Author Topic: Maker sharedrop on the BitShares community  (Read 39821 times)

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Offline Ben Mason

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I would even go as far as stating that brownie.pts holders are most active in the community

You can't claim that, there will be active members whom BM doesn't appreciate.

What is EVM?

I am one of those.  Errr, was one of those. I lost all desire to even point out the errors of your ways and decided to let the cards fall where they may. Chatting with ABL a few weeks back, someone who didn't care but had nothing but incentive to see this project succeed, made me realize this project was dead in the water.

What is hilarious to me is how many industry firsts have happened here and still you can find a way to act as though this project is dead.  The fact that you were talking to ABL about it gives no extra validity to your thoughts so it might be best to continue thinking to yourself on this one newmine.  And you know I give you credit when I think it is deserved--so you can be certain my response to your ridiculous point is not trolling.
thank you fuzzy, well said. 

Newmine, if you could try to look at the positives and think to the future, you might get more out of being a part of this community.   Does it really matter if the journey was difficult, we're all trying to learn from our mistakes.  Once 2.0 is launched, i'm sure your analysis of feature, function and governance will be very welcome!   

Offline EstefanTT

Maybe you could sharedrop the % you feel is right on shareholders and have a couple of % more to sharedrop on the browies.pts holders as a "bonus' for the one BM juge helpfull for the ecosystem.
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Offline fuzzy

I would even go as far as stating that brownie.pts holders are most active in the community

You can't claim that, there will be active members whom BM doesn't appreciate.

What is EVM?

I am one of those.  Errr, was one of those. I lost all desire to even point out the errors of your ways and decided to let the cards fall where they may. Chatting with ABL a few weeks back, someone who didn't care but had nothing but incentive to see this project succeed, made me realize this project was dead in the water.

What is hilarious to me is how many industry firsts have happened here and still you can find a way to act as though this project is dead.  The fact that you were talking to ABL about it gives no extra validity to your thoughts so it might be best to continue thinking to yourself on this one newmine.  And you know I give you credit when I think it is deserved--so you can be certain my response to your ridiculous point is not trolling.
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Offline NewMine

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IMHO, because you don't really use any of the BitShares tech (software-wise),
I'd say there is no need to sharedrop at all .. unless, of course you want to
grab and motivate the bitshares community as a whole.

Alternatively, you may consider not sharedropping BTS but Brownie.PTS (the
tokens handed out by BM as an appreciation of work done for the BitShares
ecosystem -- disclaimer: I have some)

Xeroc, stop trying to ruin the BTS value, and let someone sharedrop on BTS.
Seriously, what are you trying to do.
You come off as such a POS in this post.

Offline NewMine

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I would even go as far as stating that brownie.pts holders are most active in the community

You can't claim that, there will be active members whom BM doesn't appreciate.

What is EVM?

I am one of those.  Errr, was one of those. I lost all desire to even point out the errors of your ways and decided to let the cards fall where they may. Chatting with ABL a few weeks back, someone who didn't care but had nothing but incentive to see this project succeed, made me realize this project was dead in the water.

Offline Ben Mason

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Hiya Rune, i think you should go for the Bitshares community as a whole.....there's likely enormous potential value locked up within existing network participants with the current distribution.  Once you've identified the maximum % you want to sharedrop, then drop a percentage of that based on BTS stake and drop the remaining % on your subjective analysis of whom from the Bitshares community would be most useful to your Maker project......developers, beyond bitcoin contributors, forum members etc.....

Offline xeroc

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Offline nomoreheroes7

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I would even go as far as stating that brownie.pts holders are most active in the community

You can't claim that, there will be active members whom BM doesn't appreciate.

What is EVM?

I have brownies and I strongly disagree that they should be a sharedrop target for anyone except bytemaster or crptonomex... They are given out at the discretion of one person who has already admitted that he is too busy to properly oversee who/how many should be given out.  They are mostly given out for tasks that bytemaster deems important... there is plenty of work being done by other people that is beneficial to bitshares that isn't necessarily sanctioned or promoted by Dan.

Agreed. Also, brownies are actively traded on BTS right now. Wouldn't be hard for someone that BM doesn't like/approve of with deep pockets to just buy a whole bunch. And be super-duper "appreciated". lol.

As an aside, I'm not sure what to make of ETH right now. I keep hearing things like the project could take many more years to reach a stable status, dev money seems to be running out, etc. But we have guys like Toast and Rune singing its praises, and people in general seem to just be super hyped and positive about the whole project.

