git submodule update --init --recursive
Tried that, but got the same result:
Host:~/DevShares# git submodule update --init --recursive
fatal: reference is not a tree: 028f9409247be6d3d09a157e8eb347a173afc599
Unable to checkout '028f9409247be6d3d09a157e8eb347a173afc599' in submodule path 'libraries/leveldb'
I then tried to restart from the top with a fresh clone for the repository, but left out the "checkout dvs/0.9.0" line to remain on the master. Again, same result when attempting the "submodule update --init --recursive" line.
Next, I tried a new VPS host with the same results. Does my build script look incorrect? What does the "reference is not a tree" bit mean? How to resolve?