finally I know what 'settle' means ......
this is really suck
bts's price is 0.021CNY/BTS at BTC38
but most witness give a feed price at 0.02 CNY/BTS, so the settle price is 0.02
what will happen?
people sell BTS at BTC38 at price 0.021, get fiat CNY, then sell fiat CNY to transwiser, get bitCNY, then settle at the wallet, buy back BTS at price 0.02
who gets hurt? the shorters again! why we always hurt the shorters? they provide liquility, but we hurt them again and again
I would ask all witness adjust SQP to 1001, and set feed price to a high than low, at this time, it's 0.021CNY/BTS.
it's time to protect all shorters!