Author Topic: Year End Developer Bonuses  (Read 33394 times)

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Offline donkeypong

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NXT is horrible! Wouldn't touch it with your money?

I'm kidding. You're a thorn in somebody's side, but I wouldn't accuse you of being a spy...much too obvious with the pessimism.

Offline fuzzy

What??  Not one person bitching and moaning?   It almost like all these people from all over the world have a unifying goal and shared vision.  That shit is powerful.

Well done everyone.  2015 is going to be epic.

Complaining amidst this circle jerk would be pointless.

I will predict that 6months from now, despite this $50K bonus to each developer, there will be complaining about how they are not getting paid enough and most likely will "propose" multiple delegates per developer or they will bail. The $150K for the past year is more than the average targeted BitShares user will make over 3 years, but not enough for themselves.

In light of the Marketing mess and AGS funds depleted, I do find this a slap in the face. A $50,000 bonus after all the claims of of "we are out of money". I guess this was Brian Page's earmarked shares that you guys are greedily taking for yourselves?

There is no greed going on here.  Is the average targeted BitShares user working 60+ hours per week?  These developers could be earning over $100K per year at places like google and for the next 6 months are working for delegate pay of just $2500 per month or less than $10,000.   The only person who is greedy are those who expect to profit from the work of others.

As far as "out of money" goes we are out of BTC and the BTS we have remaining is all budgeted for the next year and thus cannot be spent.

It's total greed on all accounts and parties. Even me. Your altruistic intentions disappeared the second you required people to "donate" in order for you to develop your world changing idea.(By the way, I see no evidence of Satoshi Nakamoto asking to be paid while he developed Bitcoin).

That is because he gave himself/herself/themselves a handsome genesis stake bro.  I know you can Google and Read or you wouldn't have made your way here.  Right now would be a good time to employ those skills. 

You try to make comparisons where they do not exist...just to make a point with negative connotations.  Happy New Year, and I look forward to seeing you working for free in the coming year ;)
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Offline fuzzy

  People don't work for free.

I am not sure about that... 
Can you define "free" ?

Sent from my ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 997D

Work full time requires money for food, shelter and clothing.

The point should be rather that we try to take care of those in our community who do work.  Should they have to work free while some people just sit back and observe, risking nothing?
WhaleShares==DKP; BitShares is our Community! 
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Offline bytemaster

  People don't work for free.

I am not sure about that... 
Can you define "free" ?

Sent from my ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 997D

Work full time requires money for food, shelter and clothing.
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Offline liondani

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  People don't work for free.

I am not sure about that... 
Can you define "free" ?

Sent from my ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 997D

Offline bytemaster

What??  Not one person bitching and moaning?   It almost like all these people from all over the world have a unifying goal and shared vision.  That shit is powerful.

Well done everyone.  2015 is going to be epic.

Complaining amidst this circle jerk would be pointless.

I will predict that 6months from now, despite this $50K bonus to each developer, there will be complaining about how they are not getting paid enough and most likely will "propose" multiple delegates per developer or they will bail. The $150K for the past year is more than the average targeted BitShares user will make over 3 years, but not enough for themselves.

In light of the Marketing mess and AGS funds depleted, I do find this a slap in the face. A $50,000 bonus after all the claims of of "we are out of money". I guess this was Brian Page's earmarked shares that you guys are greedily taking for yourselves?

There is no greed going on here.  Is the average targeted BitShares user working 60+ hours per week?  These developers could be earning over $100K per year at places like google and for the next 6 months are working for delegate pay of just $2500 per month or less than $10,000.   The only person who is greedy are those who expect to profit from the work of others.

As far as "out of money" goes we are out of BTC and the BTS we have remaining is all budgeted for the next year and thus cannot be spent.

It's total greed on all accounts and parties. Even me. Your altruistic intentions disappeared the second you required people to "donate" in order for you to develop your world changing idea.(By the way, I see no evidence of Satoshi Nakamoto asking to be paid while he developed Bitcoin). They further disappeared when you devalued your investors share so you could continue to siphon money out of BTS just to stay on board.

