet delegate
Unlocking wallet
Unapproving all previously approve delegates
Approving trusted delegates
 - alecmenconi
 - angel.bitdelegate
 - backbone.riverhead
 - bdnoble
 - bitcoiners
 - bitcube
 - bitsuperlab.gentso
 - bts.fordream
 - clout-delegate1
 - crazybit
 - del.coinhoarder
 - dele-puppy
 - delegate-clayop
 - delegate.baozi
 - delegate.jabbajabba
 - delegate.liondani
 - delegate.xeldal
 - delegate1.john-galt
 - dev.bitsharesblocks
 - dev0.nikolai
 - forum.lottocharity
 - happyshares
 - luckybit
 - maqifrnswa
 - marketing.methodx
 - mr.agsexplorer
 - skyscraperfarms
 - spartako
 - testz
 - titan.crazybit
 - wackou.digitalgaia
 - dev-metaexchange.monsterer
 - stan.delegate.xeldal
 - bm.payroll.riverhead
 - del0.cass
 - argentina-marketing.matt608
 - btstools.digitalgaia
 - dev.sidhujag
 - media-delegate
 - jcalfee1-developer-team.helper.liondani
 - media.bitscape
 - provisional.bitscape
 - valzav.payroll.testz
 - elmato
 - blackwavelabs
Broadcasting slate
Transactions ID: 88ed833a426d96ad93a95553e870da8eaaae7bd4

If you publish your slate please consider announcing your slate and keeping it up to date. I hope that svk eventually finds the time to list delegates slate separately and allows browsing their approvals.

Happing slating!

I'll get to it eventually I promise! You can add an issue for it on github if you'd like, that'll make sure I don't forget.
Worker: dev.bitsharesblocks

Offline xeroc

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Hey there,

I'd like to see many more (managed) slates among the elected delegates to build a web-of-trust using delegate slates such as delegate.xeroc.

The advantage of having several trusted sources of slates are:
 - users have no need to evaluate 101 delegates
 - if I trust delegate xyz .. and the delegates (how is supposedly connected to some of the other delegates) trust delegate abc, why shouldn't I?
 - assuming delegate uvy disappoints (fraud, misuse, reliability, ...) removing it from slates would directly affect all future transactions made via "as delegates recommend" - firing a delegate should be easier that way.

Helper script:
I published a script (originally wrote it for fuzz) which should be quite easy to use:

1) $ git clone
2) $ cp
3) modify accordingly
4) Run the script with $ python

Example configuration:
Code: [Select]
## URL to RPC API of client
url = ""
## User as defined with --rpcuser=test or BitShares config file
user = 'username'
## User as defined with --rpcpassword=test or BitShares config file
passwd = 'password'
## Wallet name ( default: default :) )
wallet = "default"
## Unlock passphrase for the wallet
unlock = ""
## Delegate for which to publish a slate
delegate = "delegate.xeroc"
## Delegate which pays for the slate broadcast transaction
payee = "payouts.xeroc"
## NOTE: the private keys for both, "delegate" and "payee", must be in
## available in the wallet!
## List of trusted delegates
trusted = [

Example output:
Code: [Select]
Opening connection to client
Opening wallet delegate
Unlocking wallet
Unapproving all previously approve delegates
Approving trusted delegates
 - alecmenconi
 - angel.bitdelegate
 - backbone.riverhead
 - bdnoble
 - bitcoiners
 - bitcube
 - bitsuperlab.gentso
 - bts.fordream
 - clout-delegate1
 - crazybit
 - del.coinhoarder
 - dele-puppy
 - delegate-clayop
 - delegate.baozi
 - delegate.jabbajabba
 - delegate.liondani
 - delegate.xeldal
 - delegate1.john-galt
 - dev.bitsharesblocks
 - dev0.nikolai
 - forum.lottocharity
 - happyshares
 - luckybit
 - maqifrnswa
 - marketing.methodx
 - mr.agsexplorer
 - skyscraperfarms
 - spartako
 - testz
 - titan.crazybit
 - wackou.digitalgaia
 - dev-metaexchange.monsterer
 - stan.delegate.xeldal
 - bm.payroll.riverhead
 - del0.cass
 - argentina-marketing.matt608
 - btstools.digitalgaia
 - dev.sidhujag
 - media-delegate
 - jcalfee1-developer-team.helper.liondani
 - media.bitscape
 - provisional.bitscape
 - valzav.payroll.testz
 - elmato
 - blackwavelabs
Broadcasting slate
Transactions ID: 88ed833a426d96ad93a95553e870da8eaaae7bd4

If you publish your slate please consider announcing your slate and keeping it up to date. I hope that svk eventually finds the time to list delegates slate separately and allows browsing their approvals.

Happing slating!