Author Topic: Do you remember when  (Read 2951 times)

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Offline robonix

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Do you remember when you were a kid the sky was the limit? One day you were a gladiator and the next day you were an astronaut. Do you remember how you just knew you were destined for greatness?

But then something happened as you grew up, things just didn’t work the way they you were told they “should” and you imagined a different way of doing things? I remember asking my self, why there had to be only one government and why only one monetary system? Why couldn’t I choose who minted my money? Who were these clowns, who put them in charge and most of all, why didn't anybody ever ask, is there another way?

Well there is another way and it's here now! MemoryCoin!

MemoryCoin is decentralized because it's mined on ordinary computers. this ensures a wider and fairer distribution.

MemoryCoin is democratic, the blockchain hires five officers by election to deal with different aspects of the maintenance and expansion of the coin.

MemoryCoin’s mining period will release 10 Million coins into circulation over the first 2 years and has a steady (unlike our government’s cumulative) inflation of 2% thereafter.

MemoryCoin Remember When...