I love CCEDK of course, as one of our partners, but I also love Poloniex. Their interface is very nice, and the margin and lending features and bringing in the traders and volume. More liquidity is important to anyone trying to trade or buy at decent prices without slippage.
I'd love to see CCEDK making their interface work more like that at Polo. Currently Polo has the best interface of any altcoin exchange by far, and imo it should be emulated.
Here are a summary of the features I think should be emulated:
* In the trading screen, the sell orderbook is on the left (under the BUY section), and the buy orderbook is on the right (under the SELL section). This is much superior to how it is on CCEDK. On CCEDK, to look at how my order will match up against the orderbook, I have to compare diagonally across the section.
* At CCEDK, if I click on an order that is down further in the order book, it inputs that specific quantity and price into my order. However, what it should do is input that price and the quantity that is the sum of all the coins available up to that price. This way I can make a couple clicks and buy all of the orders up to a certain point. The way it works on CCEDK, it only works well if you buy every single order manually, which is annoying. Its especially annoying when someone spams every price level with some small 100 share order or something. Most of the other exchange operate the way I described.
* There is no Trollbox at CCEDK! The polo trollbox is awesome and very lively, it keeps people interested in the site.
* I like the way the charts look at polo.
* I like the Night mode option, which makes the screen have a dark background, its much cooler.
* And of course, the margin features bring in the trading volume.
I would love to see CCEDK become even more successful than polo! Of course, using Bitshares as the backend is a huge step forward. I hope that these front end interface improvements can be made as well, since they will help attract more users.
