Author Topic: [BitShares 2.0 Article] Measuring Performance - Throughput/Latency(Discussion)  (Read 1537 times)

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Tuck Fheman

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Relevant clips from 6-8 Hangout ...

2:23: bytemaster : This is more than the launch of DPOS 2.0, this is the launch of BitShares 2.0 which has been completely rewritten from the ground up with performance in mind with a slew of new features.

12:18: bytemaster : The answer is no. If you want the equivalent of an unregistered account, register the account to the hash of some random characters. The reason is the way the new protocol is structured. Scalability & performance discussion : transactions are 100 bytes, where bitcoin is 250 bytes, because the transfer operation is referring to account ID's instead of addresses. Which means we're using 3 bytes instead of 24 or 32 bytes to reference accounts. All permissions are based on KeyID's which are a couple bytes rather than 32 bytes. Any key has to be registered before it can be used.

15:06: fuzzy : Can a coin be unlimited in it's transactions per second?

16:32: bytemaser : Few other systems will be able to come close to us. We have identified the bottleneck in blockchains as the single threaded performance of applying transactions to the global state. It's really difficult to do this stuff in parallel. How fast can we make that inner-loop? All order matching affects the global state. You can't do it in parralel with traditional system. We used lessons learned from LMAX. We're using similar techniques in our design. Which means a heavy focus on single threaded performance.

19:11: bytemaster : You don't want expensive cryptographic operations to be in that core thread. Minimize computations. Eliminate all script evaluation. When you see other coins talking theoritical performance, the tech is usually limited to coin transfer. You can't apply this to markets or smart contracts. BitShares can and can scale for a long time to come.

22:00: bytemaster : I'm not too concerned about the other technologies out there, they're just not flexible enough.

49:52: bytemaster : Market Engine. Orders are now processed as they are included in the block, like traditional exchange. Now using ratio's for setting all prices, no more fixed point rounding errors.

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BitShares 2.0 Articles
Measuring Performance - Throughput and Latency

Great claims require great evidence and the claim that BitShares is capable of 100,000 transactions per second has probably raised a few eyebrows. This post should help clarify how we measure performance. It should be noted that we are talking about the capability of an individual computer which is the ultimate bottleneck and *not* the current P2P network.

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« Last Edit: June 08, 2015, 06:30:42 pm by xeroc ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ »