I agree with a lot of your points about bitshares Wildpig, especially the empty promises of big deals or big pushes hurting and the uncertainty of it all. But what I don't see is why that doesn't apply to ethereum.
I get that ethereum is infinitely better at marketing and community building, but I can't find any reason for the sudden price jump. There are quite a few considerable risky issues and unsolved problems, that would have caused massive outroars on the side of bitshares users and shareholders. An unspecified and encertain move to POS, as far as I can tell remaining issues with solving bandwidth and centralization (especially since they seem to hate the solutions and ideas that have been implemented in bitshares). Last I looked the pricing of "gas" is not resolved, which is kinda important if you want to have your scripts running at the same cost.
So where is this sudden spike in confidence coming from, where I'm seeing no less issues than people see in bitshares. Is it me, or does it sound a little backward to first make a complicated system and then move it to a different blockchain? It might be just me, but the ethereum blockchain sounds a little more involved than a timestamped database and when they hand wave their plans to upgrade the entire thing without even an attempt at a governance system like in dpos, not only sounds technically difficult to me, but also very hard to get concensus on. Hell if it's so hard in bitshares with it's attempts at inbuilt voting, how will it work in ethereum?
All this does not invoke me with the same confidence in ethereum, that "the market" apparently is seeing. Btw, is this price increase actual, or can this be an orchestrated pump? I'm not trying to diss ethereum, but the only other jump I've seen like this was with the ripple-manipulation, so I'm no longer able to bring myself to buy into these kinds of jumps. The thing is, if ethereum crashes hard, I'm kinda worried it will have a bad effect on all the so called bitcoin2.0 projects.