Not really looking to go broke
I was just curious on a hypothetical level how a whale with 50M BTS would profit from manipulations
The way the whales have been doing it is:
1) Put in large buy orders slightly below the current price as support (this requires BTC, not BTS, you need to not be on margin yourself to do this trick). Place other orders well below the current price.
2) Wait until foolish BTS true believers margin up heavily, relying upon your orders that are near the price.,
3) Remove your near-the-price large buy support, and simultaneously market dump millions of BTS onto the market in a short period of time. Watch as the foolish BTS true believers get margin called by the polo system, causing them to liquidate into your orders that were way below the previous price.
Net result, you sold a bunch of BTS and got it right back at a lower price due to the margin calls, making a profit.
Repeat this over and over as long as you have more BTS believers willing to margin.