This is great feedback, thanks.
I've done a first pass on this in the Exchange yesterday, making the following changes:
- Price chart is now up top, with a button to switch to the depth chart, it's also 400px high instead of 300px
- The bids and ask in the left column have been switched
- There's an option to put the orderbook horizontally below the Buy Sell buttons instead of on the left
- You can invert the positions of the Bid/Ask columns in horizontal mode
- You can invert the positions of the Buy/Sell buttons
- The "Status bar" up top remains fixed when you scroll. It will contain more useful info once that's available from the backend
- I also fixed the issue with extreme orders pushing normal orders off the screen
- All these customizations will persist between sessions in the same browser
I like your idea of putting favorite markets also in the right column, I can't really put 24hr change or anything like that in there though because that data isn't available from the backend. I used to wish for a market summary api call in BTS 1 as well...
I might put in your smaller vertical depth chart also.
About the Price History time frames: the ones we have enabled right now are the default ones that the witness_node is configured for out of the box. I'll see if we can add some more in the backend. Since the time frames available will likely change between different api providers, the backend might also need to have an api call to let us know which ones are available.
And finally about the market history: tbone you are correct, it only shows trades that have happened while you were in that market. The reason is simple: the backend has no market_history api call, so there's no way for me to get it. I've been asking for this since June, hopefully they'll get to it eventually..
Great, I'm really excited to see some of these changes. By the way, I envision the right column including that list of favorite markets at the top, then the smaller vertical depth chart just below (if you decide to add that), then the Market History. If you do add the smaller depth chart, perhaps you can make it hideable so the user can choose to see more of the price history, which can be very useful sometimes. Speaking of price history, I'm surprised that's not available in the 2.0 back end since it was available in 1.0 and it's such a must-have. In any event, once that data is available, that table should also include the time of the trade as I'm sure you would agree.
I like your idea of putting favorite markets also in the right column, I can't really put 24hr change or anything like that in there though because that data isn't available from the backend. I used to wish for a market summary api call in BTS 1 as well...
Can't you use the chart data to show the change in price between now and the close of the last daily period?
A couple other things I wanted to point out:
1. The order book column headers could be a lot more clear. For example, instead of using "Price", I would use "Bid" for the price column header on the bid side, and "Ask" for the price on the ask side. Also, "Amount" is too vague. I would consider using "Quantity" (which was used in 1.0), it's much more clear. "Value" is also too vague and I would consider using "Cost" instead. I know some people will think these things are trivial, but they really do make a difference. Below is a sample order book with these changes to the headers, plus a couple of changes I mentioned in my previous post.
2. You may have caught this already, but in the BTS : Trade.BTC market, the prices in the order book are getting rounded to 5 decimals vs. 8 (I added trailing zeroes above just to see what it looks like).
3. Also in the BTS : Trade.BTC market, when you buy BTS, the order confirmation Says "Amount to sell: x.x Trade.BTC", which really indicates the total
cost of the BTS I'm buying instead of the
quantity of BTS I'm buying. I think that would make more sense for the inverted market (Trade.BTC : BTS) so perhaps technically it's not wrong, but it's going to confuse people and I would recommend matching the confirmation more specifically to the selected version of the pair. Also, the order confirmation has field labels for "Amount" and "Price, but not total cost of the trade (i.e. QTY * price), could you add that? So if it's BTS : Trade.BTC and you are buying, confirmation should show:
Quantity to buy: x BTS (NOT Amount to sell: x Trade.BTC)
Price: y Trade.BTC/BTS
Total: z Trade.BTC
4. It's difficult to view the order book on the charcoal gray background. Can you use black for the background instead, I think the increased contrast will make a real difference.
Hope you find this helpful. Looking forward to seeing some of your modifications. Thanks for your efforts.