Windows 7x64. 0.7.0
While loading the blockchain, the messages "Last Block was synced" and popup message "Catching up, processing # of #" is stuck and does not display progress. Leading you to think it has crashed.
It also appears to still have a memory leak, unless its supposed to use 1.666gb of memory while loading the blockchain.

When the log files stop getting bigger, I assume it has crashed and File\Quit and then eventually kill the process.
Second try at loading, it apparently downloaded 100days of blockchain before running out of memory. After restarting it and letting it run for a couple hours, now used over 2gb of memory

default log had this error repeated a few times
7272015-03-24T01:14:45 th_a:?unnamed? operator () ] Error during update checking: 11 eof_exception: End Of File
stringstream {} th_a sstream.cpp:109 fc::stringstream::peek {"str":""} th_a json.cpp:454 fc::json::from_string MainWindow.cpp
p2p log was full of these while it was active
2015-03-24T01:55:21 p2p:message read_loop read_loop ] disconnected 0 exception: unspecified The file handle supplied is not valid
{"message":"The file handle supplied is not valid"} asio asio.cpp:37 fc::asio::detail::read_write_handler_with_buffer::operator () {"len":16}
p2p stcp_socket.cpp:94 bts::net::stcp_socket::readsome message_oriented_connection.cpp:182
2015-03-24T01:55:21 p2p:send_queued_messages_task send_queued_messages ] Error sending message: {"code":0,"name":"exception","message":"unspecified","stack":[{"context":{"level":"error","file":"asio.cpp","line":37,"method":"fc::asio::detail::read_write_handler_with_buffer::operator ()","hostname":"","thread_name":"asio","timestamp":"2015-03-24T01:55:21"},"format":"${message} ","data":{"message":"The file handle supplied is not valid"}},{"context":{"level":"warn","file":"stcp_socket.cpp","line":136,"method":"bts::net::stcp_socket::writesome","hostname":"","thread_name":"p2p","timestamp":"2015-03-24T01:55:21"},"format":"","data":{"len":16}},{"context":{"level":"warn","file":"message_oriented_connection.cpp","line":245,"method":"bts::net::detail::message_oriented_connection_impl::send_message","hostname":"","thread_name":"p2p","timestamp":"2015-03-24T01:55:21"},"format":"unable to send message","data":{}}]}. Closing connection. peer_connection.cpp
The latest default.log file has grown to over 82mb, and the p2p log file is 98mb. Is there no logfile size limit?
Deleted logs, config.json, node_config,json, peers.leveldb files, and restarted. Same memory leak and stuck on block problem.