We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.
--Benjamin Franklin
Everyone holding ProtoShares is part of a movement to decentralize the web. If you haven't considered the ramifications of decentralizing the web, do so now. DACs know no boarders and yield to no authority. DACs will bring people from all over the world with similar interests,especially financial, together--true globalization. The decentralized web will deliver what the internet revolution promised to deliver but has yet to fulfill--true freedom. Until now, we've all been traveling the web as ghosts, disembodied joyriders with no substance. Keyhotee promises to animate us, to make us whole. We will have a name, a reputation, a wallet and our wits. We will be solid. However, this is just the start. Although Keyhotee will make us three dimensional, we will still be floating in cyberspace with no ground beneath our feet and no home. We need DACs.
The life blood of the DAC project is ProtoShares. It's the campfire everyone who believes in the movement can gather around. ProtoShares is also a honeypot. It attracts likeminded people and hopefully likeminded developers.
Invictus will go down in history for their contributions to the movement,no doubt, and they still have an important role, but currently it might be better if we started to think of them as any other DAC team. Our goal, as PTS holders, is to see to it that DACs are built. There are a lot of really good DAC ideas on the forum. But we have to ask ourselves, how are we going to help get these projects off the ground? Is it enough to just say to DAC builders, "We are community, join us!" or should we be trying to make ourselves look more attractive. How can we show new teams that we are a group of people who can help a project succeed and that we are indeed building the future of the web.
Like some of you, I am considering putting together a DAC team. And once you start looking through the eyes of a DAC team, you start to ask yourself, how is this community going to help me?
One way we can help, is to lay down a good plan for building DACs.
The strategies below are all ideas that new teams might or might not want to do. Note, I'm not asking the community if these ideas are good ideas or about legal considerations, I'm asking if we will support DAC builders who want to use these ideas. All the ideas below include the social promise of honoring the original ProtoShares.
New ProtoShares--Attracting miners
If a new team wants to release their own ProtoShares, good for either all their projects or for each DAC, will we support this? Will we support this if they wanted 90% of all shares of their DAC to be distributed in this way?
AngelShares--Funding Engine
DAC builders need to eat. Their families need to eat too. Will we support a team that wants to have AngelShares? Will we support them if they want 90% of their shares to come from AngelShares?
OurShares--Developer Rewards
It seems odd to tell the parents of a DAC that if they want a stake, they will need to use their food money to buy PTS or AngelShares. PTS holders and AngelShare holders should be happy that the team believes in what they are doing and do what they do for their own benefit as well as others. Will we support a team who wants to have OurShares? Will we support a team who wants to distribute their DAC's shares with 90% OurShares.
If a team wants to attract people outside the crypto community by giving away shares, will we support this?
BountyShares--Work/Community Building/Early Adopter Rewards
Will we support a team who distributes shares for work done on the project?
Will we support a team who sets up a way to randomly distribute shares in a DAC?
Post Release Mining
Will we support a team that wants their DAC shares to be mined after its release? Would we support a team who wanted to distribute 90% of the shares in this way?