Author Topic: What is the focus of BitShares now?  (Read 26088 times)

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Offline James212

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So what I'm hearing is BitShares: Life, Liberty and Property. Why not chat with Glenn Beck? This seems to overlap with the Blaze network's core message.

A horrible mission statment, and a bad idea.
BTS: theangelwaveproject

Offline James212

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The purpose of Bitshares is to secure life, liberty and property for all. How? By using technology to decentralise the power of money, to codify a digital constitution with consensus forming the backbone of its governance. Why? To ensure the network is resistant to corruption over time, enabling a participant to resist theft or censorship.

I think that's the philosophical part. Most didn't give a direct and concise answer. What services does BitShares provide? What is BitShares about? If we can't explain that how can we hope to attract new people'? Ben, I appreciate your posts and although I get you, an investor won't care at all about most of what you just said.

NuShares and Nubits aims to provide stable cryptocurrency pegged to the US Dollar.

BitShares aims to ??? The best I can come up with at the moment is BitShares is a platform which allows for development of financial tools via smartcontracts. Dunno if that's the most correct option. However, even if it is, "financial tools" is a term too relative. I think I can't explain too well but from what I've seen neither did most people in this thread. So the question here is what will those smartcontracts be based on?

Before it was easier. I could say BitShares is a decentralized exchange but now seems to be way more than that and people may have a difficult time trying to understand the concept.
BTS: theangelwaveproject


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I am disappointed because we want to give everyone in the world a bank account without ID besides being a trading platform.

The social aspect is coming to short.

When I walk around I show the people the delegates in the blockexplorer. I say, this is digital gaia, poor place 102 since ages. This is yunbi and exchange and this is blackwavelabs, did nothing but are 20 positions higher then me.
That does not look good friends. That looks really fucking bad!

Also, people should be helping each other and I show since such a long time what I do.
Still there is noone other than 2-3 people who give 20 dollar.

Do you think that I will buy weed with it or so?

The Chateaux Endeavour could be reality already and make some waves in the media. Remember, I got portraid from the journalist of the year once and I can make an update maybe but for that I need to be able to go off the beaten track and need the backing of you.

We are the genesis right? :-)

Martin, I support your delegate and have voted for you. 

The problem I see is that you have posted quite a bit about how you smoke weed everyday and you are borderline homeless.  I can see this being a big turn off for people who are looking for someone they can trust with their votes.  Smoking weed and complaining everyday about not being in the 101 doesn't exactly exude professionalism.

If you want to get more votes, I suggest you tone down the negativity and leave out the drugs.  Also, right now I don't think BTS investors have charity high on their priority lists.  Focus on monetizing and growing bts.  Sorry if that seems harsh, but it's what I believe is holding you back.

Remember, "life is a resume" be careful what you put on it.
I am every day out there with a smile. Today I made new users as every day. I can see it in their eyes that they gonna download today. But they will not use a ref-link.

To say that I complain too much is not fair because it*s not true.
I wrote important things in my posting and want to provoke a change in the shareholders view.

That you kill the vibe here is really not helpful.

That I am homeless and work at the same time is a sign of professionalism.

Honesty is an important thing. Everyone here is taking drugs. I prefer to trust a good man like me who smokes weed much more than someone who doesnt and drinks for example.

I am so honest, when I find money on the ground I will ask who it belongs to.

What information do you have about blavkwavelabs. Please support me and try to answer the question, why they are on a higher position than me.

I am not a guy who works for people who judge people for smoking every day or being homeless.

Martin, I gave you a suggestion on how to get more votes.  I even said that verbaltech's funds should be distributed to you so that you would have a chance to prove yourself.  You say you want ideas on how to get more votes, when in actuality you have no intention to do anything different than what you are currently doing.

Remember I have never met you and all my opinions have been formed by posts from you on the forum.
Now you do this again. You say that I have no intentions to change what I do. This is wrong. Thanks for your support lil_jay with the verbaltech money. I voted to give it to all the listed delegates.

I have 50 million votes and a resposibility to my voters.
It is important to me to show reality.
What I dont like is fake business people who are like fish, you cannot grab them.

They have no problems, everything is perfect and the most important is not to lose this image.

This is not real. Its blinding the public.

And that this technique is successful is a shame.

Offline James212

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I have to tell the people that bytemaster and his philosophy is good, also the software, but that the community is mostly selfish, non-charity, pennyfaces who pretend to be anarchists but are only in for the money.



Really Cass, you too? The Software is good & the community sucks? Are you a shareholder in CNX?

The current wallet is the hardest to use/problematic in crypto. The community has diluted themselves more times than any crypto & in the last year BTS has lost more than any crypto in the top 10.

When they started PTS the community supported them, when they said that wasn't enough, the community said OK to AGS. When BM said I'm considering moving to VOTE before 1.0, BTSX gave up 20% for a merger to become the sole focus. When AGS ran out and dilution was needed, they gave that. When they said we've formed CNX to profit from the toolkit, private blockchain opportunities and some decentralised ones that don't directly compete with BTS. The community stayed.