Basically, I guess the question is -- should I be invested in ETH instead? Just not feeling the BTS love lately, from any angle. Maybe it's just the hype of something new and shiny lol. Feels too quiet lately.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2015, 04:02:22 pm by nomoreheroes7 »

Offline lil_jay890

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I would even go as far as stating that brownie.pts holders are most active in the community

You can't claim that, there will be active members whom BM doesn't appreciate.

What is EVM?

I have brownies and I strongly disagree that they should be a sharedrop target for anyone except bytemaster or crptonomex... They are given out at the discretion of one person who has already admitted that he is too busy to properly oversee who/how many should be given out.  They are mostly given out for tasks that bytemaster deems important... there is plenty of work being done by other people that is beneficial to bitshares that isn't necessarily sanctioned or promoted by Dan.


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I would even go as far as stating that brownie.pts holders are most active in the community

You can't claim that, there will be active members whom BM doesn't appreciate.

What is EVM?

Offline toast

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Can you say what public blockchains are looking to implement EVM that you know of so far?

Nothing that I know of. There's one that wants to sharedrop onto BTC I think.

@bytemaster, would you mind speaking to the feasibility of implementing EVM into Bitshares sometime down the road and whether that could fit into your vision?  Thanks.

BM doesn't want to implement the EVM because it is slow and can't capitalize on graphene's architecture.
You can read someone's thoughts here (vikram's?)
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Offline tbone

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Which brings me back to...why not here? Or on both chains...or on your own DPOS Ethereum chain? :)

So the important thing to understand is that we didn't choose Ethereum, we chose the EVM. Ethereum is just the first blockchain implementing the EVM, and implementing it is something many blockchains could potentially do in the future, with huge benefits such as being sidechains with each other by default. Right now I know if at least 2 other public blockchains that will be supporting the EVM, and Maker will be able to move part of itself and all of its assets onto these blockchains as well, existing simultaneously on every EVM chain.

There are two main reasons for choosing the EVM 1) it is easier and more efficient to build custom applications like Maker there than in any other way (due to the insanely good solidity scripting language). 2) It is easier to integrate with, and provide financing to, other DAO and dapps that reside in the same ecosystem.

Bitshares is more specialized for providing specific, hardcoded and very efficient products like bitUSD whereas the EVM is a general purpose protocol that can exist on multiple blockchains. Perhaps at some point bitshares might implement it as well, but I have no real idea about the feasibility of this.

Can you say what public blockchains are looking to implement EVM that you know of so far?

@Bytemaster, would you mind speaking to the feasibility of implementing EVM into Bitshares sometime down the road and whether that could fit into your vision?  Thanks.

Offline toast

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Out of curiosity, though...why not just build this on bts and try to compete directly with bitUSD?  It seems pretty clear that ethereum not as capable (at present) to compare with bitshares both on a governance side (ethereum needs it's own "foundation" while bitshares has implemented separations of power and delegates)...and that isn't even talking about scalability and throughout potential.

It is harder to develop a BTS fork than to write a dapp for ethereum. Ethereum very clearly places developers first and cares only about providing a good toolchain for building dapps.

You are missing the point if you think there's a governance problem. We build our own governance model into our dapp(which again is easier to make dynamic and future-proof). The blockchain is more like a platform. We really don't care at all about what the ethereum foundation does because the protocol is set in stone and there is strong consensus about it.

Scaling (so, transaction costs long term) is the only problem.
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Don't worry - he can't talk me out of it :P
Seems I didn't express myself perfectly.
It never was the intention to "talk you out" of sharedropping onto BTS .. I rather wanted to bring additional thoughts on the table.

Heck, I would definitely profit more from being sharedropped via BTS than I would with Brownies .. but that is not the point .. it is not about throwing away money ..
it is about reaching potentially interested people... And I am not certain that every BTS holder has a clue about what is going on with rune's maker .. I would even go as far as stating that brownie.pts holders are most active in the community (and you may want to sharedrop those)

Side fact: BTS has 393,395,829 BTS UNCLAIMED right now .. why sharedrop those?

Just thoughts trying to be as objective as possible with the goal to bring something new to the table ..
nuf said

I was joking - I know you weren't trying to "talk me out of it" :P

I think brownie.PTS sharedrop might be a better idea though, but as far as I can understand it is basically the list that I posted already? You get brownie.pts for attending beyond bitcoin hangouts right?

Bytemaster has been issuing brownie points to everyone he can find that has done something he "appreciates".

So that would tend to be the most active members of the community, with emphasis on those who have made (and presumably will continue to make) great contributions to the ecosystem.

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Offline tbone

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Side fact: BTS has 393,395,829 BTS UNCLAIMED right now .. why sharedrop those?

That's a lot of BTS.  Can you explain what "unclaimed" means, exactly.  Thanks.