That didn't help. What instanse did you choose?
I've got it to run on the free t1.micro instance (added a 1GB volume as swap) it useless for mining but it was working. I've also got it running on large instances just fine.
What I did (based off the original instructions from itsik78)
Created the instance, selecting Ubuntu 13.10 64-bit and everything else at defaults.
If your getting that far I assume you can ssh into the machine fine.
once connected I entered this, and only this and it will run:
mkdir mmcpool
cd mmcpool
sudo apt-get install -y make gcc m4 automake libevent-dev zlibc zlib1g-dev libjansson-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev git autoconf g++
git clone
cd mmcminer
./configure CFLAGS="-O3"
./minerd --url --user [yourWalletAddress] --threads [number]
If that works you can then create a file like the previous instructions say and either use nohup or personally I prefer to use tmux.
to use tmux just type tmux, you will then enter a tmux session, you can run the "" command, then hit CTRL+B then "d" to exit the session, everything inside will still be running once you disconnect from ssh. To get back into your tmux session type "tmux attach"