Author Topic: NEW DelegateTip Asset *FREE GIVEAWAY THREAD!* Line up everybody line up line up!  (Read 20040 times)

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Offline hpenvy2

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bts: hpenvy2

Cass is always willing to help and adds to the professional shine of BitShares.

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

I think this is great.

But what do you mean by saying that these will be free for now?  I am interested in how you plan on this working out.  There has to be some kind of incentive structure.  This could be a great idea or a bad one.  Until we know the plan it will be hard to assess.  Maybe we can chat about this?

Oh, and for the delegates I would say it is between Xeroc and Riverhead.  :)

DUDE! You didn't include your wallet! I can't send you the free DelegateTip!

Means exactly what it means.. this is a free giveaway! I gave this about 90 seconds of thought before I went ahead and created the asset. We need something to allow people to celebrate those that do good work. Been way to much talk about how to penalize those that don't. This way we reward those that do.. and leave those that don't out in the cold.

I been spending BTS out of my own pocket with every transaction so far. That's not sustainable! People eventually are going to decide what a DelegateTip is worth. I can see possibly bitsharesblocks creating a new dataset for the top delegates to show how much DelegateTips each of them got.

This is just a step up in how everyone can give THANKS to their delegates instead of just VOTES. Delegates are people not politicians.. now they have their own little slice of bitheaven to look at see how much their efforts are appreciated. It will sustain itself over time.

So the plan is no plan. You can assess whatever you like from that. :) 

Sure we can chat about this!! I will have a conversation about celebrating our finest delegate warriors any day of the week!
« Last Edit: February 08, 2015, 04:46:24 pm by DataSecurityNode »
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Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

BTS: clains

fuzzy.beyondbitcoin for his tireless efforts, scrupulous conscience and great hangouts.

Yes absolutely! I am certain fuz would just LOVE to get a DelegateTip! He is always talking about rewarding people for their hardwork.. and DelegateTip does just that! Show your delegates you recognize their efforts and really like it when they do something you think is awesome!

You go the power in your wallet now Clains!! Dispense righteously!
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Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

bts: pal

toast most productive delegate!

Absolutely! Toast was one of the first delegates who reached out to me when I first became a member here last summer. He does great work around here and deserves a little delegate luv with a DelegateTip!

Great choice Pal!
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Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode


riverhead, for giving technical help to just about everybody.

Good choice molisa86! Yeah riverhead has been awesome for that!

DelegateTip him now with your FREE DelegateTip!

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Offline fuzzy

I think this is great.

But what do you mean by saying that these will be free for now?  I am interested in how you plan on this working out.  There has to be some kind of incentive structure.  This could be a great idea or a bad one.  Until we know the plan it will be hard to assess.  Maybe we can chat about this?

Oh, and for the delegates I would say it is between Xeroc and Riverhead.  :)
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Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

All the mentioned delegates are awesome and there are many more so this is a difficult choice to choose one.

I don't know if BM counts as a delegate because if he does, my vote would go to him.

If BM doesn't count I think I would go for liondani because he has always assisted me and is always trying to inspire people with his memes and posts.

bts: mf-tzo

Can't just pick one huh!? Well you can use all your DelegateTip to spread the luv around!

You now have the POWER! It's in your wallet!

With great DelegateTip power comes great responibility. Tip wisely.

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Offline CLains

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BTS: clains

fuzzy.beyondbitcoin for his tireless efforts, scrupulous conscience and great hangouts.

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode has missed the fewest blocks so far, and it organizes a professional team for marketing BTS in China. +5%

ID: xiaoshan

Yes they have done a stellar job! We are lucky to have them! Now you can show them more appreciation with a DelegateTip!

You got some in your wallet right now!!! WOO HOO!

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Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

Xeroc is always tirelessly helping users, providing support in the forum!


Absolutely! He is like a delegate giant!
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Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

Bts: rba

provisional.bitscape publishing cryptofresh under an open source license is really great!

Also metaexchange is a tool thar could mean a lot to the bts ecosystem.

Awesome rb2! Show them some Delegate luv with DelegateTip then! Your FREE DelegateTip is in your wallet now!
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Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

If I had to choose one delegate to tip it would be
If it wasn't for these guys we would probarbly be in a much wors position than we are now.
Also I like that they give us updates from the Chinese community, before this we had no way of knowing what happened there.

But also the tradebts and DACX delegates, would be tipped, because they look real promising.

BTS: graffenwalder

Well now you have enough DelegateTip to send to both of them if you like! :) Keep some for when you see a delegate do something you like too!

Free DelegateTip sent!

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Offline molisa86

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riverhead, for giving technical help to just about everybody.

Offline mf-tzo

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All the mentioned delegates are awesome and there are many more so this is a difficult choice to choose one.

I don't know if BM counts as a delegate because if he does, my vote would go to him.

If BM doesn't count I think I would go for liondani because he has always assisted me and is always trying to inspire people with his memes and posts.

bts: mf-tzo
« Last Edit: February 08, 2015, 11:06:54 am by mf-tzo »