in a no depth and liquidity marketing I don't think a daytrader can make much money from the market. they're most earned from rule. but this money comes from others lost. currently this is a hurt to the whole system.
I am no expert but isn't it the very nature of wall street and forex to have winners and losers?
And if we want more liquid market, what do we need?
More trading?
the answer to this question is more people shorting, I think.
I don't encorage people borrow bitCNY/bitUSD to buy BTS/BTC
I encorage people borrow bitCNY to be a fiat gateway of fiat CNY, buy/sell bitCNY at price 1.0 CNY, gain the exchange fee
or borrow bitCNY to buy a gateway's stock, add volume of the gateway.
I want these people can get a low risk profit from the gateway business.
when the liquility of bitasset is solved, the liquility of market will be solved.