I've never been big on self promotion, but I admit that it feels good to write down some of the contributions to BitShares that I have made over the past year:
1. The majority of the written content on the previous bitshares.org website (January - June 2015) was my work. I wrote 100% of the home page, the “distribution” page, the “delegates” page, the “vision/philosophy” page, and about 75% of the “how it works” page.
This was part of a 5 day crunch (along with toast, cass, and Adam) that kept me up all night on more than one occasion. I spent upwards of 50 hours that week.
2. I thoroughly edited 17 separate articles/documents for the new bitshares.org website and submitted github pull requests (via robrigo)
3. I co-founded the NullStreet Journal with Cass, and I have edited and published 4 issues so far. I estimate over 20 hours of work per issue, which includes messaging/emailing hundreds of community members and delegates, collecting, editing (and corresponding), formatting and writing the introduction. (Almost every article I ever received was in need of editing. Not surprisingly, Stan was one of few exceptions

4. I have done a number of writing jobs for various community members, and have publicly offered my editing services to the community on more than one occasion.
5. For the past 3 months I have been building dposhub.org, a collaborative news platform that will help to streamline delegate/shareholder communications. DataSecurityNode and I are just adding the finishing touches and will be announcing beta testing soon, at which time we will begin discussing partnerships with several community members.
6. Last but not least, all the intangibles such as friendships made, experiences shared (so much fun on mumble!) and assistance given that perhaps I have no right to claim "brownies" for, because in the words of my favorite poet "The love that I give just becomes the love that I get"

BTS: cryptoprometheus