Look at the massive list of contributions people have made in the brownie PTS thread not expecting a reward at the time.

I really think there's a small group that have twisted reality to justify selfish actions and failures by somehow saying the community is to blame as well as trying to stereotype that community when it's made up of an incredibly diverse global group of varying backgrounds and beliefs & most excluding myself are positive contributors and shareholders.

Empirical1.2, well said.  +5% +5%
BTS: theangelwaveproject

Offline lil_jay890

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I am disappointed because we want to give everyone in the world a bank account without ID besides being a trading platform.

The social aspect is coming to short.

When I walk around I show the people the delegates in the blockexplorer. I say, this is digital gaia, poor place 102 since ages. This is yunbi and exchange and this is blackwavelabs, did nothing but are 20 positions higher then me.
That does not look good friends. That looks really fucking bad!

Also, people should be helping each other and I show since such a long time what I do.
Still there is noone other than 2-3 people who give 20 dollar.

Do you think that I will buy weed with it or so?

The Chateaux Endeavour could be reality already and make some waves in the media. Remember, I got portraid from the journalist of the year once and I can make an update maybe but for that I need to be able to go off the beaten track and need the backing of you.

We are the genesis right? :-)

Martin, I support your delegate and have voted for you. 

The problem I see is that you have posted quite a bit about how you smoke weed everyday and you are borderline homeless.  I can see this being a big turn off for people who are looking for someone they can trust with their votes.  Smoking weed and complaining everyday about not being in the 101 doesn't exactly exude professionalism.

If you want to get more votes, I suggest you tone down the negativity and leave out the drugs.  Also, right now I don't think BTS investors have charity high on their priority lists.  Focus on monetizing and growing bts.  Sorry if that seems harsh, but it's what I believe is holding you back.

Remember, "life is a resume" be careful what you put on it.
I am every day out there with a smile. Today I made new users as every day. I can see it in their eyes that they gonna download today. But they will not use a ref-link.

To say that I complain too much is not fair because it*s not true.
I wrote important things in my posting and want to provoke a change in the shareholders view.

That you kill the vibe here is really not helpful.

That I am homeless and work at the same time is a sign of professionalism.

Honesty is an important thing. Everyone here is taking drugs. I prefer to trust a good man like me who smokes weed much more than someone who doesnt and drinks for example.

I am so honest, when I find money on the ground I will ask who it belongs to.

What information do you have about blavkwavelabs. Please support me and try to answer the question, why they are on a higher position than me.

I am not a guy who works for people who judge people for smoking every day or being homeless.

Martin, I gave you a suggestion on how to get more votes.  I even said that verbaltech's funds should be distributed to you so that you would have a chance to prove yourself.  You say you want ideas on how to get more votes, when in actuality you have no intention to do anything different than what you are currently doing.

Remember I have never met you and all my opinions have been formed by posts from you on the forum.


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I am disappointed because we want to give everyone in the world a bank account without ID besides being a trading platform.

The social aspect is coming to short.

When I walk around I show the people the delegates in the blockexplorer. I say, this is digital gaia, poor place 102 since ages. This is yunbi and exchange and this is blackwavelabs, did nothing but are 20 positions higher then me.
That does not look good friends. That looks really fucking bad!

Also, people should be helping each other and I show since such a long time what I do.
Still there is noone other than 2-3 people who give 20 dollar.

Do you think that I will buy weed with it or so?

The Chateaux Endeavour could be reality already and make some waves in the media. Remember, I got portraid from the journalist of the year once and I can make an update maybe but for that I need to be able to go off the beaten track and need the backing of you.

We are the genesis right? :-)

Martin, I support your delegate and have voted for you. 

The problem I see is that you have posted quite a bit about how you smoke weed everyday and you are borderline homeless.  I can see this being a big turn off for people who are looking for someone they can trust with their votes.  Smoking weed and complaining everyday about not being in the 101 doesn't exactly exude professionalism.

If you want to get more votes, I suggest you tone down the negativity and leave out the drugs.  Also, right now I don't think BTS investors have charity high on their priority lists.  Focus on monetizing and growing bts.  Sorry if that seems harsh, but it's what I believe is holding you back.

Remember, "life is a resume" be careful what you put on it.
I am every day out there with a smile. Today I made new users as every day. I can see it in their eyes that they gonna download today. But they will not use a ref-link.

To say that I complain too much is not fair because it*s not true.
I wrote important things in my posting and want to provoke a change in the shareholders view.

That you kill the vibe here is really not helpful.

That I am homeless and work at the same time is a sign of professionalism.

Honesty is an important thing. Everyone here is taking drugs. I prefer to trust a good man like me who smokes weed much more than someone who doesnt and drinks for example.

I am so honest, when I find money on the ground I will ask who it belongs to.

What information do you have about blavkwavelabs. Please support me and try to answer the question, why they are on a higher position than me.

I am not a guy who works for people who judge people for smoking every day or being homeless.


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How do you make high profile connections like that?

