I think this is great.
But what do you mean by saying that these will be free for now? I am interested in how you plan on this working out. There has to be some kind of incentive structure. This could be a great idea or a bad one. Until we know the plan it will be hard to assess. Maybe we can chat about this?
Oh, and for the delegates I would say it is between Xeroc and Riverhead. 
DUDE! You didn't include your wallet! I can't send you the free DelegateTip!
Means exactly what it means.. this is a free giveaway! I gave this about 90 seconds of thought before I went ahead and created the asset. We need something to allow people to celebrate those that do good work. Been way to much talk about how to penalize those that don't. This way we reward those that do.. and leave those that don't out in the cold.
I been spending BTS out of my own pocket with every transaction so far. That's not sustainable! People eventually are going to decide what a DelegateTip is worth. I can see possibly bitsharesblocks creating a new dataset for the top delegates to show how much DelegateTips each of them got.
This is just a step up in how everyone can give THANKS to their delegates instead of just VOTES. Delegates are people not politicians.. now they have their own little slice of bitheaven to look at see how much their efforts are appreciated. It will sustain itself over time.
So the plan is no plan. You can assess whatever you like from that.
Sure we can chat about this!! I will have a conversation about celebrating our finest delegate warriors any day of the week!