We are establishing the share allocation of BitShares 1.0 which will have 4 million total shares. 2 million will be allocated proportional to PTS holders and 2 million proportional to AngelShare (AGS) holders.
Hi guys, I just wanted to confirm this was right.
Will there still be 20 000 000 Bitshares in total and AGS & PTS will make up 4 million of that total?
Or will there only be 4 million BTS in total now?
Edit: Ok pretty sure it looks like 4 million total from the posts above but just wanted to confirm as makes a big difference.
Total of 4 million. Period.
This is EPIC. (I would have replied yesterday but I bought up loads of PTS after you clarified that!)
According to my calculations -
From the launch of PTS up until 1 week ago, PTS only made up 10% of Bitshares issuance. (2 million PTS would be given the first 2 million Bitshares out of a total of 20 million Bitshares.)
Nearly everybody was buying PTS to get Bitshares.
So when PTS was +-$20 each, it was really valuing those future Bitshares at up to $20 each.
Given that there would be 20 million Bitshares, PTS was implying a speculative market cap for Bitshares of up to $400 million. (20 million x $20 = $400 million)
The announcement that there will now only be 4 million Bitshares is EPIC.
PTS now gives you 5x more of the total Bitshares issuance (50% vs. 10%) than it did a week ago! (I.e. The speculative market cap of Bitshares is now divided by 4 million not 20 million. Potentially revaluing PTS from $20 to $100 each!) It will be interesting to see how much of that adjustment the market price will reflect in the next week or two! (Edit: Personally I think PTS could easily be trading at $50 in two weeks, let's see if I'm right...)
Other: (Because of the illiquidity of Angelshares, my maths says I need about 1.8 AGS per PTS to make it worthwhile exchanging my PTS for AGS at this stage. My ratio will decrease as we get closer to the Bitshares launch provided good progress is visible. However I'd be interested to hear how other people value AGS ATM.)