now there are endless bitCNY orders waiting to get cheaper BTS from shorters:
why this can happen?
the traffic jam of BTC blockchain and the BTC price fluctuation are the factors that lead to this.
and also there are something abnormal in exchanges, for example, poloniex has stopped processing BTS withdrawl for 5 days. does not begin process USDT withdrawl yet.
on the other side, because of magicwallet, people can get bitCNY much more easily than before...
all this lead to the result that the settle price in bitCNY has been 3-5% lower than DEX price for several days. and lead endless settle orders.
this is unfair, and will hurt shorters and also the whole BTS economy, we need to take actions to stop this.
my suggestion:
while witness get price from exchnges, check the prices first, if one BTS price from some central exchanges is 3% lower than the price in DEX, just ignore this price.this can only apply to bitCNY and is just to handle current abnormal conditions.
if any other better ways, please share, anyway we need to protect the endless settlement from happening. thanks!