Polo admins hate bts..
Poloniex, a centralized exchange that rakes in profit for a few, hates a decentralized exchange that could steal the money out of their pockets.
Do they hate it because the DEX is a threat to their business?
If the Bitshares DEX becomes popular, it is definitely a threat to centralized exchanges business. This is why we need to capitalize on that fact.
If I want to buy Bitshares, and all I have is Bitcoin, must I go to shapeshift.io is that my only option? As far as I know, shapeshift just runs API's to centralized exchanges to charges a premium for the conversion.
We really need to pay attention to our entry and exit points on the Bitshares platform and build some solutions that aren't dependent on centralized exchanges at all.
If the centralized exchanges wanted, they could destroy BTS in a second. They control enough BTS to vote in whoever they want. One of the GIANT flaws in bts that almost everyone around here sweeps under the rug or chooses to ignore... Just another reason DEX adoption has been tepid.
AGREED. We need this type of discussion.
@lil_jay890 I find a lot of people argue your points for the reason that if you're not correct, we don't have anything to worry about. I do think you are correct in everything you've said. You even did it in easy to understand plain language.
While the discussion is hot, I hope:
- We brainstorm some solutions to these problems
- Multiple entrepreneurs see the proposed solutions and opportunities to build something that will help solve them
(I *changed* the original quote from @lil_jay890 and re-wrote it to show cryptocurrency examples)--------------------------------------------------------------------------
If you have ever seen "Wolf of Wall Street" there is a good, yet vulgar, scene that explains how centralized exchanges make money:
Matthew Mcconaughey: "Fuck the Users. Your only responsibility is to put meat on the table"
"Name of the Game, move the money from the Users pocket into your pocket"
Leo: "Right, but if you can make the Users money at the same time it's advantageous for everyone, correct?"
Matthew Mcconaughey: "Wrong... If you got a buyer who bought DASH at 86 and now its at 96, he's all fucking happy and wants to CASH IN. Liquidate and take his money and run home. YOU DON'T LET HIM DO THAT!"
"You know what you do, you get another brilliant idea. You get him buying ETH to reinvest his earnings and then some."
"Meanwhile he thinks he is getting shit rich, which he is, on an "virtual" exchange wallet. But you and me, the centralized exchanges, we're taking home cold hard cash via commission."
Leo: "Right, that's incredible sir..."
Matthew Mcconaughey: "Keep the Users on the centralized exchange ferris wheel. That's the name of the game".
Leo: "What if our centralized exchange gets hacked?"
Matthew Mcconaughey: "Just shut it down, take whatever balances you have, and dump them. Re-open a new exchange later, or take a few months in the Bahamas and come back under a different name"
If bts token holders want to make money, you need more money entering than leaving. You need to appeal to the gambling/risk taking side of people. You need to have them keep investing,
*AND* They need to understand that their money is a LOT safer in a decentralized exchange, where they always hold the keys and authority to their wallet balance at all times.--------------------------------------------------------------------------
The bitshares echosystem is a fantastic concept. It solves MTGox. It solves Cryptsy. It solves lots of issues.However, people always run to where the largest noise is... We're not shooting fireworks off, nor is there any band playing. We have the quietest party on the block.
Yes, coinmarketcap.com will drive attention (not just banner ads either, but price movement works the best).
But there must be other ways to reach these crowds. I do like
@Geneko's ideas:
Any icoo that is issued on dex mast collect funds thru DEX.
The account used must be multisig with milestones attached for gradual releasing funds.
That would provide transparency of project development and provide guaranties funds would be spend as intended.
In case project fail in any way all remained funds would be send back proportionally to initial investors and UIA added prefix abandoned or ex.
Reasoning behind this is that it wouldn't be appropriate to restrict such UIAs.
But it is our duty to take care of designing icoo feature that has community support. We should provide guidance how official icoo should look like. All other UIAs should be considered shitUIAs until prove otherwise and the one should approach it as such.
We could also add some comments in GUI such as official - followed by explanation and free(shit) - followed by explanation, in case someone want to buy. These explanation should be also added in tutorial page.
The industry is so greed focused, no one even knows what a proper UIA and ICO should look like... Bitshares can give users a safe feeling if we use the features to...
* lower buyer risk
* lower seller risk
* lower UIA risk
Your UIA tokens and BTS always belong to you unless you sign a trade. That's such a mind blowing feature that most kiddies playing on centralized exchange don't even understand. We don't have virtual wallet balances here. That's just awesome.
Case Scenario
You have 5000 bitshares in your wallet, but 200 of them are in an open trade.
How many Bitshares do you actually have?On Poloniex Wallet | | | On BTC-e Wallet | | | On OpenLedger Wallet |
0 BTS (virtual wallet) | | | 0 BTS (virtual wallet) | | | 4800 BTS, +200 waiting for trade (real wallet) |