thanks,daniel and stan,things get more interesting now.
one more doubt:will all the lotto dacs use the same snapshot taken at specific time or the individual third party launched lotto dacs use different snapshots taken at different time ?
Great question!
Let's think this through together:
Initially there's a snapshot for BitSharesLOTTO and all PTS/AGS holders now have a new kind of coin in their wallets. It works just like PTS, only focused exclusively on interest in future gaming DACs.
Now, somebody who doesn't like the gaming business sector for any number of valid reasons, sells his LTS to someone who sees robotically honest gaming as the investment of a lifetime.
Who should own the shares of the
LuckyStrikeCasino DAC when it comes out? Should it be the initial LTS snapshot or a snapshot of the latest block in the LTS chain?
Obviously, it should be the
latest block since the whole point of a proto-chain is to trade stakes in future DACs in that business sector.
Now fast forward to a time far in the future, maybe August, when somebody wants to launch a competing
EvenMoreLuckyCasino. What is their best strategy?
Do they take a snapshot of the current LTS chain to appeal to all investors in this industry sector?
Or do they take a snapshot of their competitor's chain in an attempt to lure away all of its stakeholders?
Now imagine a short time later when there are hundreds of gaming DACs filling every possible ecological niche. Someone wants to enter the business - where do they take their snapshot?
This is a free market. They could do any combination. I am sure many things will be tried. What will the free market accept?