I agreewith monsterer, if you are able to offer betting, there is very lucrative blockchain based gambling market potentially much larger than just game leagues especially if you get to be one of the first movers in this area on BTS 2.0
I will be very interested to see where you guys take this. Good Luck
So much larger than just one product - imagine taking a 50% cut of every single blockchain based gambling product on your platform?
We should talk.
Skype maybe ?
To quote Stan "think bigger pinky!".
We are involved in the cutting edge of the cutting edge. If you guys can understand and utilize features and infrastructure that academics are only just beginning to comprehend, then you''ll be several laps ahead in the race with the world at your feet.
The barriers to this new ecosystem are information and understanding. The technology itself is open to everyone, but the real profit will come to those who find new ways to use it.
If you can establish yourself in one market, then moving into another is almost trivial.
It's the knowledge of successful implementation that is important and having a first mover advantage here is HUGE, imo.