Author Topic: Light Wallet Beta Release  (Read 55227 times)

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Offline Riverhead

The recovery passphrase generated with a space on the end. It failed verification until I added the space.

Offline script

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script: Not really... The only deps it has that the full node doesn't have (unfortunately, the light wallet deps everything the full node does, due to the absurd interdependence of our libraries) is Qt 5.4 and those two QML libraries.

did not mean anything bad by that quote :) it just when i saw cn-members post a binary for the wallet i was like YA this is going to be easy.
loaded up a fresh mint install on virtualbox downloaded the file , little did i know the fun had only just started.

I'm getting failures installing qml-extras, first missing QtTest, and then QtQuick on Mint 17.1.

Does someone have a dependency list?

this works on a fresh mint install on virtualbox - tested it twice on clean installs its was linuxmint-17.1-xfce-64bit on virtualbox.
I may of over done dependency's but i kept getting that fliping QtQuick 2.3 not installed bug, so i include all the things!



sudo add-apt-repository ppa:beineri/opt-qt54-trusty -y
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cmake git libreadline-dev uuid-dev g++ libdb++-dev libdb-dev zip libssl-dev openssl build-essential python-dev autotools-dev libicu-dev libbz2-dev libboost-dev libboost-all-dev npm nodejs-legacy qtdeclarative5-qtquick2-plugin qt54-meta-full -y

sudo apt-get install npm qt5-default libqt5webkit5-dev qttools5-dev qttools5-dev-tools nodejs-legacy -y

sudo npm install -g lineman -y

git clone
mkdir qml-extras-build
cd qml-extras-build
/opt/qt54/bin/qmake ../qml-extras
make check
sudo make install

cd ..
git clone
mkdir qml-material-build
cd qml-material-build
/opt/qt54/bin/qmake ../qml-material
make check
sudo make install
cd ..

##### if wallet fails to open with QtQuick 2.3 not installed error - rerun just the line below #######
source /opt/qt54/bin/
#### if wallet fails to open - rerun just the line above ######

EDIT: when i said this worked i may of spoken too soon! still tinkering
EDIT2: sry guys yesterday was tried and grumpy and even making a cup of tea went wrong.
the above works fine on a fresh install of linux mint in virtualbox. if you get a 'QtQuick 2.3 not installed' when you start the wallet, close wallet and in terminal enter
source /opt/qt54/bin/
and restart wallet it will work fine.
the light wallet is coming along really nice. good job from the team working on it.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2015, 09:20:35 am by script »

Offline modprobe

Hey, trog! Ubuntu et. al. have obfuscated packaging conventions which make chasing down dependencies difficult, but I think you're looking for the package qtdeclarative5-dev or qt5declarative5-dev or something like that. I'm pretty sure several of the Ubuntu packages have two 5's in the name, alongside several others which are similar but have only one 5, and of course they don't bother to document what the difference is, or, more importantly, what all you need to install if you just want to use software and don't want to devote yourself to the finer points of package naming convention. I've spent several long, annoying sessions trying to figure out how to build on Ubuntu. x[

The easy answer is, you can remove the test targets from the qml-extras and qml-material .pro files, and then you won't need the QtTest stuff. Perhaps an easier answer yet is to simply install Qt 5.4 to /opt or something and point QTDIR at that.

Offline Troglodactyl

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I'm getting failures installing qml-extras, first missing QtTest, and then QtQuick on Mint 17.1.

Does someone have a dependency list?

Offline bytemaster

Dan and Eric are building it
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Offline hpenvy2

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Offline modprobe

script: Not really... The only deps it has that the full node doesn't have (unfortunately, the light wallet deps everything the full node does, due to the absurd interdependence of our libraries) is Qt 5.4 and those two QML libraries.

Offline sudo

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can‘t wait to see win version

Offline script

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the linux build is here:
enjoy yourself

thanks you , but wish it could of been that easy ... damn this wallet HEAVY on dependencies :)

Offline alt

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I have try exchange and call auction service from BTSBOTS,
they all works good, thanks.

Offline clayop

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Any news for windows users?  :(
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Offline spartako

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Nevermind, @spartako. I found the bug, and fixed it. If you can do your own builds, you can get it by cherry picking a994c7c6d5da95a45d68f806aab48280734b56cc. Otherwise, you'll see it next time I release a binary.

Wow, you were very fast! I went to sleep and I wake up with your gift ;)
I wait for the next release.

wallet_account_set_approval spartako

Offline modprobe

Nevermind, @spartako. I found the bug, and fixed it. If you can do your own builds, you can get it by cherry picking a994c7c6d5da95a45d68f806aab48280734b56cc. Otherwise, you'll see it next time I release a binary.

Offline modprobe

Great, thanks @spartako. It's designed to handle the system locale's numbers correctly, but apparently I missed something somewhere along the way. I'll dig a little deeper on this and see if I can figure out why it's failing. If you can collect the command line output when it does this, that would be helpful, but with luck I'll be able to reproduce it myself.

Offline spartako

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I found a problem when I want to transfer a decimal number (Probably it is a localization problem, my mac is configured for the italian language and we use ',' instead of '.').

I try to send 0.5 usd (I have to write 0,5 otherwise if I write 0.5, the red string remain "0 USD" and I can't continue)

When I have to confirm I get this invalid error:
« Last Edit: February 17, 2015, 10:19:26 pm by spartako »
wallet_account_set_approval spartako