Tired of hearing "These developers could be earning over $100K per year at places like google". If they really could, they would have. It speaks volume that you resort to this justification continually.  Just because you guys misjudged the opportunity cost involved in working on this project, doesn't mean you get to risk everyone's investment a la VOTE dilution and these bonuses so you make yourself whole in value to what you predicted you should've been paid.

Well fortunately I never claimed altruistic intentions and I despise altruism in general.   I have always maintained that I wanted to make freedom profitable for everyone involved.   People don't work for free. 
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Offline NewMine

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Tired of hearing "These developers could be earning over $100K per year at places like google". If they really could, they would have.

I reneged on my offer which effectively blacklists me from applying there again any time soon. "They would have" is directly contradicted by the evidence.

I apologize. Can I have a link to the "evidence".

PM'ing you

PM'd you back.

Offline NewMine

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*Why no bonus for the NullSt. people?  Can I have a severance too? I will take 3 million BTS to go away and never come back. Send to newmine  ;)

That is why you don't get a bonus/severance.  Those that did get it are committed to the cause and will not abandon the project even though in our contract-free ecosystem they could.

Wat? I have no affiliation with NullSt guys. I am just saying they are making about $2K per month and doing a better job than all of you guys, Stan, You, Brian Page etc. in the marketing arena and your near 1/2 a million dollars in pay you've paid yourselves. Just saying, maybe Stan's bonus (not sure why he earned it) should've gone to those guys.

Hey NewMine, how are things going with NXT?

NXT is horrible! Wouldn't touch it with your money?

Offline NewMine

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(By the way, I see no evidence of Satoshi Nakamoto asking to be paid while he developed Bitcoin)

Lol. All praise satoshi, the great messiah of crypto. Our lord and saviour did not ask for payment for developing his bit coin, thus anyone doing so are HERETICS!!!

I am merely pointing out that development can happen without the requirement and demands of being paid large salaries.

Offline donkeypong

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*Why no bonus for the NullSt. people?  Can I have a severance too? I will take 3 million BTS to go away and never come back. Send to newmine  ;)

That is why you don't get a bonus/severance.  Those that did get it are committed to the cause and will not abandon the project even though in our contract-free ecosystem they could.

Wat? I have no affiliation with NullSt guys. I am just saying they are making about $2K per month and doing a better job than all of you guys, Stan, You, Brian Page etc. in the marketing arena and your near 1/2 a million dollars in pay you've paid yourselves. Just saying, maybe Stan's bonus (not sure why he earned it) should've gone to those guys.

Hey NewMine, how are things going with NXT?

Offline toast

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Tired of hearing "These developers could be earning over $100K per year at places like google". If they really could, they would have.

I reneged on my offer which effectively blacklists me from applying there again any time soon. "They would have" is directly contradicted by the evidence.

I apologize. Can I have a link to the "evidence".

PM'ing you
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Offline toast

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I actually strongly agree about nullstreet guys being underpaid ATM.
Their delegates are getting voted in though.
Do not use this post as information for making any important decisions. The only agreements I ever make are informal and non-binding. Take the same precautions as when dealing with a compromised account, scammer, sockpuppet, etc.

Offline NewMine

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Tired of hearing "These developers could be earning over $100K per year at places like google". If they really could, they would have.

I reneged on my offer which effectively blacklists me from applying there again any time soon. "They would have" is directly contradicted by the evidence.

I apologize. Can I have a link to the "evidence".

Offline Rune

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(By the way, I see no evidence of Satoshi Nakamoto asking to be paid while he developed Bitcoin)

Lol. All praise satoshi, the great messiah of crypto. Our lord and saviour did not ask for payment for developing his bit coin, thus anyone doing so are HERETICS!!!

Offline NewMine

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*Why no bonus for the NullSt. people?  Can I have a severance too? I will take 3 million BTS to go away and never come back. Send to newmine  ;)

That is why you don't get a bonus/severance.  Those that did get it are committed to the cause and will not abandon the project even though in our contract-free ecosystem they could.

Wat? I have no affiliation with NullSt guys. I am just saying they are making about $2K per month and doing a better job than all of you guys, Stan, You, Brian Page etc. in the marketing arena and your near 1/2 a million dollars in pay you've paid yourselves. Just saying, maybe Stan's bonus (not sure why he earned it) should've gone to those guys.