A friend of a friend of that guy you met that one time's ex-roommate. Or you just network to the gatekeeper and make a good pitch. Or you're Charles Hoskinson. You know whatever

Offline CLains

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Why not chat with Glenn Beck?

How do you make high profile connections like that?

Offline Buck Fankers

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If you want to get more votes, I suggest you tone down the negativity and leave out the drugs. 

Marijuana is a plant. A government calling it another name doesn't make it change into something it's not. It just allows them to extort money and create slave labor with a "Drug War".

Also, right now I don't think BTS investors have charity high on their priority lists

Agreed. I think most are stuck with a loss right now ... except Tuck (cuz he's insider trading I hear lel) and maybe Ander.  :P

Offline Buck Fankers

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Because he's a Masonic shill?

Is his audience?

Maybe when he has them in a lesser magic trance.  :P     But that's not what you're asking is it.  ;)  I have no issues with promoting BitShares to anyone no matter their belief system.  I just don't like Glenn Beck.  But I have no issues with him spending some Masonic tokens to buy BitShares. ;) I say go for it! Maybe he'll replace that Masonic patch he wears on his sweater with a BitShares logo one day.

Offline lil_jay890

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I am disappointed because we want to give everyone in the world a bank account without ID besides being a trading platform.

The social aspect is coming to short.

When I walk around I show the people the delegates in the blockexplorer. I say, this is digital gaia, poor place 102 since ages. This is yunbi and exchange and this is blackwavelabs, did nothing but are 20 positions higher then me.
That does not look good friends. That looks really fucking bad!

Also, people should be helping each other and I show since such a long time what I do.
Still there is noone other than 2-3 people who give 20 dollar.

Do you think that I will buy weed with it or so?

The Chateaux Endeavour could be reality already and make some waves in the media. Remember, I got portraid from the journalist of the year once and I can make an update maybe but for that I need to be able to go off the beaten track and need the backing of you.

We are the genesis right? :-)

Martin, I support your delegate and have voted for you. 

The problem I see is that you have posted quite a bit about how you smoke weed everyday and you are borderline homeless.  I can see this being a big turn off for people who are looking for someone they can trust with their votes.  Smoking weed and complaining everyday about not being in the 101 doesn't exactly exude professionalism.

If you want to get more votes, I suggest you tone down the negativity and leave out the drugs.  Also, right now I don't think BTS investors have charity high on their priority lists.  Focus on monetizing and growing bts.  Sorry if that seems harsh, but it's what I believe is holding you back.

Remember, "life is a resume" be careful what you put on it.

Offline Helikopterben

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Nice reply, most complete up until now imo  +5%

It seems to me that the focus now is on becoming profitable, so that we can survive, continue to develop, and then grow strong to achieve Bitshares goals for the future.

If a potential investor asks what BitShares is about or aims to do and you answer "to be profitable", his knowledge of BitShares will be the same he had before asking that same question. That answers nothing. It's every companies' objective to be profitable.

Yeah, I wasnt trying to give a full sales pitch, just summarize the present goal of the project.

Problem:  If my exchange of choice (e-trade, bitfinex, ect) disappears, then I lose all my money and assets.

Solution:  If my exchange, powered by bitshares, disappears, then I use another client to restore from a backup and recover all my money.

Identifying the core problem and solution is really quite easy.  Getting there is the hard part.


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The Blaze is not what you want Bitshares associated with from a marketing perspective. On the other hand Life, Liberty and Property is difficult to disagree with because they are American principles and considered to be natural rights.

Generally though I would favor avoiding the philosophical discussion in public and force on marketnig Bitshares like you would market Linux, or a financial tool.

So what do you hope will be different or better about Bitshares 2 than Bitshares 1?


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I am disappointed because we want to give everyone in the world a bank account without ID besides being a trading platform.

The social aspect is coming to short.

When I walk around I show the people the delegates in the blockexplorer. I say, this is digital gaia, poor place 102 since ages. This is yunbi and exchange and this is blackwavelabs, did nothing but are 20 positions higher then me.
That does not look good friends. That looks really fucking bad!

Also, people should be helping each other and I show since such a long time what I do.
Still there is noone other than 2-3 people who give 20 dollar.

Do you think that I will buy weed with it or so?

The Chateaux Endeavour could be reality already and make some waves in the media. Remember, I got portraid from the journalist of the year once and I can make an update maybe but for that I need to be able to go off the beaten track and need the backing of you.

We are the genesis right? :-)
« Last Edit: August 18, 2015, 09:25:29 pm by 38PTSWarrior »

Offline Ander

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Nice reply, most complete up until now imo  +5%

It seems to me that the focus now is on becoming profitable, so that we can survive, continue to develop, and then grow strong to achieve Bitshares goals for the future.

If a potential investor asks what BitShares is about or aims to do and you answer "to be profitable", his knowledge of BitShares will be the same he had before asking that same question. That answers nothing. It's every companies' objective to be profitable.

Yeah, I wasnt trying to give a full sales pitch, just summarize the present goal of the project. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads